Montes Del Plata Supervisory Training: PTS2

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Montes del Plata

Supervisory Training
Manage yourself
and achieve your goals



The analyses in this workbook

are for your personal use only
and you do not need to
show them to anyone else.


Describe your present job

What is your real job, the work you actually do? What you are paid for? Please explain in plain words:___________
What is the most important responsibility area in your work? Please explain: _______________________________
Give a short description of your customers inside and outside the company? Who makes the assessment of the
quality of your work?
What are the 3 main issues that makes your customer/s satisfied?_______________________________________
Please describe and define shortly what quality is from the perspective of your customer/s? __________________

How does your future job description look like?

Think first:
What are you interested in now and in the future? What could be a job for you?
Which are the key results you should get done in that position, which are the skills you need in that?
What does you employer (customer) value and why?
Make a list of capabilities that you company would expect from you. Usually 5-7 key issues is enough.
Your experience business knowledge, management etc.
Key competences

How important it is to the company

My development target in here

Which of these competencies could be the core of your success? Ther is no need to be the best
in everything, you just have to have something that makes you different/better. Important is that
you make that choosing.

Vision and goals for your working life

What are the three most important targets in your working life just now. __________________________________
Describe you as an ideal person. If your were in all aspects perfect in your work, what characteristics you would have
and how would other people describe you? _______________________________________________________

List here three persons you admire in your working life, what are the characteristics that you admire in these persons


Order of importance










Now, imagine yourself as the MD of an enterprise that has one product to sell, your
own skills and services. In that enterprise you have only one employee, yourself.
During your working life you hire your services to several companies. And it is you
who takes care of the profitability and success of that enterprise.

Manage your career

manage your own service company

Whatever is your own view - in practice - you are 100 % responsible of your career,
your past, your future, your capabilities and skills, your training, your employment and
salary, now and in the future. You employ yourself by renting your services to several
companies during your working life.

Based on the analyses you just made, please,

redefine your vision
Your vision
What do you want to do in 5
years from now. Your dream
that you do/can believe in.
In 5 years from now I will do
My key goals, key result
In 5 years from now I will be,
do, Ill be the best in

My key capabilities and skills

These I need to make my
vision and goals true.
In 5 years from now I can

Strategy terminology


Example in personal life


The purpose of life, owners perspective

and values. The role in business

Good health and mind. Fit body


Future state.

Participate in New York City



The key things to be achieved

Loss weight and do sports


Principles that steer the activities n


Healthy mind in a fit body

Strategic capability

Resources, competitive edges,

procedures, processes

Self discipline and fitness centre



Long term activities. What to do, what

not to do

Regular jogging, local competitions

eat healthy, do not drink alcohol

Business model

Basic idea how production factors and

action is transferred to results and

Attach sports club, register you in



Measuring the direction and strategic

results. New targets and activities when

Regular follow-up of run distances,

weight, time. If not on track, make
new targets and start new actions.

Analysing your present situation

Imagine yourself now as the MD of the enterprise that sells your own services.
In that enterprise you have only one employee, yourself, and only one product: your own services.
You are of course responsible for that enterprise and its future.
So, where are the future markets and customers of your enterprise, what are the future products, how
are your going to produce the services .


Where are the key customers (internal, external) today, and in 10 years from now?
What are the key success factors in the market place?
Which are your key competitive edges, or competencies?
Should you specialise to something, how do you differentiate yourself from others?
How are you going to develop the enterprise?

If your present employer would decide to outsource your job to another company, would you get it? If
you had to write an offer of your services to your present employer, what would you write in it? Could
you use your competencies in an other business ?

Analysing the situation. YOURSELF

My Strengths
What are your strongest competencies?
What do you do especially well?

My Opportunities
Where could you further implement your skills?
What could be your speciality in 5 years from now?

My Weaknesses
What are your weakest areas, where
You should improve your skills?

My Threats
What are the likely changes in your business and/or
organisation? Reorganising, redesigning?


Analysing the situation. YOURSELF

Your personal strategy
What are you going to do, what are you not going to do


Take advantage of, career plans

Develop skills, learn, train yourself

Be aware of, foresee, anticipate, decide what

Skills you are going to keep up.

Avoid , defend, bloc, risk/crisis plan





Development programming. Alternative 1

My goals,
(A minimum of five)
The most important goal
for me
Make a deadline. List at
least three key obstacles
you will need to overcome
and three skills you will
How can I reach this goal
by write at least 20
ideas on a paper.
Why is it a good idea to
accomplish this goal?
List five steps that you
could take right away
towards the goal.
The first step. Take it


Development programming. Alternative 2

1. Key development areas, min 3

2. Write them to target form

3. Choose the one having the biggest impact in 5 years from now. Circle it.
4. Write here the opportunities and benefits that achieving the key target brings to you, to the company, to the family

5. Write results of your development below. Start from the last year. Year 2013, then 2012and so on.

2012 1q

6. Write here an inspiring name to

the program.

2012 2q

2012 3q

2012 4q

6. From whom do I get support? See also point 4. Benefits = support


Development programming Alternatives

For managing and establishing your project plans, action programs and time
schedules there are several fee of charge internet options available.

Microsoft Office: Microsoft project in English and in German


Example: Development Progress Plan



What are you going to do today and tomorrow to ensure your future success?

Courage inspires. It has power, it has

magic and brilliance in itself.


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