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Manpower Planning is also called as
Human Resource Planning.
It consists of putting
right number of people,
right kind of people at the right place,
right time,
doing the right things

for which they are suited for the

achievement of goals of the organization.

Encompasses all the essential

functions of Personnel department.
Right from recruitment to retirement of an
employee, his payment, promotion, DAR,
transfers, pension etc. etc.

Providing maximum output with

minimum manpower.
Can be done by providing latest
Creation of new posts and surrender of
posts in obsolete categories.

Sanctioned Strength/Cadre

Number of Posts

Operated Strength/On-Roll

Number of employees

Surrender of posts

Reduction of Cadre

Creation of posts

Increase of Cadre

Creation of



(a)new technology is
(b)Increase in workload
(c)improvement in the existing
works like gauge conversion,
laying additional tracks etc.

Normally the following posts can be created

Private sidings
Six monthly review.

(a) Operative from 1989 at HQ Office

(b) Accountal maintained by CPOs Office.
d) Money value can be retained only of
surrendered permanent and temporary
revenue posts
(e) Maintained department-wise and grade-wise
(f) Matching surrenders can be drawn from this
bank irrespective of the department to which
they pertains

Money value
Eg. Scale Rs. 5200-20200 + 1800(GP)
5200 + 20200 / 2
= 12700 (Mean Pay)
= 12700 + 1800 (GP)
= 14500
=14500 + 7395(51% prevalent DA)
= 21895
= 21895 X 12
= 262740 (Per annum)

Creation of permanent revenue posts


Concerned PO
(To initiate the

FA&CAO Concurrence

GM- Sanction

Pre requisit

(a)Quantitative (b)Qualitative
Non-availability of vacancies
in the category proposed for
Confirming to All India
Benchmark for the proposed
Provision of equivalent
matching surrenders

Previous procedure

DGM(G)'s note No. G.176/25 dt. 7/8/1992.

Powers as per SOP Part "A" i.e. regarding creation of posts,
delegated to AGM.
Letter No. EP 261/0 Vol. VII dt. 13/10/98.
General Manager delegated powers to the DRMs
(i) for creation of non-gazetted Gr."C" and "D" posts required
for maintenance and operation of new assets
(ii) with matching surrender of posts of equivalent money
(iii) by operating a vacancy bank in which division may retain
25 % of the money value of surrendered post
DGM(G)'s note No. G.176/3 Item No. 1 dt. 27/4/2009.
All creations of Non-Gazetted posts including six monthly
review shall henceforth be done with the personal approval
of the General Manager

Current procedure

In 2007 and 2008

the following
instructions were
received from Board;

DRMs may be
allowed to create
posts required in
Safety and
categories on 1:1
basis, i.e. by
surrendering one
post in a particular
grade, a fresh post
can simultaneously
be created in the
same/ lower grade,
with the approval of

DRMs may be
allowed to create
posts in higher
grades by
equivalent money
value for the same
with the approval of
General Manager

Letter No. E/HRD/Creation procedures

dt. 18/11/2009
(a) Powers for creation of NG posts, required in Safety and
Operational categories and those for operation and
maintenance of new assets delegated to DRMs
(b) DRMs are to operate a Vacancy Bank wherein they were
permitted to retain 50% of the money value of posts
surrender by them
(c) Matching surrenders on 1:1 basis from divisional vacancy
(d) Associate Divisional Finance concurrence
(e) in principle approval of the General Manager

Letter No. E/HRD/Creation procedures

dt. 22/4/2010
For obtaining in principle approval of the GM => a D O letter
from DRM to CPO
(A) Justification of Branch Officer.
(B) Sr. DPOs certification regarding availability of equivalent
matching surrenders in divisional surplus bank.

Associate Finance concurrence.

All creation proposals
forwarded to HQ office for in
principle approval of the
General Manager will
henceforth be dealt by

Creation of temporary revenue posts

Procedure same as for creation of permanent revenue posts
As the name suggests these posts are created
specified period of time and if required, can

only for a
be further

Matching surrender is required only at the time of creation

Can be made permanent

Creation of posts due to six

monthly review

Created for Running categories viz. Loco Pilots, Guards etc.

Matching surrenders not required.

Created based on a specific formula set by Railway Board

Slack season April to September

Busy season October to March



Approvals at divisional level

Branch Officer (ii) divisional finance (iii) DRM
Approvals at HQ level

Creation of
Work-charged posts

As per SOP Part


PHODs/ HODs are

empowered to sanction
creation/ extension of
all temporary nongazetted posts for
which provision has
been made IN
by competent authority
subject to prior Finance

Creation of posts for

Private Sidings
Boards instructions circulated vide PS No. 71/92 dt. 24/7/1992
Where the cost of the staff is realized from a private party,
matching surrender need not be insisted upon.
Similarly, any savings from surrender of post being paid for by
Private Party should not be utilized for creating posts on the
Railways chargeable to Railway revenue.
Temporary in nature.
Procedure same as for creation of revenue posts. However, it
should be ensured that staff costs are being paid by the party
concerned prior to further extension.

