K Orientation 2015

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Ms. Michelle Consalo

Room 311


1.Sign in
2.Find your students folder &
get comfy. BE CAREFUL...
Chairs are very low
3. Meet someone new!!

Meet your new family!

We are in this together
Parents Will
Always Be Teachers
Children love to imitate those who love
them. So I hope to share the role as
teacher with you as we guide your child to
be a successful friend to others, an avid
learner, and a well rounded individual.

Arrival & Dismissal


**First day
Gates open **Kiss &Drop

7:50a.m. Tardy bell rings and
instruction begins

Dismissal: My Classroom Door

2:20p.m My classroom door in courtyard

* Any changes to normal pick-up

- email before noon
- call office
* Only those on list will be allowed to
pick-up your child

You Make A Difference!
I believe in parents and teachers
working together to provide fun
learning opportunities in a structured
environment that promotes success.

-Fill out form in envelope

- Special Jobs
-Sign-up genius

Positive Behavior
- Color Clip
- Class Dojo
- Mini color clip

Rule #1 Follow directions quickly

Rule #2 Raise your hand to speak
Rule #3 Raise your hand to leave
your seat
Rule #4 Make smart choices
Rule #5 Keep your teacher happy

Homework &
P.I.R.A.T.E Book

Parent /

Email maconsalo@interact.ccsd.net
Website http://consalo.blogspot.com/
School Phone 702-799-5776 ext. 3311
Schedule Meeting Before / After school
Just come see me!!!
Parrot Talk


*Sight Words
*Reading A to Z Books
*WEB- Wednesday
*Monday return Friday






When practicing
handwriting, ALWAYS
start at the TOP.
When we write we go top to bottom,
When we write we go top to bottom,
Top to bottom,
Top to bottom,
Top to bottom,
Woooo Hooooo!

Sight Words
Finger-Snap Fast
Sight words are words that we see and use often when
reading and writing.

Did you know that only 100 words make up half of all the words
found in books today? It may sound surprising, but this small set
of high-frequency words is the foundation of our language.
Good readers should be able to recognize and read them instantly.
Knowledge of high-frequency words is necessary for fluent reading.
Many of these words do not sound like their spellings; therefore
sounding them out would be unproductive. DO NOT SOUND THEM
Although many high-frequency words carry little meaning, they
affect the flow and coherence of text.
Developing a large sight word vocabulary helps a student become
a better reader by increasing reading fluency, speed, and accuracy.
Sight Word Book

Odds & Ends


Envelope ( Return by Friday 28th )

Specials / 6 Day
Media Form
Name on EVERYTHING ( If it can
leave their body put a name on it.)
* SNACKS Once I check food allergies
is our room will decide on how
snacks will be distributed.
* FIRST DAY Story for you and your
kindergartener and play on

Deer pair ants,

Ur stoodnt wil b brnging hom riting, doo not b
skaird ov the speling. The inglish langwij iz kunfewzing
two lern. Cidz uz phonetic speling in thair wrk to xpres
thair thouts. Foursing cidz too uz cunvenshunal speling
reedoss thair dezir and abillite to right. It iz mi joub to
teech ur child 2 uz reesorsis and lerning to beecum a
Smartie Writer.
U can hlp ur child bi incoruging thim at eech
divelupmentil stag. Axk ur child to reed and esplane thair
riting to u. Az ur child lerns about the inglish langwij tha
wil mak the tranzishun to adult writing.
Thank u 4 ur saport,
Ms. Consalo

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