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Evaluation – Unit

Stevie Pell
Uses and Developments
Our soap is similar to many of the common conventions of a soap. We have both used and
developed these conventions within our advert and soap storylines. Below shows quotes of the
typical conventions of a soap, taken from the BBC website. I have explored these conventions
showing the similarities or developments our soap provided.

“It features continuous narratives dealing with domestic themes and personal
Our soap advert uses these domestic and personal narrative themes producing relationships,
homosexuality and personal issues, for example the suicide and the personal situations with
that character. These issues are also shown in the poster and the magazine. These storylines
are extremely common within soaps. When I analysed a soap advert, Hollyoaks used this
homosexual storyline within a love triangle. This storyline is similar to that of our primary
“British soaps most often feature common, ordinary, working class characters”:
shocker. We used these effectively, allowing the audience to relate or escape their own reality.
Although our characters were younger, from our target audience and planning, the actors are working class. The house
Our primary shocker enhanced these themes, adding controversy, encouraging controversial
the shots are filmed in or outside are working class places, not an upper-class setting. This relates to the audience
views for the audience to discuss, inevitably promoting the soap.
further whilst presenting a reality theme throughout the advert. We developed this convention further using younger
actors to encourage both young and older audience, within demographic groups C, D and E.
“As a rule, British soaps are realistic or, at least, aim for realism”:
Through the themes of a real soap media, our primary shocker and meta-narratives are all realistic, including a love
triangle, personal suicidal issues, revengeful storyline and the loss of a close person, though some unlikely
circumstances, the narratives are still aimed for realism. This allows audiences to relate to specific narratives or
characters. Even though the primary shocker is controversial, it is still a realistic narrative, even though it may be
uncommon in the present time.
“The plots are open-ended and usually many storylines are featured or even interlinked in an
Although we just produced the main product and ancillary tasks, the storylines are all shown to be open-ended, allowing
further storylines to occur. Similar to the advert, the soap shots and narratives will be interlinked providing variety and
different realistic storylines.
Source for Convention Quotes: BBC website – The History and Conventions of Soap Opera:
This site was extremely helpful, producing bullet points of the conventions and other information on soaps.
Uses and Developments
•“Three, four or even five storylines will be in progress during any one episode, with the action
switching between them”:
We used and developed this convention through the many meta narratives and the main primary shocker we
showed. The advert interlinks the narratives just like the soap opera itself would do. We have a total of around
4 meta narratives, some combining with the main primary shocker. By using the advert as a prototype model of
the soap, the storylines switch between themselves, varying the pace of the advert. Our soap advert presents many different storylines. We have
the primary shocker, reffering to the love triangle, and other meta narratives such as the suicide, murder and
the lost girl. These narratives will be lengthened and added to within the soap episodes themselves.
•“British soaps deal with controversial issues such as homosexuality, drugs and underage
These issues stir up public debate and media interest, consequently pushing up ratings and, of course, the
issues themselves get more and more controversial as time goes on. Therefore we developed these theme
conventions to makefemale
“Strong emotions, our soap interesting
orientation and
and produce
unlikely controversy between the target audience. These
conventions relate to the purpose of the soap, allowing the audience
We used strong emotions through our advert in the narratives used, to escape or relate to individual narratives
the physical
and characters.
contact We end
near to the developed this convention
of the advert by using
showed anger, the homosexuality
creating theme
a juxtaposition as our primary shocker.
the first shot of lust and love between the two homosexual characters. Therefore we
also used female orientation in our soap, using two females in the primary shocker as
well as loosing a female presented on the magazine. As well as this, the posed photo
on the magazine cover presents the woman in front and the male behind, in
competition with another female representing gender. The unlikely circumstances we
produced was the lost narrative and the explosion fire, which was hinted at on the
magazine cover and the poster.
The use of fire in our soap presents the unlikely circumstance. However, we have
made this realistic by added the cause of this, relating to revenge. Revenge is a very
common emotion in reality. The extent of revenge is the situation that changes.

Source for Convention Quotes: BBC website – The History and Conventions
of Soap Opera:
Uses and Developments – Similar
Media Works
Our soap advert is most similar and shows more features of Hollyoaks. This is shown through storylines, target audience and characters within the
Both our product and Hollyoaks soap are aimed at a younger teenage target audience, reflecting social realism though the age range of teenagers.
The similar storylines show the connection between the character and the target audience including, homosexuality issues, suicides and
relationship troubles. These storylines are all extremely controversial, however, it allows the younger audience to escape or relate to the narratives.
As well as this, other similar storylines include murder and kidnapping. Another similarity is the challenging forms of setting. Unlike other soaps,
such as Eastenders (family orientated) the younger generation has not got a specific setting.
This image shows the
This shows a relationship
controversial issue of a
or an affair which are
homosexual relationship within
both common
the soap Hollyoaks. It also
conventions within a
presents the younger
soap opera.
characters attracting a younger
target audience.
However, there are similarities between our soap and Eastenders relating to storylines and the traditional convention of female characters being
central to the programme. This similarity is shown through the female narratives, concentrating on present the females feelings, making the
audience empathise with them. Homosexuality is again a similarity between our advert and this soap. Again it presents working class or the middle
class characters.

