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Unit I

Signals and systems

Continuous time signals
Discrete time signals
Transformations of the
independent variable
Exponential and sinusoidal signals
The unit impulse and unit step
Continuous time and discrete time
Basic system properties
Linear time invariant systems
The discrete time LTI systems The
convolution Sum
The continuous time LTI systems
The convolution Integral
Properties of linear time invariant
Causal LTI systems described by
differential and difference equations
Singularity functions

Signals are represented mathematically as functions of

one or more independent variables.
Examples :
1. Speech signal
(acoustic pressure as function of time)
2. Picture signal
(brightness as a function of two variables)
3. In geophysics
(Density, porosity and electrical resistivity)
4. In Metrology
(air pressure, temperature, wind speed with altitude)

ntinuous time signal

In continuous time signal the
independent variable is
continuous and thus these
signals are defined for a
continuum of values of
independent variable
1. Speech as a function of time
2. Atmospheric pressure as a
function of altitude

Discrete time signals

Discrete time signals are
only defined at discrete
times and for these signals
the independent variable
takes only discrete set of
1.Weekly stock market
2. Literacy versus

Transformation of
independent variable
Time reversal
If x(t) represent an audio signal in tape
recorder then x(-t) is the same audio signal
played from backward.

Time Scaling
If x(t) is a audio signal then x(2t) represent the
same audio played at twice the speed and x(t/2)
represent that audio is played at half the speed.

Time shifting
If x(t) is a signal then x(t-2) is the right shift of x(t)
by 2 and x(t+2) is the left shift of x(t) by 2

Even and odd signals

A signal is said to be even if it is identical with its
reflection about the origin.
X(-t) = x(t)
X[-n] = x[n]
A signal is said to odd if its is not identical with its
reflection about the origin
X(-t) = -x(t)
X[-n] = x[n]

The even and odd part of a signal can be found


Even{x(t)} = {x(t) + x(-t)}

Odd{x(t)} = {x(t) x(-t)}

Periodic and non periodic signal

A signal is said to periodic if it satisfies
the conditions
X(t) = X( t + T), for all t
X[n] = X[ n + N], for all n
The smallest value of T and N for which
the above equation exists is called
fundamental frequency.

Continuous time complex

exponential and sinusoidal
X(t) = C eat
if C and a are real, then x(t) is called real

If a>0, then x(t) is growing

If a<0, then x(t) is decaying
If a=0, then x(t) is a constant signal

Purely imaginary
jw t

X(t) = e

If w0 = 0, then x(t) = 1. that is x(t) is period for

any value of T
If w0 is not equal to zero, then x(t) has
fundamental period

X(t) =signal
A Cos (w t +

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