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Nurture Marketing

Current Marketing Activities


Direct Mail

On-Line Weekly Webinars

Mass Appeal
Targeted Topics
Major / Minor

User Conference(s)



Reference Stories

One to One Correspondence . . . . . . . .

The Relentless Pursuit of Low-Hanging

Learning to

What is Nurture Marketing at

InSource Solutions?

A Process, automated through SalesLogix

CRM,causing the right people to
communicate the right messages to the
right people at the right time every time

Case Study: Major Software Developer

This major software developer sells most of

their software products through an international
group of 1000s of channel partners. In order to
create top of mind awareness in this highly
competitive environment this major software
developer utilizes Nurture to stay in touch with
their partners

Why Nurture

nurture \ nurchur \ - vt

1: to supply with vital nourishment 2: to

patiently educate 3: to faithfully further
and foster the development of.
4: to intentionally and consistently cause
someone to feel special
5: syn: see cherish.

Step 1 - Know your Customer

Identify and profile your best customers
What makes them your best customer
Identify the customer segments most likely to
value your products or services
Conduct segmentation analysis to target
suspects & prospects

Step 1 - Profile Customers & Suspects

Customer - Doing business with today or within
the last six to twelve months
Suspect A potential customer that you believe
has a need for your product or service that you
have not made contact or the contact was

Step 1 Profile Your Prospect

A potential customer that has given you reason
to believe that they wish to be your customer
The role of your sales team is to convert the
prospect to a customer using your unique sales

Step 2 - Nurture Works For

Complex sales
Multi-level sales
Long sales cycle
Large sales

Nurture does not work for:

Scatter Bomb sales
Retail sales (except High End products)
Simple sales (snow cones)

Step 3 - The Nurture Culture

Corporate Mandate
Nurture your people
Encourage your entire company
Develop new nurture approaches

The Nurture Philosophy

Nurture is:
Knowing your customers
Knowing yourself (Your companies products and
Deposits before withdrawals from your customers or
suspects; the emotional bank account
Purposeful targeting of suspects and clients
A strategy to create Top of Mind Awareness
A strategy to Fills the Gaps
A proactive demonstration of your business style
Defending your spot against competitive attacks

Step 4 - Know Yourself

Articulate your business values
What products and services do you sell?
How are your products used by your best
What is unique about your company or the
products and services they sell?

Step 5 The Emotional Bank Account

Deposits before withdrawals
Make 4 deposits before you ask for a
Nurture involves making deposits and
withdrawals but only when there are sufficient
funds in the account to justify the withdrawal
How you sell is how you serve
Reciprocity Get something in return

Step 5 The Emotional Bank Account

Nurture Deposits include:
Introducing yourself and asking permission to stay in touch with
your target audience
Thanking a customer
Information to solve their problems, no strings attached for their
Intelligent way to make a point
Reciprocity What goes around comes around
Helping them succeed

Step 5 The Emotional Bank Account

Withdrawals include:
Asking for the sale
Asking the client for a favor
Asking the client for space on their desk

Classical Problems:
Sales people are not trained to give without expecting something in
Customers ask, whats in it for you?

Overcoming the Problems

Orchestrate the contacts
Train sales on the benefits of giving

Step 6 - Purposeful Targeting

Drip Irrigation (Marketing) through Action
High value contacts through personal and
personalized mailings that your clients will remember
Full of nutrients that show that you understand their
business and their pain points
Lumpy Metaphors to get your messages opened and
Regular messages, on a regular basis, that your
customers, prospects, and suspects will anticipate
Who doesn't want to get nurturedits human nature!



James P. Cecil Company, Inc.2002

Purposeful Targeting:
The Importance of Metaphors
To get your messages opened and read
Keep your message in front of your prospect,
professionally, intelligently and persistently
yielding top of mind awareness
Repetition is the Mother of Top of Mind David
View your product or service as positive
Forgives the trick (Sign the check.)
Makes your reader smarter
Curiosity and Involvement

Action Plan
Series of personalized letters
Orchestrated through Sage SalesLogix
Supported by Metaphors
Supported by Meaningful Gifts

InSource Solutions
Nurture Action Plan #1 Goal
To become the manufacturing intelligence
executives opinion leader on achieving
operational synergy and efficiency

Nurture Action Plan #1

Target: Operations and Plant Management
Purpose: Identify, Individualize and Interact with
Management Level Operations Execs
Fill & cultivate pipeline
Identify early adopters & True Believers
Build Awareness of InSource Solutions and Manufacturing
Intelligence Group
Establish position & differentiate InSource Solutions
Drive Proactive Sales

Nurture Action Plan #1

Key Client Issues

Decreasing Manufacturing Operating Downtime

Increasing Production Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Increasing Product Output Quality
Integrating manufacturing systems to business systems
Providing executive dashboards to run their business

Nurture Action Plan #1

Identify, Interact & influence key manufacturing
decision makers
Guide InSource Solutions in communicating with
them in a way that will prime the pump without
eroding Account Executives efforts
Leverage Sage SalesLogix to provide an efficient
methodology for running automated action plan

Action Plan #1 Step 1


Days = 0

Is your operating efficiency trapped in the

manufacturing business intelligence maze?

