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Physical Therapists as Primary Care Providers for Chronic Neuromuscular Disease:

A Case Report
Nancy Mulligan PT DPT, Barbara Tschoepe, PT PhD, Marcia Smith, PT PhD
School of Physical Therapy, Regis University, Denver, CO


Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT) is known for its Systems review – moderate cardiovascular risk • Retraining of trunk, hip and LE recruitment patterns as PT care plans typically address acute episodic events with
slowly progressive symmetrical weakness that they related to posture, balance and gait short term interventions that demonstrate limited
•Posture and gait analysis – significant asymmetries
begins distally creating concurrent functional functional gains, challenging evidence for the long-term
• Gait re-education with sEMG and MBT® heel rocker shoe
losses. While CMT’s progression is •MMT, ROM, muscle length testing – proximal trunk and efficacy of PT. This case report illustrates the impact of a
with cane  standard shoes without cane and retro TM comprehensive 5 year PT-guided program that
documented, few studies have reported long distal muscle weakness/length deficits
term effects of PT interventions. • Balance training: proactive, reactive and stability strategically prioritized problems during an extended
•Surface electromyography (sEMG) analysis of muscle
follow-up period and resulted in significant gains across
Purpose: activation patterns – poor muscle onset and offset timing, • HEP for enhanced core control  circuit training at multiple functional outcomes.
inappropriate sequencing and low amplitudes throughout health club
1. Describe a PT plan of care for an individual with the gait cycle
CMT 1A that emphasized motor learning and • Aerobic conditioning with recumbent bike and TM
motor control while incorporating surface •Balance – no ankle strategies, inappropriate hip and
• Manual therapy for periodic episodes of neck, hip and
electromyography (sEMG), manual therapy, stepping strategies, poor anticipatory responses and poor
knee pain
strengthening, and aerobic conditioning. stability
• Neurologist, orthopedist, psychologist and sport podiatrist
•Functional Outcome Measures – PPT-7, sit to stand x 5,
2. Illustrate the PT’s role as primary care provider for a referral
gait speed, Patient Specific Functional Scale
person with a chronic neuromuscular disability
over a 5 year period. OUTCOMES
sEMG analysis of muscle activation patterns – Unopposed
firing of tibialis anterior 2° to no gastroc-soleus activity
progressed to an alternating pattern.
A 52 yo woman recently diagnosed
with CMT 1A
Initial goals:
•Decrease fatigue CLINICAL RELEVANCE
•Complete job responsibilities •PT serving as a primary care provider can mange the
•Walk independently from car to office (3000ft) patients care and refer to physicians and other health
•Improve balance to reduce fall frequency (4 falls care providers as needed to address the long term
reported over previous year) DIAGNOSIS functional goals of patients with neuromuscular
Patient Specific Functional conditions
PT in a primary care model periodically addressed: Balance and gait dysfunction, motor recruitment and Goals
•Patient goals strength deficits associated with CMT Activity Goal Achieved •The authors encourage colleagues to combine evidence
•Body structure and function impairments Walk 3000ft to office Safe community
from both neuromuscular and musculoskeletal literature
•Activity limitations PROGNOSIS 10 K Walk without 2 hours and 18 minutes to optimize outcomes for patients with CMT
walking sticks
•Participation restrictions
Progressive disorder with guarded ability to improve Recreational Skier Green and Blue
diamond ability

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