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Book Review

(Group 5)

Presented ByAkriti Jha

Deepak Sharma
Jaspal Singh
Neeti Sinha
Nisha Garg
Nimish Singh

The Gung Ho Story..

Peggy Sinclair was made General Manager of Walton Works #2 and had four
months to achieve a dramatic turnaround in performance of the whole plant.
Among all the departments in the plant, it was the finishing department that had the
highest productivity and level of enthusiasm.
The head of the department was Andy Longclaw.
Andy helped Peggy- management lessons based on the key characteristics of three
In doing so, the duo is able to turn around the struggling business unit and spark a
revolution that sweeps the country.


In the book Gung Ho!, Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles introduce us to an
invaluable tool that outlines ways to inspire us to change how we lead people.

The three essential principles of Gung Ho!:

The Spirit of the Squirrel-Worthwhile Work
The way of the Beaver-In Control of Achieving the Goal
The Gift of the Goose-Cheering Each Other

By implementing these principles, the factory gained greater commitment and

contributions from the employees because of increased pride, ownership, and
enthusiasm which permeated the organisation.

Spirit of the Squirrel

The first principle was revealed by watching squirrels running, again and again, to a feeder,
stuffing their cheeks with sunflower seeds, and taking them back to the forest.

1# Spirit of the Squirrel: Worthwhile Work

Knowing we make the world a better place.

Its the understanding, not the work.

Its how the work helps others, not the units dealt with.

The result is self-esteem.

Everyone works toward ONLY a shared goal.
Goal sharing means buy-in, not announcing.
Trusting team members and putting them first leads to support for goals.
Goals are marker posts you drive into the future landscapes.
The manager sets critical goals. The team can set the rest. (People support best that which
they help create.)

Values guide all plans, decisions, and actions.

Goals are for the future. Values are now. Goals are set. Values are lived.
Goals change. Values are rocks you can count on. Goals get people going. Values sustain
the effort.
Values become real only when you demonstrate them in the way you act and the way you
insist others behave.
In a Gung Ho! organization, values are the real boss.

The Way of the Beaver

The second principle was demonstrated by watching beavers repairing their dam, which had been
damaged by a flood. Each beaver swam back and forth with branches, and anchored them to the
dam. There is no boss beaver telling the other beavers what size of branch to bring or where to put
it. Each beaver decides for itself how it will contribute to getting the dam repaired. If they want to
work at one end, fine. If they want to bring small branches, great. They exercise their own best

2#The Way of the Beaver: In Control of Achieving the Goal

A playing field with clearly marked territory

Goals and values define the playing field and rules of the game.

Leaders dont decide what position team members play.

Have to get off the field and let the players move the ball.

Thoughts, feelings, needs, and dreams are respected, listened to, and acted

You cant be in control unless the rest of the organization supports you and doesnt
tear you, or your work, apart.

Golden Rule of Management: Value individuals as people.

Information is the key to power. Everyone needs full, open access to information.
Able but challenged

Production expectations should be within capacity and skills.

Nothing drains self-esteem faster than knowing youre ripping off the system, not

Gung Ho! requires a stretchwork that demands peoples best and allows them to
learn and move ahead.

The Gift of the Goose

The final principle was observed in a flock of geese, flying south for the winter. As the geese flew
by in their V formation they were honking away at each other. When they landed on the pond they
honked up a storm. When they took off they honked again. What were they honking about? They
were cheering each other on those were happy enthusiastic, cheering honks.

3# The Gift of the Goose: Cheering Each Other On

Active or passive, congratulations must be TRUE.
Congratulations are affirmations that who people are and what they do matter.
It can be in an active or a passive form.

No score, no game, and cheer the progress.
Cheer the progress, not just the results.
The congratulations should be more spontaneous than planned.
Stop focusing on problems and start looking for those who are making
positive contributions.
E=mc2Enthusiasm equals mission times cash and congratulations.
Worthwhile work and being in control of achieving the goalthats a mission.
Cheering each other on brings enthusiasm to work.
Cash comes firstyou need to feed material needs (food, clothing, etc.)
before you can feed the spirit with congratulations.


After Peggy implemented these principles:

The performance and productivity was improved.
Walton Works# 2 showed greater profits.
The Factorys performance was equal to its peers.
Started getting recognition in US markets.
Trip to White House.

Worthwhile work and being in control of achieving the goalthats a

mission. Cheering each other brings enthusiasm to work. Cash comes first
we need to feed material needs (food, clothing, etc.) before you can feed the
spirit with congratulations.

What have we learnt ?


The Spirit of

The Way of Beaver

Worthwhile work

Improves morale and productivity.

Improves service to internal and external.
Improves creativity and innovation.
Improves service.
Empower individual and teams.

The Gift of the

Cheering Others on

Thank You!
We welcome your Questions,
Suggestions, Comments!

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