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Presented by Angelo Anderson

2 March 2010
LMM/2100 Lakeside Men’s Shelter
 This training is provided FREE by Farrell Ink,
LLC thanks to the Learning for Life
 The Learning for Life Collaborative based at the
West Side Catholic Center in Cleveland, Ohio
supports non-profits & faith communities to
provide cost effective, volunteer-based adult
education tutoring.
 You may duplicate, present, or print this
training FREE for non-commercial purposes
and can customize it as long as you attribute
the Learning for Life Collaborative. (No
plagiarism, please!)
 Introduction to student forms, registration, a
nd initial assessment with TABE
 Overview of materials in the Learning for Life
Starter Kit
 What is really on the GED & how do students
apply to take the test?
 Role play: take a sample pre-test and practice
What do these numbers mean?

Back to Training Objectives

 The Test of Adult Basic Education is an
assessment published by CTB/McGraw Hill for
use in a variety of adult education settings.
 Can be used for initial assessment, to

document progress, or to test readiness for

the GED test.
 More information about administering the

TABE test is available in our trainings

“Administering TABE 9/10 Survey” and
“Administering TABE Advanced Level Tests”.
Form: 9, or 10 9 usually initial assessment, 10 is post-test
Level: E, M, D or A Easy, Medium, Difficult or Advanced
NC: Number Correct Between 0-25
SS: Scale Score Can compare results across test levels
GE: Grade Equivalent Approximate level to assign materials
Subject Form Level NC SS GE

Reading 9 D 19 500 9.9

Math Computation 9 M 8 380 4.2

Applied Math 9 M 15 440 6.6

 Form & Level tells us which test to give as
post-test (example: 9M10M & vice versa)
 NC helps us find the other numbers!
 SS gauges improvement across tests: if you

give 9M and then 9D, you can still compare

 GE is used to find appropriate study materials

(10.5 or higher=ready for GED)

 CTB/McGraw Hill publishes hand scored profiles to
diagnose which assessed skills have been
mastered, currently ~$1 each (25 packs).
 To score: Circle the number of the question missed
to find out which areas need the most study.
 Profiles are most helpful with math. Math books list
the skills taught in the table of contents so you can
target instruction.
 As an instructor, you can create your own Quick
Math Diagnostic for personal use just looking at
the TABE answers (you’ll see a sample later), but it
can’t be published. Sorry!
 Many organizations already have registration
forms as part of larger program intake
process. Ours available online at this link.
 Information needed for Sullivan Learning
Center can be directly entered into online
◦ Student contact information
◦ Identifying information (DOB, last 4 of SSN)
◦ TABE scores
◦ Optional demographic information
Student Name: Sam Pull StudentPhone Number:(216)555-1234
Emergency Contact: Sam Spouse Phone Number:(216)555-4321
Washington 13 Score: 4 Primary Goal: Pass GED Test
Secondary Goal (optional): Pass Civil Service Exam

Date Test Name Form/Level Subject Scale Score Grade Eq.

8/4/09 TABE 9M Reading 520 5.6

9D Math Comp 514 5.2

App Math 580 7

Total Math 554 6.2

Click these links to download: a blank Individual Learning Plan or a

sample Individual Learning Plan.
 Student writes during
◦ Contact Info
◦ Primary & secondary goals
 Orientation Leader writes:
◦ Washington 13 Score
◦ TABE 9/10 results
 Write additional progress,
activities, and goals with
student during class.
 The Short Term Goals section of the ILP is
your off-road map.
 Document any planned activities that deviate
from regular course of instruction.
 Example:
◦ Goal: Pass written driver’s test.
◦ Activities: Study driver’s manual. Take online
practice driver’s tests.
 All activities must have a way to measure
when the skill is mastered or goal met. Then
mark the goal met as progress!
Short Term Goals & Activities
Date Set: 8/4/09 Goal: Prep Civil Service Exam Date Met:
Activity Date Complete Assessment Score
NY State Online Test Guide
NY State Test Guide Practice Test
Civil Service Test Guide from Public Library
Apply to take Civil Service Exam
 Write on assignment sheet (blank) or
view a sample assignment sheet:
Date Classwork Assignment Notes

11/02/21 Subject: TABE 9 (Level) Homework Any further

BP Book: referrals?

