Confirmation Jeopardy

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St. Johns Church May 2015

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Catechism Catechism Catechism

Verses 1

Verses 2

Verses 3































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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

This verse says, You are

not your own; you were
bought at a price.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is I Corinthians 6:19-20?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

This verse says, If we claim

to be without sin, we deceive
ourselves and the truth is not
in us.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is I John 1:8?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

This verse says, The heart

is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure. Who can
understand it?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is Jeremiah 17:9?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Genesis 1:31 says this.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

God saw all that he had

made, and it was very good.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Romans 3:23 says this.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

For the wages of sin is death,

but the gift of God is eternal
life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

This verse says, Sin

entered the world through one
man, and death through sin,
and in this way death came to
all men, because all sinned.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is Romans 5:12 ?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

These verses say, For there

is one God and one mediator
between God and men, the
man Christ Jesus, who gave
himself as a ransom for all

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What are I Timothy 2:5,6

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

This verse says, Salvation

is found in no one else, for
there is no other name under
heaven by which we must be

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is Acts 4:12?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Hebrews 11:1 says


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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Now faith is being

sure of what we hope
for and certain of what
we do not see.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

John 17:17 says


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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Jesus prayed to
God, Your Word is

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

This verse says, I am

not ashamed of the
gospel, because it is the
power of God for the
salvation of everyone
who believes.
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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is Romans 1:16?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

These verses say:

Jesus said, All authority in Heaven and
on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What are Matthew 28:18-20

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Romans 8:28 says this.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

And we know that in all

things God works for
the good of those who
love him, who have
been called according
to his purpose.
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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Ephesians 1:5 says this.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

He predestined us to
be adopted as his sons
through Jesus Christ, in
accordance with his
pleasure and will.
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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

John 10:28 says this.

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

I give them eternal

life, and they shall
never perish; no one
can snatch them out
of my hand.
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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

That I am not my own,

but belong body and
soul, in life and in
death to my faithful
Savior Jesus Christ.
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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is your only

comfort in life and in

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Who is the Redeemer

of Gods elect?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

The only Redeemer of

Gods elect is the Lord
Jesus Christ.

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

No. God created man

good and in his own

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Did God create man

so wicked and

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

From the fall and

disobedience of our
first parents, Adam
and Eve, in Paradise.

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

(Then) where does

mans corrupt nature
come from?

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is the sum of the

Ten Commandments?

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

The sum of the Ten

Commandments is to love
the Lord our God with all our
heart, with all our soul, with
all our strength, and with all
our mind; and our neighbor
as ourselves.
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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is the chief end

of man?

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Mans chief end is to

glorify God, and to
enjoy him forever!

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

God created man male

and female, after his own
image, in knowledge,
righteousness, and
holiness, with dominion
over the creatures.
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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

How did God create


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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Certainly not. He is
terribly angry about the sin
we are born with as well
as the sins we personally
commit. As a just judge
he punishes them now
and in eternity.
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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Will God permit such

disobedience and
rebellion to go

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is sin?

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Sin is any want of

conformity unto, or
transgression of, the
law of God.

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What does every sin


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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Every sin deserves

Gods wrath and
curse, both in this life,
and that which is to
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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Certainly not.
Actually, we increase
our guilt every day.

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Can we pay this debt


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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

No. Only those are

saved who by true
faith are grafted into

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Will everyone be
saved by the mediator
Jesus Christ?

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

There are three persons

in the Godhead; the
Father, the Son, and the
Holy Ghost; and these
three are one God, the
same in substance, equal
in power and glory.
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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

How many persons

are there in the

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

There is but one only,

the living and true

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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Are there more Gods

than one?

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Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

What is faith in Jesus


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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

Faith in Jesus Christ is a

saving grace, whereby
we receive and rest upon
him alone for salvation,
as he is offered to us in
the gospel.
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Modified by
Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

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