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Health problems related to

eating habits
 Anorexia nervosa
 Bulimia nervosa
 These are dangerously thin people, only they fail to
recognize as such. Avoiding food is an obsession with
them. They would rather stick to certain low calorie food
or would carefully weight and portion food. People with
anorexia may repeatedly check their body weight, and
many engage in other techniques to control their weight
such as intense and compulsive exercise or vomiting.
Girls with Anorexia often experience a delayed onset of
their first menstrual period. If things get worse, it can
even cause death.

 Genetic.
Six to ten per cent of siblings of affected women
suffer from anorexia nervosa. There is an
increased concordance amongst monozygotic
twins, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
Hormonal. The reductions in sex hormones and
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are
secondary to malnutrition and usually reversed
by refeeding.
 Psychological factor
 Individual
Anorexia nervosa has often been seen as an
escape from the emotional problems of
adolescence and a regression into childhood.
Patients will often have had dietary problems in
early life. Perfectionism and low self-esteem are
common antecedents. Recent studies suggest
that survivors of childhood sexual abuse are at
risk of developing an eating disorder, usually
anorexia nervosa, in adolescence.

 Family.
Families of such patients are allegedly
characterized by overprotection, inflexibility and
lack of conflict resolution. Anorexia is alleged to
prevent dissension in families. However, a
recent case control study suggested that there
is no more evidence of these factors in families
of anorexia nervosa than in control families with
a child with an established physical disease
You want to know more about

 People with anorexia nervosa experience an

intense fear of gaining weight.
 They are persistently concerned about their
body shape and weight.
 People with anorexia lose their appetite to
eat or do not want to eat at all.
 This condition is potentially fatal and is
recognised as a psychological disorder
 They lose both fat and muscle and this
eventually leads to a discruption of the
function of the heart,endocrine system and
reproductive system.

 Early treatment through nutrition

and gradual restoration of body
mass can correct some of the
physical symptoms.
 Counselling to help the patients
to correct any distorted belief the
patients may have about their
body shape and weight, as well
as to help the patients overcome
their emotional distress.
Bulimia Nervosa
Warning signs!!
 Anxiety
 Mood swings, depression
 Frequent trips to the bathroom
after eating
 Hiding food in unusual places
 Highly self-critical
 Difficulties in breathing and
 Fainting spells
 Irregular menstrual periods
 Frequent weight fluctuations
 Pronounced jaw swelling from
frequent vomiting
 Malnutrition
 Hormonal imbalance
 Influenza
 Kidney problem
 Cardiovascular problems
 Liver disease
Extra info about Bulimia

 Unlike anorexics, victims of

bulimia may have a normal
body mass.
 The victims consume huge
amounts of food in a short
period of time.
 The victims feel out of
control and are unable to
stop eating during a binge.
They also feel guilty,
ashamed, disgusted or
depressed following a binge.

 Observing the patient to

ensure that the person
eats correctly, obtain
counselling and
The end…
 Fatin Emalina
Bye-Bye!! See you
next time. Don’t  Nurul Izzah
forget to study…!  Raden Nurhana
 Noor Faradzela

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