Human Model

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You are a really hired chemistry teacher in La Salle

Collage will present the essential elements found in

human body using a Human Modelso that the
chemistry students will realize the importance of
these elements in maintaining a healthy
body,describe there required amount of each
element needed by Human bodys.
Using your Human Model,you can also disease
what will be the consequencess the good and bad
effects if the amount of element required will not
be met.

Chronic Disease-a long-lasting condition that can be

controlled but not cured.Chronic illness affects the

population worldwide.
Stroke-A stroke is a sudden loss of brain function.
Blindness-Blindness is the inability to see anything, even
Gum infection-Gum disease is a very common condition
where the gums become swollen, sore or infected.
Aortic Rupture-is the rupture or breakage of the aorta,
the largest artery in the body. Aortic rupture is a rare,
extremely dangerous condition. The most common cause
is anabdominal aortic aneurysm that has ruptured

Heart disease-is an umbrella term for any type of

disorder that affects the heart.

Pneumonia-is an infection of the lungs that is caused
by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
Hardening of the arteries-is a degenerative disease of
large and medium sized arteries. Inflammation
seems to have an increasingly important role in the
process, in which immune mechanisms interact with
metabolic factors.
Chronic lung disease&asthma-Asthma is a chronic
lung disease in which the lungs overreact to various
materials in the air and some respiratory infections.
These "triggers" start inflammation in the airways,
which causes two problems.

1.Airways become more narrow, making it hard for

air to move in and out.

2.Airways become super-sensitive or hyper-reactive
to things that do not bother people with normal
lungs. The "twitchy" lungs over-react even to cold
air, exercise and smoke.
Reduced fertility-is the ability to reproduce; men
who are fertile are able to father children and fertile
women are able to get pregnant and carry their baby
to full term, with a live birth nine months after
Hip fracture-A hip fracture is a break in the upper
quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the
break depends on the forces that are involved.

1.Why we need to avoid this activities that can affect

our human body?

a. to have a healthy body and to avoid
some of those diseases.

b.we need to avoid it because its healthy

on our body

2.What will be the effect of smoking to our health?

a. smoking can cause diseases like heart

disease, kidney issue and reproductive issue

b. smoking can cause diseases like chronic

diseases,blindness,gum infection and etc.

3.What are the good effects of caffein?

a.increased attention,alertness decreased,

fatigue,anxiety and Stimulation of Urination

b.increased attention,alertness
deacreased,fatigue,lower risk of diabetes and
increase metabolic rate.

4.Why we need to avoid soda?

a. because it can cause diseases like

asthma,kidney issues,dissolves tooth enamel,heart
disease and reproductive issues.

b. to avoid stroke.

5.What are these "triggers" start inflammation in the

airways, which causes two problems?

a. 1.Airways become more narrow, making it
hard for air to move in and out and 2.Airways become
super-sensitive or hyper-reactive to things that do not
bother people with normal lungs. The "twitchy" lungs
over-react even to cold air, exercise and smoke.

b.1.Airways become more arrow, making it

hard for air to move in and out and 2.Airways become
super-sensitive or hyper-unactive to things that do not
bother people with normal lungs. The twitchy" lungs
over-react even to warm air, exercise and smoke.

Sorry wrong!


Verry Good!


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