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Orbit White

Orbit White Chewing Gum Cow Advertisement

Orbit was launched in india in 2004. this was indias first
sugarfree chewing gum and together with prefettis Happydent.
Orbit White launched their most popular advertising campaign
with the Cow series. The following is an analysis of the first
advertisement in this series.
The advertisement showcases a mad animal specialist, Dr.
Bhatawdekar, who speaks in Butler-English. He expounds the
special quality of Orbit White Chewing Gum that whitens the
teeth of a cow that previously had yellow teeth. His conclusion is
that if it works for the cow, itll work for you too.

The commercials message is wound around the product, making
the product and brand as much a part of the advertisement as
the rest of the characters and the concept.
The advertisement also successfully plays to the sense of humour
of the viewers. Any reference to the product results in immediate
association to the doctor and his cow volunteer. This gives
viewers a light-hearted view of the product.
This commercial tries its hand at humour in drawing attention
and generating interest. It succeeds to quite an extent in this
intention, but also fails at few places

Message Strategy
Cognitive strategy
Pre-emptive messages
The caricature of the doctor succeeds exceedingly well.
Viewers immediately recall the product
This gives viewers a light-hearted view of the product.

Advertisement Appeal
Rational and Informational appeal- Feature appeal : the
ad shows that Orbit uses " for healthy teeth and
prevents tooth decay "


Gillettes Champions
TheGillette Fusionis a five-bladed razor released
in2006. With the release of Gillette Fusion, P&G also
launched their new advertising campaign called
Gillette Champions
This advertisement features the Gillette champions -Tiger Woods, Thierry Henry and Roger Federer. The
commercial is called Today and all the three
Champions explain how important it is in their
professional and personal lives to Be Your Best Today

The advertising campaign exploits the influencing power of
brand ambassadors. The Gillette Champions are Roger
Federer (No.1 Tennis Player), Thierry Henry (No.1 Football
Player) and Tiger Woods (No.1 Golfer).
The advertisers try to use the concept of transference or
association to enhance the image of their product and
brand. The attributes of quality, performance and excellence
exuded by these personalities are projected onto the
product and the brand. This builds brand image and a
favourable attitude towards the new product.

Message strategy
The brand uses Affective Message strategy
Resonance advertising attempts to connect a product
with a consumers experiences to It plays on the
viewers feel-good sensations.

Advertisement Appeal
Rational and Informational appeal- feature appeal: the
uses of Gillette blade.
Product Popularity Appeal it the influencing power of
brand ambassadors. The Gillette Champions are Roger
Federer (No.1 Tennis Player), Thierry Henry (No.1
Football Player) and Tiger Woods (No.1 Golfer).

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