Creation of Supernumerary posts

Created for
(a) surplus staff whose post has been surrendered till the person
vacates the posts on redeployment or through normal attrition.

(b) Medically de-categorized staff.

(c) Out of turn promotion of sportsperson.
Personal to the incumbent.
Temporary in nature.

Matching surrenders required only in case of Out of turn

promotion of sportsperson, to the extent of difference
between the Supernumerary post and the lower grade post
in monetary value.

May be created provisionally at the divisional level with

accounts concurrence and sanction at DRM level. The
proposal will then be sent to HQs with full details for expost facto sanction of the General Manager.

Procedure for dealing is same at HQ as for revenue posts.

of posts

Essential part of Manpower Planning.

Wage bills make up to 40% of total expenses. Together with

pension payments, almost 60 % of the total expenditure.

Constant review required to weed out posts in redundant

categories due to operational improvements, system
changes, mechanization, computerization,
change in
technology, and so on

Under Manpower Planning 1% target is set for

reduction of cadre in every financial year by
Railway Board.
For e.g. 1% target for BCT division was 284
posts for the year 2010-11, based on their
cadre as on 01.04.2010. The division created
110 posts during the year.
This enhanced their target to 284 + 110 =394
posts to be surrendered by 31.03.2011.
The division had to offset their creations of 110
posts by surrendering equivalent number of

Various ways to identify surplus post

(A) Work- study
(B) Benchmarking
(C) Departmental review

Surrender of posts can be done with concerned PHODs

approval by concerned Personnel Officer in HQ office.

In divisional office posts can be surrendered by Personnel

Officer with the concerned Branch Officers and DRMs

Direct recruitment surplus posts should

be straight away surrendered.
intermediate grades, equal numbers of
Boards immediate lower D/R grade or next
instructio lower D/R grade should be identified
and surrendered.
circulated (iii) For live surplus posts in
vide PS
intermediate grades, an equal number
of vacant posts of the accepting
226/2000 department in the immediate lower
direct recruitment grade should be
14/12/200 frozen temporarily, to be restored on
vacation of the higher grade posts by
the re-deployed staff due to any

In cases of surrender, of large percentage of

posts in a particular category and where the
safeguard, in regard to promotional prospect
of employees, are likely, to be infringed, the
recognised unions should be explained the
reasons and rational for such surrender of

Sanction letter of creation of posts/ creation

and surrender of posts under six monthly
review/ extension of currency of posts are to
be issued by Dy.CPO(HRD).

of Surplus

Definition of Surplus Staff.

Total or partial closure of activities.
Total or partial re-engineering of work processes
/ work methods.
Introduction of modern technology.
Outsourcing of some activities totally or

Re-deployment of Surplus Staff should be

given the highest priority and their
absorption will have precedence over all
modes of recruitment including screening
of casual labour and direct recruitment for
should be re-deployed in
up ofStaff
necessary training as required and
educational qualification as applicable
to those posts. This relaxation will not
apply for surplus steam maintenance
redeployment in running categories.
Normally the junior most of the employees
should be rendered surplus irrespective of
the manner in which they had entered the

Surplus Staff
working against
grades in which an
element of direct
recruitment exists,
should be straight
away re-deployed
against direct
including those in
other departments
after necessary

Whenever it is not
possible to redeploy Surplus
Staff as indicated
alongside, they
should be redeployed in
vacancies against
even lowest grade
vacancies. Vacant
posts in lower
grades set aside
for the purpose
should be frozen
and kept aside till
cadre balancing is

Boards instructions circulated

vide PS No. 226/2000 dt.
Surplus staff in intermediate grades should be
transferred/ re- deployed in the accepting
department along with the post, after training as
necessary, on establishment/ acceptance of the
need for additional manpower.
While issuing orders as above, an equal number
of vacant posts of the accepting department in
the immediate lower direct recruitment grade
should be frozen temporarily, to be restored on
vacation of the higher grade posts by the redeployed staff due to any reason.

In case vacant posts in immediate lower direct

recruitment grade are not available in the
accepting department, even next to next direct
recruitment grade vacant posts may be located
and frozen.
If no vacant posts are available in any of the
lower direct recruitment grades, the transferred/
re-deployed posts shall be surrendered as and
when they are vacated by the re-deployed staff
due to any reason in due course
The process of re-deployment of surplus staff
working against intermediate grade posts should
be finalised preferably within six months from the
date an incumbent is declared surplus.

Seniority on being rendered

P S No. 111/2004
dt. 7/6/2004
The surplus employees are not entitled for benefit
of the past service rendered in the previous unit/
department for the purpose of their seniority in
the new unit / department.
Such employees are to be treated as fresh
entrants in the matter of their seniority,
promotions etc.
When surplus staff are redeployed in a post
carrying a lower scale of pay, the surplus
employee shall be permitted to carry his current
pay scale along with him to the alternative post in
which he is so redeployed.

A team of officers (JS/ SS or JAG) should be

deputed for an on the spot assessment of options
from the surplus staff and suitable transfer orders
be issued after this.

In case where large number of Surplus Staff are

involved, and where promotional prospects are
likely to be affected in any way, recognized
unions are to be consulted for expeditious redeployment.



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