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Preparing an

Organizational Change
Management Plan
Org Change Management Activities
by Project Phase

JUNE 6-10 2005

ASAP Roadmap

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

Project Preparation

Core Team Training Schedule and Budget Estimate

Change Management & Communication Strategys
Project Measurement Scorecard
Project Brand & Logo


Project Initiation (Kickoff)

1/21/02 3/29/02

Coordinate Core Team Training Develop core team training plan. Conduct SAP Level 1 training (SAP 020) on site &
communicate Level 2 courses to WA core team members for attendance at SAP training
Define a Change Management Strategy and Plan
Develop a change management strategy that identifies key change management activities
and supporting tasks by ASAP phase.
Design Communication Strategy & Plan
Design a communication strategy, including goals & objectives, principles, stakeholders,
approach, themes, messages, channels, communication vehicles as well as measures of
success. Design implementation communication plan which will include what to
communicate to whom, by whom, through what medium and at what time.
Design Project Measurement Scorecard
Support project management in the development of a project measurement scorecard.
Design Project Logo & Project Initiation (Kickoff)
Design a project brand & logo. Plan & coordinate the project kickoff.

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

Business Blueprint
Communication Deliverables
Roles Strategy
Training Needs Analysis & End User Training Strategy
Super User Strategy

Implement & Modify Communication Plan

Implement & monitor the plan. Modify plan based on interim feedback.
Develop Roles Strategy
Develop a Roles Strategy establishing the process by which Role Profiles will be
developed, validated, and tracked and establishing the process by which end users
will be matched to roles.
Conduct a Training Needs Analysis & Develop an End User Training Strategy
Conduct a training needs analysis to assess training needs by functional area, by
organizational operating unit, by ERM functionality. Develop an end user training
strategy to correspond with other project activities such as design documentation
development. The learning solutions strategy will address building, delivering and
maintaining the learning solution.
Develop Super User Strategy
Design of a Super User Strategy outlining Super Users role & responsibilities,
selection criteria and training requirements.

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

Communication Deliverables
Develop Change Management Deliverables
Super User Training
Job Role Profiles

Implement & Modify Communication Plan

Assess Skills & Job Match

Implement & monitor the plan. Modify plan based on interim feedback.
Develop End User Training
Develop end user training in accordance with the end user training strategy.
Conduct Super User Training
Conduct Super User training in accordance with the Super User strategy.
Align Organizational Structure
with Software Model (Implement Roles Strategy)
Work with process teams to segment work processes into roles, develop jobs and
determine key behaviors/pre-requisite training required to sustain performance.
Develop Job Role Profiles

Work with process teams & security to develop job role profiles identifying role based
training, responsibilities, job impact tables etc.
Assess Skills & Job Match End Users
Form job matching teams to assess end user skills, match employees to redesigned jobs
& validate job role profiles.

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

Final Preparation
Communication Deliverables
End User Training

Implement Site Specific Communication Plan
Implement & monitor site specific communication plan. Modify plan based on interim
Communicate Job Role Profiles
Communicate job role profiles to end users.
Train End Users
Roll out training. Training roll out will coincide with transition phasing to minimize the
delay between receipt of training and actual use of the new functionality.

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

Go Live and Support

Conduct Implementation OCM Activities
Design Post Implementation Support Strategic &
Tactical Organization Design

Conduct Implementation OCM Activities
Conduct site specific implementation OCM activities.
Align Organizational Design with
Performance Management System
Integrate new organizational chart & job profile information into performance
management system.
Design Post Implementation Support Organizations Strategic & Tactical Organization Design
Design high level structure, job hierarchy, roles, responsibilities & performance
metrics for post implementation support personnel.

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues


will do what..
Budget assumptions

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

Create A Org. Change Mgmt

Strategy Document

Why is org change mgmt important?

Primary objective of org change management (brief statement)
Audience of org change management
Roles who will do what for Org. Change Mgmt? How will they be involved?

Communication Plan
Knowledge Transfer

Key Executives
Super Users
End Users

Super Users
Any tools for knowledge transfer? Databases, documentation?

1-2 page word document

Very easy to read.
Your audience is executives, consultants and SAP team.

IST 600 ERP Systems: Key Implementation Issues

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