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Communication is the process of transmission of a
message and understanding of information between
two or more people; it involves at least two partiesa sender and a receiver.

It is the process of passing information and

understanding, from one person to another, usually
with the intent to motivate or influence behaviour.

The Communication
Communication requires a
Sender produces the thought or idea to be transmitted
Receiver receives the transmitted thought or idea

The process of

Examples of One-Way
Calling to say you wont be at work, youre sick
Sending your Grandma letter
Leaving a note on the teachers desk
Sending flowers to your teacher

Examples of Two-Way
Your boss calls back to tell you that you have no more
sick leave this lifetime
Calling Grandma instead
Stopping by the teachers desk to talk


Types of Communication
Verbal no explanation necessary
Nonverbal 80% - 90% of the impact of the message
comes from nonverbal elements

Eye contact
Facial expression
Tone of voice
Never underestimate the power of BODY LANGUAGE!

Feedback and Filters

Feedback verbal and nonverbal responses that
the receiver gives by further communicating with
the original sender or another person
Filtering the tendency for a message to be
watered down, changed or halted completely at
some point during transmission.

Examples of Filters
Are thinking of something else
Are angry
Dont understand the language or
Jump to conclusions
Fail to read nonverbal messages

In your experience, what kind of

interference causes the most
1. Background noise
2. Movement in your field of vision
3. Your thinking ahead for a
4. Room temperature

Barriers of Communication
Structural barrier:
Status relationship
Group size
Spatial Constraint
Information overload.

Intra and interpersonal factors:

Semantic barrier
Individual difference in communication skills etc .

Channels of
Formal Channel following the chain of command discussing
issues or concerns with your immediate supervisor first before
going over his or her head to a higher-level manager
The formal communication channel is established by the
management and it is generally specified in the organization
Downward Communication
Supervisor to employee
Upward Communication
Feedback to downward communication
Horizontal Communication
Interaction between organizational units on the same hierarchical

Channels of
Informal Channel conveying information along channels
within an organization other than those formally designed by
the organization
Grapevine: It is an informal channel of communication which
is not controlled or sanctioned by management and serves as
foundation for all the gossips and rumors in the organization.
Social gathering: Organization needs to create opportunity
for employees to meet at a social level away from the formal
culture of the organization.
Management by walking around: Instead of limiting
oneself to ones own office and maintaining an official distance
from subordinated and colleagues, managers can move around
in the office premises and informally chat with people.

Flow of Information within an


Communication Styles
Passive Communication happens
when you simply give in without
expressing your feeling or rights

Communication Styles
Aggressive Communication is the
opposite of passive. You communicate
your feelings in a forceful manner
without regard to the rights or feelings
of others.

Communication Styles
Assertive Communication is the most
positive and effective communication
style. You stand up for your rights but do
not impinge on the rights of others.

Assertive Communication
Establish eye contact with the receiver
Do not use gestures that are threatening
Stand or sit erect, but not stiff
Speak in a normal voice and tone

Rules for the Sender

Be Clear
Ask for feedback to confirm you were
Be brief
Use short words and short sentences but dont
omit important information
Be polite
Use please and thank you enough to appear
sincere but not apologetic

Effective Listening
Make eye contact
Listen without speaking
Listen without thinking, What will I say next?
Give feedback to be sure you understand what the
speaker meant


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