Lec 3-Writing Styles

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Put topic sentence first
Structure paragraphs coherently
Repeat terms
Use dominant position
Maintain class or membership relationship
Provide transitions
Arrange sentences by level


Assembly drawings are drawings that

portray and explain the completely
fabricated final product. Assemblies are
drawn on a large sheet of paper. They
generally have two or three views that convey
all the information the reader needs about the
part. The assembly also explains different
parts that make up the entire piece. It gives
the costs, quantity, and description of each
part. The assembly drawings, then, provide a
basic overview of the entire product.

Repeat terms
Because fluid does not compress, its only
path is between the gears and the
housing. This path is least resistant it
allows the fluid to flow in that direction


Use dominant position

Contrast is one of the most important
concepts in black-and-white print-making.
Soft contrast just a range of grays is used
to portray a calm effect, such as fluffy kitten.
Hard contrast, on the other hand, creates
sharp blacks and bright whites. It is used for
dramatic effects, such as striking portraits.


Maintain class or membership relationship

Retailing has two career paths.

Store management involves
working in the store itself.
Merchandising involves working in
the buying office.


Arrange sentences by level

To develop an MRP program, our only investment will be the two IBM
printers. One will be accessed by the line foreman for planning and
controlling production orders. The second printer will be used by the
marketing and sales staff for customer orders. This printer must be
able to produce various fonts. The two printers will cost $1,000 each,
plus a setup fee of $500, totaling $2,500.

To develop an MRP program, our only investment will be the two IBM
One will be accessed by the line foreman for planning and
controlling production orders.
The second printer will be used by the marketing and sales staff
for customer orders.
This printer must be able to produce various fonts

The two printers will cost $1,000 each, plus a setup fee of $500,
totaling $2,500.

Choose a TONE for the reader

Forceful writer is in control of the situation
or situation is positive
Passive reader has more power than writer
or to neutralize negative situation
Personal reader and writer are equal or to
express respect to reader
Impersonal writer is not important or
situation is neutral


Forceful tone
Use the active voice
Do not use weasel words (possibly, maybe, perhaps)
Use imperatives
Clearly indicate that the writer is the responsible


I have decided to implement your suggestion to form

quality circles in our plant. This proposal has great
merit. You have demonstrated that we can raise morale
and increase the bottom line. Make an appointment to
see me in order to set up the basic planning.


Passive tone
Avoid imperative
Use the passive voice
Use weasel words
Do not explicitly take responsibility


The suggestion to form quality circles has not been

accepted. The discussion of morale and bottom-line
benefits could possibly have other results than those
indicated. Because this decision could affect the
planning cycle, a meeting will be scheduled soon in
order to hold a discussion on this matter.


Personal tone
Use the active voice
Use first names
Use personal pronouns
Direct questions at the reader
Jack, thanks for that suggestion about quality circles. Its great. We all
like the way it will raise morale and increase our bottom line. Id like
to see you soon on this. Would you make an appointment to see me?
Jack, thanks for the suggestion about quality circles but we just cant
do it right now. I agree with your point about morale, but I think
youve missed an important figure for the bottom-line argument. Fred
pointed out the error. I know this is a disappointment for you. Could
we get together to discuss what to do next?


Impersonal tone
Do not use names, especially first name
Do not use personal pronoun
Use the passive voice
Use longer sentences
A decision to implement a quality circles proposal has been
made. This project should increase both employee morale and
the profits of the company. The following people will attend a
meeting on Monday at 4.00 p.m to discuss implementation of
this proposal: Jim Jonas, Jill Smith and Ed Johnson.




Use top-down organization
Use context-setting introduction
Define term
Tell what cause you to write
State purpose of document

Place important material at the top

Emphasize importance of document




Use preview list
Main points of document
State at the end of introduction section

Use repetition and sequencing

Restate exactly the same words and sequence as
mentioned in preview list

Use structural parallellism

Each section of a document follows the same
organizational pattern.




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