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Sexual abuse


“Sexual Abuse” means the actual or

threatened physical intrusion of a

sexual nature, whether by force or
under unequal or coercive
Critical Questions

 How do our sexual

feelings and behaviors
become part of our
personalities and
social interactions?
 What are the ways in
which children,
adolescents, and
adults get sexually
critical question(cont...)
What feelings should a victim of abuse h

What if
a person truly loved the molester?

 What If
a parent pinches a child's butt and d
even when
told by the child?

 What u think is that so easy for a
person who is abused to recover?
 These are some question which could
hardly be answered
 All of us gradually develop our own
individualized way of thinking and
feeling about sexuality.

The Developing Self
 Erickson’s psychosocial development.
During adolescence and young
adulthood each individual has the task
of achieving a clear understanding of
herself or himself as a sexual person
and of achieving a sense of intimacy
with other human beings.
 Piaget set forth stages for cognitive
development and suggested that at
the time of adolescence, one is able
to formulate ideas without a
dependence on immediately
available concrete representation.
Sexual Abuse & Contact

 Sexual abuse is defined as “attempted

 or successful coerced intercourse”
 There are two types of sexual contact
Ø Direct sexual contact : -defined as fondling,
 forced masturbation, or oral, anal, or vaginal
 intercourse, was involved in 71% of the cases.
Ø Noncontact abuse, including forced viewing of
pornography, forced posing for nude
photographs, being watched while undressing, or
exposure to an offender’s genitals, was involved
in the remaining 29% of the cases.
Individuals may be victimized in
more than one way
 Khemka and Hickson (2000) investigated a
wide range of abuse against individuals
with disabilities.
S e x u a l a b u se is defined as any contact between
tw o in d ivid u a ls th a t is n o t co n se n tin g b y e ith e r
o n e o f th e in d ivid u a ls a n d / o r re p re se n tin g
exp lo ita tio n o f a re la tio n sh ip .
 Physical abuse is defined as contact which may
include, but is not limited to obvious physical
actions as hitting, slapping, pinching, kicking,
unauthorized or unnecessary use of personnel
intervention, or otherwise mishandling of a
 Psychological or verbal abuse is defined as the
use of verbal or nonverbal expression, or other
actions, that subjects a person(s) to ridicule,
humiliation, scorn, contempt or dehumanization,
or is otherwise denigrating or socially

Who is likely to perpetrate
sexual abuse?
 In 44% of cases, the perpetrators
were people who were known to
the victim.
 36.7% of the abuse occurs in
settings that were encountered
because the individual fail to
protect themselves.

 but the Pain can be

 be a survivor not a victim

Resources on the internet about sexual
 Family Village-
 http
 Crime Prevention Division-
 Advocate web-
 http://
 hdisabilities.asp
 Arizona State University-
 Council for Exceptional Children ERIC
Clearing house- http://
 Than
k you

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