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Today will cover…..

What is counseling
Counseling process
Counseling skills
What is counseling?

Counseling is the means by which one

person helps another through purposeful

Counseling is a method of identifying

practical solution to an identified problem
Common Problems
Personality problems
Family conflicts, Personal problems (Difficulty
to adjust with others) etc.
Educational problems
Lack of motivation, Reading difficulties, etc.
Vocational problems
Difference between interests & aptitude
Financial problems
Need for self- support at school or college
Health problems
Common factors for counseling
Two persons are present during counseling
The process leads to action on the part of the
The counselor is a person who listens
The client can be trusted to find their own
Personal growth of the client usually occurs
Counseling is not usually concerned

Treatment of severe mental illness
Solving client’s life’s problems
Not a remedy for all problems at a
single instance
Elements of counseling
An empathetic relationship
The counselor and client relates well
The counselor sticks closely to the clients
The client feels free to say what they like
An atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence
Rapport is essential
Personal qualities of a Counselor
Ability to stand empathetically with clients
See the world as they see it
Delicate one
Professional manner
But friendly manner
Positive regard
Disposition towards others is positive

Get to listen
Listens empathetically
Clarifies your thoughts
Leads you to logical conclusion
Counseling process
Getting started
Introductory talk
Identifying the issues
Coping with feelings
Identifying possible solutions
Agreeing a plan
Implementing the plan
Counseling skills
It is the process of ‘hearing’ the other

Linguistic aspects
Actual words using by the client
Ex: Expanding a business may turn to
developing a business
Paralinguistic aspects
Apart from speech, the timing,
volume, pitch, accent of the individual
Ex: Variation in volume (speech) in
certain times
Non-verbal aspects
refer to ‘body language expression
through the use of the body. ( facial
expression,use of gestures, body
position and movement)
Giving information
How much information is given during a counseling
session will depend on the nature of the counseling
Concrete issues
Expanding a business
Developing a career
Completing a college course
Buying a house
The expert counselor will access the particular and
accurate information of the individual.
Personal issues
- Continuing a relationship
- Coping with the death of a relative
- Developing self awareness
- Working through depression

Client is the ‘expert’

Making suggestions

‘Concrete’ domain

Ex: Due to parents(option) force a

student may be forced to choose a
Drawing out
Open questions:
Do not have one correct answer
Have one word answer
Ex: How did you feel when that happened?
Closed questions:
Yes or no answer only.
Ex: Have you discussed with your
Back of the few words client has
To clarify his thoughts and feelings
Ex: I found it is difficult to get a

 Challenge to client saying

 Counselor role is a supportive
 Counselor is in ‘plain speaking’
Ex: There is no one in my
organization that I can talk to at all

 Client’s advocate - Counselor

 Problems the client identified
 Counselor “follow traveler”
Ex: I have some difficulties to

study at my home
Evaluation carried out
Ex: Positive and negative
feedback about the counseling
Stages in Career Guidance
Individual needs in relation to work and available
options. (Occupational information)
Goal – setting
Clarify and set achievable goals (Self Assessment)
Action planning
Agreed, undertaken and evaluated (Training)
Difference between Counseling &
Counseling Guidance
Giving assistance
Helps to analyse the
In Friendly concern
Professional manner
To develop a positive
Rapport is essential
Expects to advice

left to the individual

Requirements to establish a
career counseling center
• Physical setting
• Privacy
• Rapport
• Test material should be available
• Maintain confidentiality
• Communication
• Attentiveness

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