 Staple ILP to the left side & Assignment Sheet to

the right side of a manila folder. Write student’s
name on the tab & store in a secure location.
 Progress: mastering one skill (dividing fractions) or
progressing on a standardized scale (from reading
grade level 3 to 4).
 Baby steps count! For instructional clarity, ALL
progress should be documented.
 Reality Check: Even if student passes every chapter
review, they may not be ready for higher level work.
Periodically post test using standardized tests like
TABE (at the end of a book works well).
 TABE isn’t everything! It is used as a baseline to
compare across classes, but use other formal tests
depending on a student’s goals & skills.
 Use the form Student Progress (available at to track formal &
informal progress. Some examples:
Date Student Name Book/Test Progress
1/11/10 Gerald Ford Challenger 4 L 4-8 Review
1/12/10 Joan of Arc Pre-GED Sci Chap 5 Review
1/12/10 Queen Latifah TABE 9M Math 15/555/5.6
1/13/10 Mahatmas Gandhi Online Driver’s 24/25-Passed!

 Write on everything on Progress Sheet.

 Write formal assessments on ILP!
The “regular” course of

Back to Training Objectives

 YOU receive it today for participating!
 Download FREE from
 The materials listed here are part of the
Learning for Life Starter Kit provided to our
sites. The series are easy to follow for
students & tutors, and help many adults
preparing for job training or the GED test:
◦ Laubach Way to Reading
◦ Challenger Reading Series & Writing for Challenger
◦ Math Skills for the Workforce
◦ Breakthroughs
◦ Contemporary’s Pre-GED & GED Satellite
 Add to our list! Put some room in your
budget, both time & money, to request book
samples, browse websites, check out
materials from the library, and talk to other
instructors about what works for them.
 Listen to your students. Every class and

student is different. With experience, Site

Managers and tutors develop their own
methods & materials to teach. This is just the
Starter Kit!
 This is a suggested list; adjust to your
preferences (on page 6 of Pocket Guide):
Grade Equivalent Book 1st Assignment
0-0.9 Laubach 1 Lesson 1 with tutor
1-1.9 Laubach 2 Lesson 1 with tutor
2-2.9 Challenger 2 Lesson 1
3-3.9 Challenger 3 Lesson 1
4-4.9 Challenger 4 Lesson 1
5-6.5 Challenger 5 Lesson 1
6.5-7.5 Challenger 6 Lesson 1
6.5-8.9 Pre-GED Reading Pre-test
9.0-10.9 GED Reading Pre-test
10-12.9 TABE Level A Reading Test
Back to Your Turn: Sam’s 1st Assignment
 Math also interacts with reading level. Use
the TABE Profile or Quick Math Diagnostic (on
page 7 of Pocket Guide):
Reading GE Math Subject Book Section
0-3.9 Add, Sub, Mult Math Skills for the 1st ½ section (no
or Div Workforce: Whole #s word prob)
4+ Add, Sub, Mult Math Skills for the Whole section
or Div Workforce: Whole #s
4+ Fractions MSFTW: Fractions
4-6.9 Decimals & % MSFTW: Dec & %
4-6.9 Integers, Alg WSFTW: Alg & Geom
7-8.9 Dec, %, Alg + Pre-GED Math Pre-test
9-10.9 Dec, %, Alg + GED Math Pre-test
Back to Your Turn: Sam’s 1st Assignment
 The 3 other subjects on the GED test: Science
(Sci), Social Studies (SS) & Writing (LAW). (on
page 8 of Pocket Guide):
Reading GE Subjects Book 1st Assignment
2-4.9 LAW Writing for Lesson 1
5-6.9 Sci, SS, LAW Breakthroughs Pre-test
7-8.9 Sci, SS, LAW Pre-GED Pre-test
9-10.9 Sci, SS, LAW GED Pre-test
11-12.9 LAW College Writing Practice
 In addition to the books we’ve chosen,
your classroom can offer supports to
creative instruction (each could be its
own training!):
◦ Materials from real life: newspapers, job
applications, measuring cups, playing cards
◦ Relevant information: job openings, other
available services, current events
◦ Promote interaction: problem of the day,
motivational sayings, student newsletter
◦ Incorporate technology: webquests, online
educational games, practice tests

Back to What if student doesn’t pass?