Action Plan #1 Step 2

Days = 15
Business at the Speed of Thought

How you gather, manage and

use information will determine
whether you win or lose. Bill

Action Plan #1 Step 3 Days = 30

Enough to Worry About
Worry is often the price you pay for a problem
you have yet to solve Frederick Tucker, Jr.

Action Plan #1 Step 4

Words of Wisdom

Days = 40

To face tomorrow with the thought of using the

methods of yesterday is to envision life at a
standstill. - Alexander Graham Bell

Action Plan #1 Step 5

Nurture Call

Days = 7

Give Account Executives a valid reason for a

follow-up call

Action Plan #1 Step 6

Days = 30
Managing Crisis Before They Happen

Any kind of knowledge gives a certain amount of power. A

knowledge of critical details has served many in avoiding a crisis. A
knowledge of details has often caught an error before it became a
catastrophe. - Malcolm Forbes

Action Plan #1 Step 7

Why We Are Different

Days = 40

Skepticism is a Weapon . . . . Jack Welch, GE

Action Plan #1 Step 8

Days = 30
Tools for Synchronization
Even a master craftsman would be hard
pressed to produce outstanding results with
broken, rusted or obsolete tools. - Tom Watson,

Action Plan #1 Step 9

Supply Chain

Days = 21

The fundamental qualities of good execution of any plan are first,

naturally, intelligence, then discernment and judgment, which
enables one to recognize the best methods to attain it; then
singleness of purpose, and lastly, what is most essential of all, will
stubborn will . - Lee Iacocca

Action Plan #1 Step 10

Fear of Transformation

Days = 45

Ignoring change is much like running $100 dollar bills

through a paper shredder. - Malcolm Forbes

Action Plan #1 Step 11

Grounding Strategy

Days = 30

Staying competitive requires an elevated insight

into a manufacturers dollars & sense. It almost
requires a crystal ball. - Michael Hammer

Action Plan #1 Step 12

Holiday Letter

Days = ??

Feel good correspondence during Holidays

Nurture Metaphors In a Nutshell

Communicate with the right people, with the right
message at the right time
Direct Mail, and E-Mail
Adding Dimension to your messages to achieve
top of mind awareness so that clients, prospects
and suspects buy when they are ready

Occupy Top of Mind

Repetition is the mother of Top of Mind - David Ogilvy

The process that establishes an emotional relationship with your

Customers, Prospects and Suspects so that if asked they will
mention your company first when presented with an issue, idea or
problem that is solved by your companies product or service. Top of
Mind awareness is achieved by:

Knowing your target

Knowing how they (may) use your product/service
Knowing their pain points and how your product/service cures the pain
Gaining the trust of your target audience
Best Book Bottom Up Marketing - Jack Trout

Top of Mind Awareness

When your target has a need for a product or service
they think of your company first When they are
ready to buy
Not dependent on timing
May not be budget dependent
Sales people are able to handle a greater amount of
customer, prospects or suspects
Never cold call again

Fill in the Gaps

Studies show that 20% of sales people are
responsible for 80% of the sales
Studies show that sales people only pay
attention to 20% of a companys customers
Studies show that a sales person will drop a
suspect or prospect after only four ineffective
contacts, when 12 may be necessary to make a
Nurture is designed to fill these gaps

These are your customers that are ignored
because they dont represent revenue now
Those 80% of accounts that drop off of the
sales persons radar screen
How much money are you leaving on the table?
Remember that your Orphans many
times turn into your competitors
top 20% of accounts

Slow Adopters

Prospects, Suspects or
even customers that make
their buying decisions
slower then the sales
organization would like

Ironclad Reason to Nurture

Slow Adopters
Research shows:
90% of all leads are discarded without contact
19% are ready to buy within 90 days
21% are ready to buy: 91days - 12 Months
14% are ready to buy: 12 Months 24 Months
25% are ready to buy: 24 Months or greater
21% are DUDS

The cold call sales process allows for abandonment

after only 30 Days!

Other Opportunities
Centers of Influence

Remote Locations
How many customers, prospects and suspects
are not located within a sales territory?
What is your plan to expand your business
Test marketing? Nurture is the perfect way to
test a new location.

Demonstrate Your Style

You really care, dont you?
Customer service
Being in touch with whats important to your
Being there when they need you
Predictable behaviors exemplifies reliability

Defend your Spot

Affection is the Antidote for Defection

Your competition is going after your customers

and attempting to harvest your prospects and
Are your orphans at risk?
Are you forgetting the slow adopters and remote
How many A clients have you lost to the

Nurture Selling

The Power Of One To One

The Power of Giving First

The Power of Persistence
The Power of Leads
The Power of Process
The Power of Permission
The Power of Money
The Power of Repetition
The Power of The Extra Mile
The Power of Drip Irrigation
The Power to Nurture

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