Working class and Controversial storylines. This

middle class soap presents the
characters – a homosexual relationship as
convention of soap a storyline like Hollyoaks.


Stereotypical Soap Narratives

Other narratives typical of a soap opera are teenage pregnancies, abortions, drug addiction and shoplifting. With our target audience
range and the characters used within our soap, we could use these narratives and include them in our soap, using more forms and
conventions of a stereotypical soap.
Challenged Forms
We challenged the structure form of the soap conventions through the characters used. We didn’t follow the
common character types, instead we combined types of character to produce more interesting and
controversial storylines. We used the independent woman and young couple along with a homosexual theme
to create a contentious primary shocker. The meta narratives then followed the common structure of the
narratives. As well as this, the characters shown on the advert, posters and magazine cover are fairly compact
as there aren’t many characters. Although this differs from the main conventions of a soap, the storylines allow
more characters to be introduced within the weekly soap opera.
A soap convention is, ‘British soaps are deeply community based and usually have a central meeting point
(often a pub) where all the characters meet’ which we did not quite follow. Although we included our pub, our
narratives are fairly separate to each other, and as the character number is less than an original soap, the
meeting place of a pub would not fit our narratives. If we did the product again, we would research the
relationships between a neighbourhood, involving separate narratives, however having all the character’s
knowing each other. This could therefore produce more storylines for the soap to carry on. However, as we
were only to produce an advert, the characters that can be shown are limited. The soap created from our
advert can show relationships between all the characters in the soap, even though this relationship was not
shown in the advert and ancillary tasks.

The above images show the many settings we used without a ‘central square’ or the obvious location of a pub
not in the dark. This also shows the independent woman, our female protagonist in purple. As well as this,
these were the characters shown in the advert, showing a limited number of characters. However, we have
more characters planned for the episodes, our advert doesn’t portray this.
Advert, Poster and Magazine
The advert, poster and magazine cover are designed and created to promote, encourage and attract
the audience to watch to soap episodes. The effectiveness of these promotional aspects working
together to achieve this is crucial to the popularity of the soap.
The combination of the ancillary tasks were effective in the promotion and advertising of the main
advert product. The aesthetics of the poster and the magazine attract the audience and gives a brief
outline of the narratives included within the advert. The advert promotes the soap further by showing
clips of the soap, relating to homosexuality, domestic relationships, disappearance and suicide. These
themes we have included in our advert, are reiterated in the poster and the magazine cover,
producing clear narratives for the target audience.
The screen shots as well as posed shots on the poster and magazine cover, create a variety of clips
and images from the soap for the audience. The magazine cover is a promotional aspect through use
of images, as well as the rhetorical questions and language on the cover. This makes the audience
ask questions, hooking the target audience and encouraging them to watch the soap. The poster is a
very vague promotional aspect, however, the posed photo provides the characters attitudes towards
each other showing confliction and a hint at homosexuality and cheating.
The advert creates moving clips and snippets for the audience, leaving cliff hangers at the end of
each shot. This is a common aspect of soap opera’s, promoting the soap as well as hooking the
targeted audience. Although the poster only presents the primary shocker, the fire in the background
presents tension and relates to other narratives within the soap advert. The shots from the advert and
the posed photo on the poster presents the primary shocker to the audience. This primary shocker
over rides the other meta-narratives in the soap. The magazine covers all the aspects of the soap,
both the primary shocker and the meta-narratives.
These three advertisement techniques sell the product by showing all the storylines clearly and
hinting towards the rest of the narrative, encouraging the reader or audience to watch the soap. With
Advert, Poster and Magazine Cover
By repeating screenshots in the advert
and magazine, it portrays the primary
shocker to the audience. This repetition
makes the storyline stick in the
audiences mind, making them want to
watch the episode. These two sources
combined show the meta-narratives
and sub-plots as well as the main
storyline. In addition, the similarity in
the images with the poster and
magazine, using a posed photo, creates
a connection and, again, presents the
primary shocker.

