Lec 5-Summirizing and Outlining

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Restates major findings, conclusions, and

support data found in a document.

Appear at the beginning of the report, before the


A short version of a report or journal article.

Appear with the report/article in the periodical or
as an independent unit.

Types of abstracts: Informational Abstract and

Descriptive Abstract.

Format: Includes the major points from original doc.
Purpose: Give readers enough information to grasp the main
findings, conclusions and recommendations of original
Length: One to three paragraphs.
Example: The article notes that functional resumes should
include a career objective, academic experience and a list of
the applicants skills.

Format: Gives only the main topics of the document.
Purpose: Help readers to decide whether they want to
read the original document.
Length: One paragraph only.
Example: The article lists the main parts of the functional

Use Basic Summarizing Strategies

1.Read to find the main terms and concepts.

.What are the main divisions of document?
.What are the key statements?
.Which sentence expresses the overall purpose
of the document?

1.Read to find the main terms and concepts


.Which sentences tell the main ideas of each


.What details support the main ideas?

.What are the key terms? Which words are
repeated or emphasized?

Use Basic Summarizing Strategies

2.Decide how much detail to include.

.Consider audiences needs
.Description of contents name only main sections.
.Understand the underlying ideas provide details.


Proportional reduction refers to the idea

that each part in the summary should be proportionally
equal to the corresponding part in the original.
Main point followed by support writer should write a clear
topic sentence that repeats the central thesis of the

Use the Usual Form

Length of 250 words to 1 page

Verbs in the active voice and present tense
A clear reference to the document
No terms, abbreviations, or symbols unfamiliar to the
Report the contents of document without bias
Main points first

Definition: a map of documents main and
supporting points.

Reading Aid
Prewriting Device

Types of Outlines

1.Traditional Outline
.Each phrase is on a line of its own.
.Numbers and letters show the sequence of ideas.
.Indentations show which ideas are equal and which are
subordinate to others.

I. Problems with Europallets
A. Regulatory Difficulties
1. Only railroads issue licenses
2. Only Europeans receive licenses
a. French company agrees to import pallets
b. Americans rent from the French
B. Domestic Difficulties
1. No used pallets are available
2. No automated production is available


Nucleus Outline

Uses clusters to group similar ideas.

Like mind-mapping
Can be used to group related thoughts.


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