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A RoathCardiff Project
Funded by HLF Cymru
First World War: then and now Funding Stream

The Roath Prospect

Albany Primary School a military hospital, 1914-1919
Roath Local History Society
St Edwards Church
St Margarets Church
War memorials

Why did we apply?

Existing community website
Great community links
An interest in local history and relationship with Roath
Local History Society
A vision of including many more people in the project
than engage with the community site alone
A rare opportunity to get funding for a specific theme
that would include a wider range of the local population
Saw the opportunity by chance

Applying for funding

The same process for volunteers/community groups as
those paid to fundraise for organisations
its much more difficult for voluntary groups:
Because of:

The Application Form

Heritage Lottery Fund (specifically) its hard!
It takes time
Aspects to consider being constituted; financial
records; full minutes available, holding an AGM
Fully accountable its a grant, so you need to be
accountable for everything you want to do and pay for
usually more exacting than hyperlocal accounts

The Experience
The full grant of 10,000 was awarded to us!
Full consultation with fund required eg press, logos, publicity
Use of logo, other publicity material at any and all events/press
releases etc
Guidance/rules on (pretty much) everything HLF has fund
recipients area on website to assist with this
A named HLF advisor to help (though with smaller grants, they
are not expected to meet with you) but will advise via email
very helpful
Feedback phone call

What weve been able to do #1

Facilitate, (with funding from us), a fantastic exhibition with Albany
Primary School, that has contributed to the Year 6 curriculum in 2014
Facilitate the on-going ability for the school to host the exhibition
until 2019, via the purchase of costumes and props
Inspired the Christmas end of term musical production- WW1 specific
Production of a schools guide
Working with other local schools in the area
Western Mail/Echo built links for publicity beyond the community
news remit
Working with the school to produce a website of their own in 2015

What weve been able to do #2

Encourage local people to bring their stories to us to be
digitally recorded whether by video interview, spoken
interview, image, and/or written contributions
Peoples Collection Wales website will be hosted in perpetuity
(including the new school WW1 website)
Digital Archive training Peoples Collection Wales (National
Library Wales)
Involve local libraries in both exhibition and training
School won first prize (all Wales) in Welsh Heritage Schools
Initiative in July 2015 and is to participate in their 25th
anniversary celebration at the Senedd in September

Why weve been able to do it

Getting community support and mutual benefits agreed
beforehand: Albany School, Roath Local History Society,
The Cardiff Story, Made in Roath, in our case
Existing connections personal, social media, outreach
Going to meetings eg RLHS AGM
Social media
Linking with other community projects
Visiting/going to others events eg local church events
around WW1, Cardiff YMCA exhibition

Is it worth it, for a hyperlocal?

Its worth it, but its hard work if youve got other things going on
Theres lots of support from the grant-maker
Its not only about the project, there will be additional work to
satisfy the grant-maker (whoever that is)
Take this into account if your site/project is run by volunteers it
will usually mean a need to recruit more, specifically for the
project. The community already has people involved you will be
a facilitator and need to find these people
Focus on whats important/relevant to your community
Dont underestimate the cost in time or money

HLF Cymru has given us a fantastic opportunity
Its completely project-related
It doesnt fund our day-to-day expenses, its all
Butwe couldnt hope to undertake this project, which
is integral to the community, without it
We could (and would) have attempted a smaller project
without funding, but HLF has expanded our reach and
helped us include a far wider community input, and
given us the ability to record peoples stories, where
they wouldnt otherwise be

2014 to 2019
Weve done the basics
Were continuing to work with local schools, and have
committed to producing a schools pack
Our website will be online (funded by HLF) until 2019, and
then by Peoples Collection Wales
Weve expanded volunteering and training opportunities
in the Roath area
Weve recorded local social history on our hub, and
preserved it, at a time we should be remembering, and as
the chances for this are fading

External funding, not just journalistic, can crossfacilitate
Can increase publicity and interest in the main site
Hyperhistory can be integral
Hyperhistory can lead to bigger, greater, and more
meaningful outcomes in the community

RoathCardiff @roathcardiff
Wales Remembers
Heritage Lottery Fund, First World War: then and now
Peoples Collection Wales

Geraldine Nichols
Editor, RoathCardiff

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