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Employee Engagement:
Cochin Port Trust

1 02-july-2009
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Company profile
Cochin Port Trust

2 3 March 2010
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• India is serviced by 12 major ports and 185
notified minor and intermediate port.
• present this ports are handle about 75%of
maritime cargo of the country.

3 3 March 2010
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4 3 March 2010
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• Cochin Port is located on the Willing don Islan

• The Cochin Port Trust newly launched E-

Thuramukham, a comprehensive
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
becoming the first Indian port.

5 3 March 2010
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• The Mission of the Cochin Port Trust is to provide
dependable, cost-effective Port services through
modern and efficient infrastructure coupled with
high quality, customer friendly services.
• The Board of Trustees, the employees and all
stakeholders of the Port shall work as a team in an
open, positive, collaborative and cooperative

6 3 March 2010
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The vision of the Cochin Port is to serve the

country as
• A public service provider
• An economic development facilitator
• A Business enterprise
• An environmental conservator

7 3 March 2010
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– Strengthening our competitive position

– Maximizing space and infrastructure


8 3 March 2010
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9 3 March 2010
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Gallup 12 model
• Gallup being one of oldest the consulting
organisation {in conducting engagement survey}
• creates a feedback system for employers that
would identify and measure elements of worker
• Hundreds of focus groups and thousands of
interviews with employees in a variety of
industries, Gallup came up with the Q12,
• 12-question survey will help to identifies strong
feelings of employee engagement.

10 3 March 2010
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IES Survey 2003

• Institute for Employment Studies

• IES’ 2003 attitude survey was conducted
among 10,000 employees in 14 organisations.

11 3 March 2010
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The Engagement Model
Immediate Management

Training Development and Career

Performance and appraisal


Fair treatment Feeling Valued

And Involved Engagement
Pay and benefits

Health and safety


Family friendliness

Job satisfaction Source: IES Survey 2003

12 3 March 2010
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13 3 March 2010
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1. To identify the important elements which influence the

employee engagement in Cochin Port Trust
2. To identify the relation between following elements and the
employee’s in Cochin port trust.
•Training, development and carrier
•Equal opportunities and fair treatment
•Pay and benefits
•Job satisfaction
•Performance and appraisal
•Health and safety

14 3 March 2010
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• Sampling Design
Proportional Quota Sampling

• Sample unit
Employees of the all (seven main department and two sub
department) departments including four classes of cochin port trust.

• Sample size
Out of the 4306 employees in the organization a sample of 150
respondents were selected for study.

15 3 March 2010
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• Data collection
The data was collected from the respondents using a
standardized questionnaire and interview method. The non-
directive interview method was also adopted where we
encouraged the respondent to talk about their complete
feelings. Discussions were also conducted with the employees.

16 3 March 2010
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• Software : SPSS 11.5

• Tools:
 Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient
 Chi-square test
 Comparison of means

17 3 March 2010
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18 3 March 2010
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Correlation between Dependent
variable And Independent variables
variable Pearson Relation
Training .500 Moderate positive
Communication .333 Weak positive correlation
Equal opportunity and fair .628 Strong positive correlation
Co-operation .505 Moderate positive
Job satisfaction .571 Strong positive correlation

Performance appraisal .583 Strong positive correlation

Pay and benefits .498 Weak positive correlation

Health and safety .379 Weak positive correlation
19 3 March 2010
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Chi-Square values

Variables Chi-square value Critical value

Training 104.560 (df 5) 15.0863
Communication 96.347 (df 3) 11.34
Equal opportunity and fair 165.520(df 5) 15.08
Co-operation 115.067(df 3) 11.34
Job satisfaction 98.160(df 3) 11.34
Performance appraisal 99.333(df 4) 13.27
Pay and benefits 96.067(df 4) 13.27
Health and safety 104.342(df 3) 11.34

significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

20 3 March 2010
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• Class I employees are more involved in their work and
class III shows the low level of involvement.
• We find the 20-30 and above 50 age groups are shows
the high rate of work involvement compares to others.
• Male employees are more involved than the female
• Accounts and marine department shows the high rate of
involvement and civil department shows low rate.

21 3 March 2010
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1. Workload of the employee can be reduced by

providing latest equipments, Conduct the
awareness programs of health and safety
measures. Hence it will increase the commitment
of employees towards their work.
2. In order to increase the commitment level of
employee’s, adequate recognition and
appreciation should be given for the successful
completion of designated works.

22 3 March 2010
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3. Direction and guidance should be given at
right time so as to increase the performance of
employees. That will help to increase the
employee’s involvement level.
4. An appraisal system based on continuous
evaluation relating to various aspects of the
work of an employee

23 3 March 2010
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5. Internal communication among the employees
should be increased, by conducting certain
programs among the inter-departments, will
help the employee to get more involvement to
the company.
6. In order to ensure that right person is being
promoted to the right post the company should
review its present promotion policy.

24 3 March 2010
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7. The mission, vision and policy of the
organization should be clearly defined to each
and every employee recruited in.

25 3 March 2010
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Presented by

26 3 March 2010
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