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los angeles

overview/spring ’10

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
who we are
local social media pros
multibrain is a team of local social media pros skilled in building and managing the
web presence for local businesses. Our smart (low cost) solutions are designed to
maximize your web, while maintaining a consistent “social” strategy throughout
both your digital and traditional marketing.

Our local social media pros are trained in both social media networking,
as well as local tactical marketing and promotions,
all designed to simply…bring you more customers.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what is
social media anyway?
You’ve probably heard of social media, you may already be on facebook
or twitter, but most likely you’re saying, “now what?”

First, take a step back and realize the current

transformation of the media landscape is unlike
anything in history, the best minds call it a
media revolution, and it’s shifting the way
you market your business…forever.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what is a
media revolution?
Communication as we’ve known it has been conversations (via telephone) or
creating one message for a group of people (via radio, television, print). There are
only four times in the past five hundred years where media has changed enough
to be called a media revolution:

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what is a
media revolution?
This is the media landscape as we’ve known it throughout the 20 th century, or
most of our lives. Interestingly, the media that is good at “conversations”
(telephone) is not good at groups, and the media that is good at groups (print,
radio, TV, film) is not good at conversations.

one to one one to many

The telephone is for two-way All other media, or mass media is
communication, or about creating one message for a
conversational media. group of people.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what is the
media landscape today?
Over the past decade or so, the Internet has become mainstream, and is the first
medium in history that is good at both conversations and groups.
First, with the Internet, people now “talk back”, but that’s not the crazy change.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what is the
media landscape today?
As the Internet evolves, and becomes more “social”, people now have the ability
to gather in groups to discuss anything of interest…including your business.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what is the
media landscape today?
People are now content producers, not just consumers. Every time they share
and discuss, it’s squared, meaning, they are not only reaching their friends, but
the friends of their friends as well…it’s word of mouth on steroids.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
social media
Social Media is defined as utilizing technology, tools and services to facilitate
social interaction. It transforms people from content consumers to content
producers. It’s the shift from the traditional mass media, one-to many, to a many-
to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
social media
how we do it
We are in an age of open communication, engaged dialogue, and
transparency, and business success now has less to do with the size of your ad
budgets, and more about the quality of interactions with customers.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
social media
how we do it
The team at multibrain has developed a series of products and services
designed specifically for local businesses. We incorporate both left and right
brain thinking for every client. Our process works for any business, and at any
stage of your digital marketing efforts. First, we ask…

your web

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
what’s your web ?
Today the web is no longer just the world wide web, or even your website.
It’s your overall web presence, or what we call, your web.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
base pro
social media management
Our base pro package is a cost effective solution designed for the day-to-day
management of your web strategy across all channels.

evaluate strategize activate

analysis of existing website defining synergies into one Set-up or optimize social
and social profiles, inventory cohesive plan. From your profiles, efficiencies, posting
of current efforts, traditional “hub” (website) to the tactics, and share & connect.
marketing, target audience multiple profiles across social
and competition. networks.

administrate educate analyze

You remain the “voice” of the Intelligence within your Monthly “baseline” summary of
brand, we step in to manage category, case studies, and multiple reports in a simple
various tasks as needed techniques , plus brainfeed format, tracking customers
including: uploading photos blog with how-to’s, new across your profiles, and
or video, postings, etc… products and best practices. recommendations.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
pro plus
social media marketing
Creative suite of premium resources based on the needs of your business. pro plus
solutions are priced on a per project basis and/or additional monthly fee.

create socialize curate

website makeovers, blogs, Promotions, contests, Editorial management, content
custom skins, tabs, pages, sweepstakes, apps, custom gathering, creative writing,
photography, video, email, emails, newsletters, brand sharing, submissions,
logo/print. fanning. commenting, syndicating

advertise mobilize optimize

Advanced analysis, keyword
Campaign management, Mobile app version of your
testing and Adwords
Facebook ads, Google website, content feeds, run
placement, site optimization,
adwords, sponsorship, test, promotions, text, location
landing page testing and
analyze, refine, report. based services.
enhanced monthly reporting.

Local. Social. Media. Pros.
social media is
local media!
we’re here to help.

multibrain los angeles
8605 santa monica blvd.
suite 98177
los angeles, ca 90069
[p] 310.98.BRAIN (27246)

Local. Social. Media. Pros.

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