Music Industry Survey

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Music Industry Survey

By Ethan Fitzpatrick
How Many Different Genres Of
Music Do You Listen To?
Number of Genres

The data that was 3% 5%

collected shows that a
vast majority of people
listen to more than one 92%

or two genres of music.

For our Label to be 1 2 3 or More

successful, we must
diversify our artists.
What Is Your Favorite Type Of
8% 34% Pop
14% Jazz
14% 16% Other

My research shows that the most listened to

genre of music was in the Alternative/ Rock group.
However, aside from Hip-Hop, the remaining
genres were listened to almost equally.
*The “Other” category consists of Classical, Techno, Religious, Blues, and Broadway.
When I Listen To Music, It Is
Usually Because…
Among the

surveyed, I

found that the 8%


mood a person The Mood I Am In

I Have Nothing Better To Do

is in plays the
In The Car

largest role in
why they listen
to music.
Since mood is such a large
factor in the average
American’s listening habits, It
would be helpful to know what
kind of mood they are in when
they listen to music
What Kind Of Mood(s) Are You In
When You Listen To Music?
10% Any Mood
10% 32%
Happy/ Upbeat
Neutral/ Mellow
18% Tired/ Relaxed
Sad/ Depressed

Most people included in this study do not have a specific

mood for which they listen to music, but rather any
mood. However, if there is a specific mood that induces
a listening mood, it is happiness.
Where Do You Get The Majority Of
Your Music?
Apple’s iTunes Music
9% Store is the clear
winner when it


comes to where
people get their
iTunes CD's From Stores
music. Compact
Other Online Source
Disks came in
second; a surprising
fact in today’s
digital age.
Subjects were asked about the
legality of their music. A problem
currently facing the music industry is
illegal file sharing. With programs such
as LimeWire, people are able to freely
give and take music from people
without the artists or companies
receiving a single cent for their work.

*The following question was optional*

Is The Music You Get Usually

16% No
No Response

*Unfortunately, there is no way to ensure the

integrity of these results
With the ever-decreasing sales
of CD’s, and digital transactions
at an all-time high
(despite the overall drop in
revenue) we must ask ourselves,
“Are CD’s still a part
of a profitable industry?”
Do You Think CD’s Are “A Thing Of
The Past?”

Yes: 38%

These Findings
suggest that CD’s
are still a fairly
viable industry.

No: 62%
What Do You Think “The Next Step
Forward” Should/ Will Be In The
Music Industry?
• Increase technology to enforce payments
to the system
• All digital, no “hard copies”
• Offer more free music on the web
• Make more efforts to find “new” and “real”

These are just a few of the responses the survey received

When asked “Do you have any suggestions that you
think would better the Music Industry as a whole?” The
survey got mixed responses. Some were in favor of making
free music more available.

“Stop freaking out so much

about music pirating. Make it
free, and you won't have to deal
with the problem. People will be
happy, and you'll still make tons
of money from tours and
On the other side of the spectrum, I received
suggestions as to what should be done about illegal
downloads, etc.

“Add a death penalty for

stealing music. Prison time
for listening to free radio. ”
To everyone who took the time to
complete the survey. I really
appreciate the help for my class.

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