The use of bold lettering on the magazine cover, highlights the main storylines within the soap. The
advert and the poster back up these ideas. The us of ‘cheats’, ‘shocks’ and ‘reveals’ are all common
terminology to sell a magazine cover and promote the soap. This link shows an example of a ‘Soap Life’
magazine that uses this terminology to attract their audience.
Survey Questions
To analyse our own product, I created a survey, in which the feedback would define the
success or downfall of our main advert and the ancillary tasks, including the poster and
magazine cover. I asked 10 people to fill out the tally survey. These people reflected our
target audience of our soap, therefore presenting relevant and crucial opinions. Our
target audience was the mid teens to early 20’s primarily directed at female orientation,
in the demographic groups C2 D and E. To target our audience, the shots produced
different perspectives of life and contributed to ethnology (observing and interacting with
living people). The feedback was positive and beneficial towards our advert. We asked
the following questions and this is our feedback, presented in graphs and charts.
Did the advert make you watch Did the poster and magazine give Were the narratives used
the soap? you a brief idea of the narratives relative to a real soap media?
Did the advert make you want to watch the soap? Did the poster and magazine give you a brief idea of the narratives Were the narratives used relative to a real soap media?

8 7
7 6
6 5
5 4
Number of Target Number of Target
4 Number of Target
Audience 3 Audience
Audience 3
2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Were the narratives and shots
shown in the advert used
Survey Questions
Did the narratives shown in the main
product relate or encourage you to
Were the poster and magazine
cover contents relevant to the
realistic? escape from your own life issues? advert?
Were the narratives and shots shown in the advert used realistic? Did the narratives shown in the main product relate or encourage Were the poster and magazine cover contents relevant to the
you to escape from your own life issues? advert?

5 8
5 4.5 7
4 6
3 5
Number of Target
3 Number of Target Number of Target
Audience 2.5 4
Audience Audience
2 3
1 1
0.5 1
0 0 0
Yes No Yes No Yes No

We gained constructive feedback, positive and encouraging for our main product and ancillary tasks. A couple
of our audience stated reasons for their decision. The graph feedback from the ancillary tasks relevance was
explained, as the poster only included one storyline. However, when researching in to posters on soaps, there
is only one narrative shown and the others are shown through the advert and magazine cover.
Creating a better product can depend on the target audience. Obstinate audience theory assumes that there is
a transactional communication between the audience and the media resulting in the advert being expressed in
different ways for different audiences. With this communication a product can be changed to make it more
appealing to an audience.
Sharing websites, such as YouTube can also benefit a product, with different ideas, additions to narratives or
liked conclusions, the product can repeat these in various ways, therefore creating a better more appealing
As audience members, people are more susceptible to being connected emotionally, expressing ourselves in
uncharacteristically free ways, and forming lasting connections with characters on the television. This gives an
audience power, escaping or relating to a particular narrative or experience. This can create a better product
Audience Feedback
Changes to create a better new
Soap Advert:
From the feedback, if we were to do the soap opera advert and ancillary tasks again, we would research
further in to soap narratives and characters, and aim to meet the common characters shown in the soap
which will result in all the narratives being similar to a soap opera. I would also show more use of camera
angles, including shot reverse shot for an argument or confrontation. As well as this, I would use non-
diegetic sound to voice over the action and music in the soap opera. This non-diegetic speech will
describe the text on the advert. As well as this, I would include more diegetic sound voice over where
there are confrontations, making the volume louder, therefore attracting the audiences attention further.
For example, I would lengthen the argument between the boyfriend and bisexual and use diegetic sound
of them arguing. I would then use non diegetic sound as a voiceover in the beginning with the two
homosexuals, having a secretive chat about keeping the relationship concealed.
We also had feedback stating, ‘the tree to the boyfriend, girlfriend shot is too abrupt’. At first we added a
transition to make the shots flow together. However, this resulted in the music not being parallel and
working with the shots in our advert. To improve this, we would rearrange the advert shots and shorten
some so we were able to add a transition, (fading to black) resulting in the transition between the shots
being less abrupt and our music still working well with the advert.
Ancillary Tasks:
If the magazine cover and poster were to be created again, we would include more posed photos of the
actors and actresses presenting dominance, control and the mood for the storyline. This is because, from
the research, a lot of the shots on the magazine cover or posed. However, for our magazine and poster,
our actors and actresses were constantly unavailable to take pictures. In result we therefore used shots
from the advert itself. If I was able to create another posed shot for the magazine cover, I would use the
female protagonist in the primary shocker curled up, crying in a white dress. The white dress has
connotations of innocence and purity. When contrasted with the storyline this presents to the audience a
victim. The make up, being smudged and dark could show depression as well as a darker side to the
character which reflects the affair. This is similar to the shot from one of the magazine covers I analysed
Audience Feedback
Target Audiences Influence
Creating a better product can depend on the target audience. Obstinate audience
theory assumes that there is a transactional communication between the audience
and the media resulting in the advert being expressed in different ways for different
audiences. With this communication a product can be changed to make it more
appealing to an audience.
Sharing websites, such as YouTube can also benefit a product, with different ideas,
additions to narratives or liked conclusions, the product can repeat these in various
ways, therefore creating a better more appealing soap.
As audience members, people are more susceptible to being connected emotionally,
expressing ourselves in uncharacteristically free ways, and forming lasting
connections with characters on the television. This gives an audience power, escaping
or relating to a particular narrative or experience. This can create a better product by
an audiences reaction to a storyline or episode.
Audience feedback is so important with media products with relation to the
expectations. The ‘genre is a set of expectations’ Neale. As the soap is a genre, the
audience is expecting to see the conventions. The audience feedback provides these
expectations for the producer of the production, each of these expectations being the
conventions. It can also relate to whether the soap follows a niche or mass audience.
With the audience feedback, it can increase the popularity of a soap or episode, with
preferred narratives.
Our audience feedback referring to realism is important when referring to the
New Media
Construction, Research, Planning and
Research: For the research we used Google tools and the internet to gain knowledge on soaps, adverts

