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Environmental Laws

Alyssa V. Pabustan

Environmental Law
One of the basic principles stated and reiterated
in the Agenda 21 is the concept of intergenerational responsibility. It states that: Man
bears a solemn responsibility to protect and
improve the environment for present and future
Essentially, the principle means that we hold the
resource treasures of the earth in trust
for the benefit, enjoyment, and use of the
generations of humankind yet to come. It is
therefore a trust endowed upon us- as trustee and
depository- to use and enjoy. While our generation
has the right to use the earths resources, as a
trustee and depository, we are also duty bound not
to misuse or exhaust it. This is the meaning of
sustainable development using natural resources

Philippine Environmental
It is hereby declared a continuing policy for the
1 : Policy
a. To create, develop maintain, and improve
conditions under which man and nature can
thrive in productive and enjoyable harmony with
each other;
b. To fulfill the social, economic and other
requirements of present and future generations
of Filipinos;
c. To ensure the attainment of an environmental
quality that is conductive to a life of dignity and
well being.

(Philippine Environmental

Title I: Air quality

a. to achieve and maintain such
levels of air quality as to protect
public health;
b. to prevent to the greatest extent
practicable, injury and/or damage to

Title II: Water Quality


To prescribe management
guidelines aimed to protect and improved the
quality of Philippine water resources through:

a) Classification of Philippine waters;

b) Establishment of water quality standards;
c) Protection and improvement of the quality of
Philippine water resources;
d) Responsibilities for surveillance and mitigation of
pollution incidents.

Title III: Land Use

a) To provide a rational, orderly and efficient
acquisition, utilization and disposition of land its
resources in order to derive there from
maximum benefits;
b) To encourage the prudent to use and
conservation of land resources in order to
prevent an imbalance between the nations
needs and such resources.

Title IV: Natural Resources

Management and

a) To provide the basics on the management and

conservation of the countrys natural resources
to obtain the optimum benefits there from and
to preserve the same for the future generations;
b) To provide general measures though which the
aforesaid policy may be carried out efficiently.

Chapter I : Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources
Section 6: Management Policy
The national Government, through the
Department of Natural Resources, shall
establish a system of rational exploitation
of fisheries and aquatic resources within
the Philippine territory and shall
encourage citizen participation therein to
maintain and/or enhance the optimum
and continuous productivity of the same.

Section 27: Measures for

Rational Exploitation
Measures for rational exploitation of fisheries
and other aquatic resources may include, but
shall not be limited to the following:
a) Undertaking the manpower and expertise
b) Acquiring the necessary facilities and equipment
c) Regulating the marketing of threatened species
of fish an other aquatic resources
d) Reviewing all existing rules and regulation on the
exploitation of fisheries
e) Conserving the vanishing species of fish and
aquatic resources, maintaining the mangrove
areas, marshes and inland areas and island
serving as sanctuaries for fish and other aquatic

Chapter II : Wildlife

Section 28: Management Policy

The National Government, through the
Department of Natural Resources, shall
establish a system of rational
exploitation, and conservation of wildlife
resources shall encourage citizen
participation in the maintenance and/or
of their
29: Measures
for Rational
Measures for rational exploitation of wildlife
resources may include, but shall not be

To the following:
a) Regulating the marketing of threatened wildlife
b) Reviewing all existing rules and regulation on the
exploitation of wildlife resources with a view to
formulating guidelines for the systematic and
effective enforcement
c) Conserving the threatened species of fauna,
increasing the rate of production, maintaining
their original habitat, habitat manipulation,
determining limits, population control in relation
to the carrying capacity of any given area,
banning of indiscriminate and destructive means
of catching or hurting them.

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