◦ Dictionary, Thesaurus & Encyclopedia online
 LearningExpress Library:
◦ Online courses & eBooks for residents of Cuyahoga
County with a library card (and 4000 other libraries)
 Online GED Videos: Get headphones!
 See more at our training “
Introduction to Online Instructional Materials” or
the 2 page handout: “
Online Instructional Materials”

Back to What if student doesn’t pass?

Student Name: Sam Pull Student Phone Number:(216)555-1234
Emergency Contact: Sam Spouse Phone Number:(216)555-4321
Washington 13 Score: 4 Primary Goal: Pass GED Test
Secondary Goal (optional): Pass Civil Service Exam

Date Test Name Form/Level Subject Scale Score Grade Eq.

8/4/09 TABE 9M Reading 520 5.6

9D Math Comp 514 5.2

App Math 580 7

Total Math 554 6.2

Note: These scores are fictional.

Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Whole #s 1 4 2, 5, 6, 17 3, 11, 15
Fractions 21 7 13 10
Decimals 8 18 9, 20 22
Percents 12 19
Integers 14, 23 24 16 25

For a more in depth diagnostic including Reading and Applied Math

skills, use the TABE Profile.
Missed questions are underlined and in italics.
Note: These question #s & distribution are fictional and not
published anywhere; it is a sample of a diagnostic you can make by
looking at the questions on the TABE test.
Back to Assigning Math
 Reading: Challenger 5 Lesson 1
 Math: Math Skills for the Workforce Whole

Numbers, Division Section

Rehearse your part

Back to Training Objectives

1. Use proper sentence structure & paragraph
organization in an original essay.
2. Visual literacy: interpret graphs, diagrams,
charts, cartoons.
3. Multi-step math word problems. Use Casio
fx-260 calculator on half of the test.
4. Figure out vocabulary from context clues.
5. Bloom’s Taxonomy: comprehend, compare
& contrast, recognize bias, apply given info
to given situations, break into components.
 Handout and other information available from Interesting points:
◦ Only 60% of graduating high school seniors would
pass the GED test on their first try.
◦ 98% of colleges/universities and 96% of companies
accept the GED credential for those required to
have a high school degree.
◦ Local jurisdictions establish testing eligibility and
testing fees ($40 in Ohio).
 Click this link to find an official GED testing
center by zip code.
 “You will have 45 minutes to write on a topic
that they will give you. Take 10 minutes to
plan the outline of your essay on scrap paper,
and 10 minutes at the end to review your
essay. Writing every other line will allow you
to cross out and make any changes.

 The most important thing is to address the

topic. You can write the greatest essay in the
world, but if it’s not on topic, you won’t pass.
 Score between 1 and 4 in .5 increments.
 2 or more in all areas is passing. Total Writing
score is a rubric of Essay vs. Multiple Choice.
 Grade in 5 areas:
◦ Response to the Prompt
◦ Organization
◦ Development & Details
◦ Conventions of Edited American English (EAE)
◦ Word Choice
 Add grade in all areas & divide by 5 to get
average. Have at least 2 people read & grade
essay, writing their initials & date with the score.
1 2 3 4

