Aims of Edu

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Aims and Functions

of Education
Dr.Amita Shilpa Gottlieb
Associate Professor

The term education has its origin in the Latin words

educho, educare and educatum.

Etymologically the word education is derived from the

Latin words educo where e means out of and duco

means I lead. According to

this view, education

means I lead out of darkness into brightness.

The Latin word educare which refers to breed, to bring

up and to rear.
Also educatum denotes education that means an act

of teaching or training.

Indian concept of education

In India disciplining the mind and imparting knowledge










synonyms prevailing in the Indian society for the word

One of them is shiksha which is derived from the Sanskrit root

shas referring to discipline, control, or teach.

Another synonym of the word education is vidya, which is

derived from the Sanskrit root vid, which means to know.

Vidya is thus the subject matter of knowledge.
It is mentioned in the Upanishads that the end product of

education is salvation. Also, it is stated in the Bhagwad Gita

that nothing is more purifying on the earth than knowledge.

Meaning of education
Education means the training for the country and love
for the nation.
- Chanakya
Education is realization of self.
- Shankaracharya
Education is self realization and service of the people.
- Guru Nanak Dev
Education is the manifestation of divine perfection
already existing in man; education means the
exposition of mans complete individuality.
- Swami Vivekananda
Education is an all round drawing out of the best in
child and man body, mind and spirit.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Definition of Education
Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain
at right moment. It develops the body and in the
soul of the pupil all beauty and all perfection
which he is capable of.
- Plato
Education is the natural, harmonious of mans
innate power.
- Pestalozzi

Aims of Education
An aim is a predetermined goal which determines the
individual to attain it through appropriate activities. Some
suggested aims of education are discussed below:

Individual aim

Social aim

Vocational aim

Cultural aim

Moral aim

Spiritual aim

Intellectual aim

Individual aim
Development as an individual of a human being.
Moral and spiritual development
Cultural development
Harmonious development
Promote positive physical development
Provides a sense of complete living
Development of a right personality
Development of good citizenship
Development of good leadership
Vocational development of an individual
Emotional and mental development
Create national consciousness
Promote good social development
Character building

Aims of nursing education

Intellectual aim
Leadership aim
Professional development aim
Personality development aim
Generating and utilizing research evidences
Ensuring a safe, quality and cost effective


Factors affecting aims of education

Philosophy of life
Elements of human nature
Religious factors
Political ideologies
Socioeconomic factors
Cultural factors
Intellectual factors

Functions of Education
Function of education towards an individual
Growth and development of individual
Direction and guidance
Preparation for adult life
Conservation of traditional knowledge
Transmission of culture
Progressive development
Develop vocational efficiency
Achievement of self sufficiency
Holistic personality development
Moral and character development
Creating awareness of past and present and

preparing for future

Function of education towards the nation

Ensuring national development
Promoting national integrity
Continuous supply of skilled workforce to the nation
Developing leaders for the nation

Function of education towards the society

Improving social efficiency
Civilization and cultural security
Preparing good citizens
Reform and progress of society

Thank you

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