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* Qualifications/

Requirements for
Blood Donation
Uy, Sarah Marie
Porras, Rose Ann
Dequina, Mildred
Panegas, Danyah
Sasutana, Angelica
Presented To: Adolph Zayre de Dios, RMT

Are in good health

Are between 16 to 65 years old (16 and 17 years old
need parents consent);
Weigh at least 110 pounds;
Have a blood pressure between: Systolic: 90-160
mmHg, Diastolic: 60-100 mmHg; and
Pass the physical and health history assessments.

Basic Requirements

1. Have enough rest and sleep.

2. No alcohol intake 24 hours prior to blood donation.
3. No medications for at least 24 hours prior to blood
4. Have something to eat prior to blood donation, avoid
fatty food.
5. Drink plenty of fluid, like water or juice.

Preparation before
donating blood

1. Have your weight taken.

2. Register and honestly and complete the donor
registration form.
3. Have your blood type and hemoglobin checked.
4. A physician will conduct a blood donor examination.
5. Actual donation--the amount of blood to be donated
(either 350cc or 450cc) will depend on the donor's
weight and blood pressure. It usually takes 10 minutes
or less.
6. A 5 to 10 minute rest and plenty of fluid-intake are
necessary after donation.

Steps in donating

If you have any reason to believe you have AIDS, do

not donate blood.
AIDS Exposure
-defer 12 months if health care worker exposed to
blood of patients with HIV infection by a needle stick
or open wound
-defer temporarily if breathing difficulty is present
- accept if controlled

Specific Requirements

if 5 years from date of diagnosis, surgery or last
radiation treatment
if no recurrence
if no chemotherapy
some types of skin cancer
leukemia or lymphoma
recurrence of same cancer (except squamous or
basal cell)

Specific Requirements

Cold, Flu or Sore Throat

defer temporarily for active cold or flu

symptoms such as fever, sore throat, productive
cough, or general fatigue on day of donation

accept teeth cleaning, scaling, root canal,

fillings and tooth extraction if no infection present

defer 3 days for oral surgery, abscesses or


Specific Requirements


accept two weeks after initial dosage of insulin

or change of dosage

defer indefinitely if, since 1980, received an

injection of bovine (beef) insulin made from cattle
from the United Kingdom

Donation Intervals (for whole blood)

accept every 8 weeks (or every 56 days)

accept 3 days after routine plateletpheresis

accept 28 days after routine plasmapheresis

Specific Requirements


accept if seizure-free for 3 months with or without

Heart Disease/Surgery

evaluated individually, must have no restrictions on

physical activity, be symptom-free and on no medication
for heart disease except for aspirin

6-month wait after heart attack if above criteria


accept musculoskeletal (non-cardiac) chest pain

6-month deferral for non-diagnosed heart related

chest pain

accept pacemaker if pulse and above criteria met

Specific Requirements

Hepatitis/Unexplained Jaundice

defer indefinitely hepatitis/yellow jaundice or

liver disease of unknown origin on or after age 11

defer indefinitely if ever used a needle, even

once to take any illegal drugs or steroids

accept jaundice or hepatitis associated with

birth, medications, bile duct obstruction, or hepatitis
before age 11

defer confirmed positive HBsAg, repeat reactive

anti-HCV or anti-HBc at any age

Specific Requirements

Hepatitis Exposure

defer 12 months for close contact with hepatitis patient

(close contact is defined as sexual contact or sharing same
household, kitchen, and/or toilet facilities) or as membership
group, e. g. dormitory, in which multiple cases of hepatitis have

defer 12 months someone who is a current inmate of a

correctional institution (including jails, prisons or detention
centers) or someone who has been incarcerated for more than 72
consecutive hours during previous 12 months or someone who has
been in a chronic long-term psychiatric/mental institution for more
than 28 days

defer 12 months following blood transfusion, blood

injections, tattoo, non-sterile needle stick/body piercing or blood
contact with open wound, non-intact skin or mucous membrane

Specific Requirements

Hepatitis Exposure

defer 12 months following human bite that resulted

in a wound which broke the skin

accept casual contact (no contact with blood or

body fluids)

defer 12 months for intranasal use of cocaine or

any street drug

accept health care workers working with

hepatitis/HIV positive patients providing:
there is no contact with blood through nonsterile
percutaneous innoculation (needle stick), an open
wound, non-intact skin or mucous membrane

accept sterile body piercing

Specific Requirements


defer indefinitely for Pituitary-Derived Human

Growth Hormone and Tegison

defer 3 years from last dose of Soriatane

defer 8 weeks for injections of radioactive material

defer 4 weeks for Accutane, Proscar, Propecia &

Gold therapy

defer 2 weeks for any change in insulin dose

defer for 2 days from last dose of oral or

intramuscular antibiotics or antifungal unless taking for
chronic condition

defer for 2 days from last dose of antivirals

Specific Requirements


defer while pregnant

defer 6 weeks after uncomplicated third trimester

or term delivery or caesarean section

defer 12 months if delivery required a blood


accept nursing mothers

Sickle Cell

defer for sickle cell disease

accept for sickle cell trait

Specific Requirements


accept history of recent surgery if:

underlying illness does not disqualify donor
stitches/staples dissolved or removed
wound is healed
donor has resumed normal activity and is feeling

accept minor cuts requiring stitches/staples

after 48 hours if no signs of infection

Specific Requirements

Skin Disease and Rash

donors will be individually evaluated

phlebotomy site must be free of rash/skin


defer if have had or have been treated for in

last 12 months

defer if positive test for syphilis in past 12


documentation of treatment may be required

Specific Requirements

Web Links
Retrieved August 31, 2015.
Retrieved August 31, 2015.



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