and their promotion techniques. We looked at the BBC website as well as Wikipedia to gain knowledge
of soap opera, the conventions and signifiers. We used Google images more often to view magazine
covers and posters and compare and add to our ancillary task ideas.
Planning: For the planning and the overall project, we used new media technologies in the form of the
Wiki (Wetpaint) which is a collection of web pages that can be edited and monitored by a group. This
software enabled the group to see each person’s document that has been uploaded as well as this
recent activity. We used this to keep track on the project development as well as the individual’s
progress. As well as this, we used Scribd. Scribd is a digital uploading website, in which conversion tools
are used, such as html embed, to show the whole document rather than using just a hyperlink. By
embedding documents, we saved file space on the wiki. We also saved space on the wiki by creating
the animatic storyboard. This was embedded as a widget on the wiki. As well as embedding
documents, we added attachments to the wiki. These attachments were shown as links rather than the
full document. We also used Microsoft software within our planning section, using Microsoft Excel to
produce our Gantt Chart and present our time management. The use of Excel helped us to organise our
tasks and hours within boxes, as well as colour co-ordinating tasks and resource names. We also used
Word to document our ideas and research.
Construction: For the construction and editing, we used both hardware and software as well as other
media technologies to produce the best advert, poster and magazine cover. For the advert, we used
two media cameras, enabling us to film each shot from different angles and closeness. We also used
Adobe Premier 7 to edit our filming. Although this was a new technology used, we had continuous
problems with the software freezing, therefore increasing the contingency time. To produce the film on
our Wiki, we You Tube, a form of Video Sharing. We then used html conversion tools to embed the
advert in to our Wiki. We also used the i-phone in the construction of our film, involving technology
within our soap. For our ancillary tasks, we used publisher and Photoshop to produce a magazine cover
and poster similar to real soap ancillary promotion tasks. As well as this we used Photoshop software
New Media
Construction, Research, Planning and
New Media both helped and hindered the progress of my product. However the final
completed product was helped and successful due to media technologies. Without
Media Technology, creating a Soap Advert, as well as the ancillary tasks would have
been virtually impossible. Without media technologies, both hardware and software, we
would not have a successful product.
For research we came across no problems. Some images were too small and when
expanded, the pixels were too large. However, with the vast results presented on
Google. This was no hindrance as another image was found.
For the planning, software and the internet helped hugely, when presenting our ideas
and documents. Wetpaint proved to be a useful and accessible site to present work as
well as embed multimedia. The use of software helped to present our ideas through
documents able to be uploaded on to Scribd and added by html in to the Wetpaint wiki.
The worst hindrance was in the construction section with the use of Adobe Premier 7
to edit our film. We needed to cut frames, rearrange frames, add music and titles to
result in a successful and flowing soap advert. Although we produced a successful
advert, the software was extremely slow. This caused a delay in our time management
and took us longer to edit than expected. It was also frustrating, as we then had to split
our ancillary tasks and advert between us so the product was completed on time. This
separating of tasks was only made possible because of the media technologies of
hardware and software.
For our evaluation, the PowerPoint software was easy to use, present and organise our
Overall Conclusion of Project
As an individual in the group, I found the project enjoyable, including the ancillary tasks. As
with other projects, I enjoyed the planning, creating the magazine and the filming.
However, editing I found tedious and time consuming as the software, Adobe Premier 7,
was slow and inconsistent. Whilst the music and guide would keep running, the shot would
freeze. This made it hard to cut parts of the movie.
As a group I feel we worked together well, appointing different tasks either individually, in a
pair or as a group to keep the completion of our product within the set deadline. By use of
the Gantt Chart and listing tasks, we were able to separate tasks evenly within the group,
allowing everyone to commit the same amount of time, skill and work.
In conclusion, my main task and ancillary products proved to be successful in creating
promotional aspects for a soap. The critical feedback I received was positive and
constructive allowing me to see the strengths and weakness in each product and the
overall advert.

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