Inadequate Marginal Adequate Effective

Does not Clearly
Response to Focus may Establishes a
address focused main
the Prompt shift. main idea.
prompt. idea.
Some Clear and
Does not Identifiable
Organization evidence of a logical
organize. organization.
plan. organization.
Uneven Specific and
Vague & lacks
Development Little or no development; relevant
and Details development some specific details and
detail. examples.
Conventions Some
No sentence
of Edited Inconsistent sentence Consistently
American use of EAE. structure & uses EAE.
little EAE.
English EAE.
Weak or Narrow range Exhibits Varied and
Word Choice incorrect of word appropriate precise word
words. choice. word choice. choice.
 To organize, try using the 5 paragraph
essay. A paragraph is at least 2-3
 The introduction starts general with the
topic then gets specific with the main
 Then there are three body paragraphs,
each with one example or detail
supporting the main idea.
 The conclusion rephrases the main idea
then gets general again. Explain how it
relates to the reader. I call this the “Who
cares?” paragraph.
 You are graded on grammar & spelling, but its
balanced by word choice. Don’t say, “I like the
beach”; write, “I love the feel of the sand between
my toes.” It’s better to use a bigger or better
word & spell it wrong than not to try at all.
 When you practice writing essays, use a
thesaurus to look up new words.
 Type your essay on the computer which will
underline misspelled words in red. When you
misspell a word, practice writing it correctly
fifteen times.
 But always remember this: write only about the
topic they give you!”
 What is one important goal you would like to
achieve in the next few years?

 In your essay, identify that goal. Explain how

you plan to achieve it. Use your personal
observations, experience and knowledge to
support your essay.

From, see website for Sample

 In the words of my Art History Professor:
 “Get stupid. Tell me what you see.”

 Anything printed in a test or book deals with some past issue.

Connect to today’s news at:
GED Question from “Which of the
following correctly explains the flow of blood through the
students fail the timed test because they
used the calculator incorrectly or not at all.


If a = 2 and b = 3, find the value of  1/a – 1/b + 1/ab

3. READ GRAPHS & CHARTS: The best way to

read them is to make them & then present
them. This also builds 21st century skills.
1. Line graphs, pie charts, & coordinate planes.
Support before & after the test

Back to Training
 If you want to apply to take the GED test
outside of Ohio, go to and
contact your jurisdiction’s GED Testing
 The GED Testing Administrator’s website or

office can give you details on the application,

eligibility & fees in your state to take the GED
 Never, under any circumstances, can a person
take an online test to receive a high school or
GED diploma!

 NEVER! It’s a scam!

 But…you can study for & apply to take the

GED test online.
 Attach all forms to paper application or confirmation page
from your online application.
 YOU receive the full application packet today.
 Forms downloadable from Ohio Department

of Education GED office or picked up from

local testing center.

 OR use paper now, then enter online later

Don’t dive alone!

Back to Training Objectives

 Breakthroughs series written at 5-8 grade
 Ready to test your skills?!
 Everyone please complete the pre-test

◦ Note: Students are usually asked to complete pre-

test on notebook paper to save copies.
◦ If you finish early, take a sneak preview into one of
the Breakthroughs books.
 Find a partner and exchange your tests
 Check the test & find the percent correct:
◦ Divide number of questions correct by total number
of questions
◦ Move decimal point 2 places to the right
◦ >80% = skip the whole book! <80% = review skills
 Circle any missed questions on the evaluation
chart. Chapters with more than half of the
questions missed should be reviewed.

 Thoughts? Reflections?
 Check out our other FREE trainings &
publications at,
◦ Learning for Life: Program Management Procedures
(Information from trainings in an FAQ format)
 Sign up for Farrell Ink’s FREE monthly
eNewsletter or email with any questions.
God, thank you for the mustard seed although it is so small.
God, thank you for the plant that grows up largest of them all.
God, thank you for the birds that sing in branches that reach
God, thank you for the words you teach while walking by my
God, give us love and strength to meet each other’s human
God, bury me to rise again just like the mustard seed.
 We hope this is enough to get you started
tutoring to help adults earn their GEDs!

 This training is FREE! If you would like to

support our ongoing work, please donate to
the West Side Catholic Center with the memo:
“Learning for Life Collaborative.”
◦ 3135 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113
◦ (216) 631-4741, ask for Susan Ertle at x132

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