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For example:

Imagine three managers working in an office

building .

• The first is all alone but is nevertheless yelling for a

subordinate to come help. No one appears,but he
continues to yell.
• The second is talking on the telephone to a
subordinate , but he static on the line causes
misunderstanding to subordinate if he usually takes
manager's order by telephone because of noice or
miss interpreted words.
• The third manager is talking in her office with a
subordinate who clearly hears and understands what
is being said.As we saw the three mangers are
attempting to communicate but with different results.

Do you think any of our three managers communicate??

Outcome of Effective
• Interpersonal Relation Satisfaction.
• Work Motivation.
• Get the responses you want.
• Gain other departments’ cooperation to
implement ideas .
• Improve work enviroment.
Communication Process
• Listening does not mean shutting your
mouth and opening your ears!

• That is HEARING...!

• Good listener participates actively in

information exchange.
Listening Skills
You must be able to listen attentively
Reflecting back to the speaker
a statement of what you think
you heard
??How to be an active listener
• Start by Understanding Your Own
Communication Style.
• Think before speaking.
• Pay attention to speakers .
• Use Nonverbal Communication .
• Give Feedback.
• Use Question Techniques.
Improving Your Listening Skills
1. Ask yourself "What new things
can I learn from this person?"
2. There is no such thing as an
uninteresting subject.
3. There are only uninterested
people ..!
4. Make sure you have paper
and pencil.
5. Move away from distraction.
In order to minimize
"interference" in your
communication with your
customers and to get the
"high quality" information.
You must develop your
questioning skills.
Communication Barriers
• Individual barriers

• Organizational barriers
Individual barriers
• Conflecting inconsistent cues.
• Credibility about the subject .
• Reluctance to
communicatePoor listening
• Predispositions about the
Organizational barriers
• Semantics.

• Status or power differences.

• noise.

• Overload.
How to Remove
??How to Remove Barriers
Problems with communication can pop-up in
different stage :
• Sender...
• Message...
• Channel...
• Receiver...
• Feedback...
• Context...
Forms of
Communication Form

Verbal Non-Verbal
Verbal Communication

• Verbal Communication occurred

by using words.

• .Ensure Your Words Are Always

Non-Verbal Communication

• Non-Verbal Communication is a
communication exchange that does
not use words or may use words to
carry more meaning than the strict
definition of the words themselves .
Non-Verbal Communication
• Eye Contact.

• Voice Control.

• Body Language.

• Posture.
• Even if someone decides
to say nothing they are still

• Sometimes the silence

speaks louder than words.
•Research has shown that when
someone has given a spoken message,
only 7% of the listener understanding
and judgment of the message comes
from the words themselves, 38% from
the way the message was spoken
(accent, tone, inflection etc.) and 55%
from the speaker body language (facial
expressions, eye contact etc.)
Communication Form

Vertical Horizontal
Vertical Communication


Subordinate Subordinate
Horizontal Communication


Subordinate Subordinate
Communication Form

Oral Written
Oral Communication
Oral communication takes
place in face-to-face
conversation, group
discussion , telephone
Written Communication

Written communication can

be achieved by different
, ways like business letter
memos , e.mail ,…..and
.convey resume
??What about meeting
• Meeting is a mean of
communication may
need all mentioned
forms of cmmunication.

• All levels of managers

often arrange meeting.
??How to run an effective meeting
Meetings are wonderful tools for generating
ideas and managing group activity BY:

• Good Preparing.
• Managing a Meeting.
• Time Keeping.
• Issuing Minutes.
Communication and Interpersonal
• Improve your people
skills and workplace
techniques through
interpersonal skills
• will help you build
cooperation across your
entire organization.
??How to make a great impression
It takes just a quick glance, maybe
three seconds, for someone to
evaluate you when you meet for the
first time.
• Be on Time
• Be Yourself, Be at Ease
• Present Yourself Appropriately
• A Winning Smile
• Be Open and Confident
• Be Positive
• Be Attentive
Electronic Communication
E.mail is one of the most
benefiicial tool of cmmunication .

• Use Headlines.
• Make One Point per Email.
• Specify the Response You Want.
• Be a Good Correspondent.
Golden Tips of communication
1. Don't take another person's reaction or
anger personally.
2. Don't have to have all the answers.
3. Respond (facts and feelings); don't react
(feelings) .
4. Understand that people want to feel
heard more than they care about
whether you agree or not.
Golden Tips of communication
5-Remember that what someone says and what
we hear can be amazingly different!
6-Acknowledge inconvenience or frustration and
offer a timeline, particularly if you need
someone else's cooperation.
7-Look for common ground instead of focusing .
8-Remember that change is stressful for most
people .
Golden Tips of communication
9-Work to keep a positive mental

10-Improve your listening skill .

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