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Heritage Hospitals
A Presentation on 7 ps of Service Marketing

Health Care Sector - Overview

Governed by the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare

Corporate hospitals constitute

less than 1 per cent of all

Today the total value of the sector

is more than $40 billion

Investment of $14.4 Bn needed

by 2025 to increase its bed
density to at least two per
thousand population

Growth of 9.8% between 20132014

Employs 8 million people directly
and indirectly

Heritage Hospitals
Heritage Hospitals Ltd. has been for the past 17 years in the field of
medicine integrating the age old tradition with modern technology,
meeting the critical health care needs of the society.
300 bedded Corporate Hospital set up
Largest Corporate Sector health Care project in the State
This centrally air-conditioned hospital is a self-contained, five storied
ISO 9001:2008 for Tertiary Medical Care facilities.

4 Critical Care Beds in the form of CCU, ICU (surgical),
ICU (Medical),CTU, NICU and PICU.
Equipped with Most Modern Equipment.
It has its own Trauma Care ambulance along with
Mobile Intensive Care Unit of the region.
Cardiac Cath Lab, MRI, whole body multi slice Spiral
C.T.Scan, Colour Dopler, 800 mA X-Ray with IITV, Eswl
Haemodylisis. Etc.

7 Ps of Service Marketing

Heritage 7Ps

The service product is an offering of commercial intent
having features of both intangible and tangible,
seeking to satisfy the new wants and demands of the

Quality Level
Product line
Brand name

Product - Heritage
Largest corporate sector healthcare project in
the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Best for Pediatrics and Heart surgeries besides
other major ailments.
The specialties include Neurology,
Cardiology, Anesthesiology, Orthopedics and
many more
Online Service, which includes Appointments,
Patient Services, Doctor Services, etc

A particular product or service is acceptable to the customer at a
particular price and if the price increases then the same product or
service might become less acceptable to the customer.
Pricing prices may be profit oriented, government controlled,
competitive or customer oriented
Service pricing follows the principles and practices of pricing of
goods and therefore they are either cost based or market based.

1.Demand fluctuations should be successfully handled

2.Service pricing should be such as to provide value addition and
quality indication
3.The pricing strategy should cope up with the degree of competition.

Price - Heritage
The hospital is priced premium and it can afford to do the same because of its
positioning and its assurance as well as the reliability on the brand. Along with it, it
also helps that there are so many specialties in heritage hospitals. Thus a patient is
reassured of his well being.
Pricing in Private Hospitals
Cost based pricing: Price =. In hospital services, this method is cumbersome
because the tracking and identification of costs are difficult. Fee for services,
however can be used by doctors. Notwithstanding, some hospitals in the
private sector follow this method.
Competition based pricing: Heterogeneity of service across and within providers
makes the approach complicated.
Demand based pricing: Cost based pricing and competition based pricing do not
consider certain criteria. Demand based pricing involves price setting consistent with
customer perception of value.

The means by which services get from
producer to consumer and where they can
be accessed by the consumer.
The more places to buy the product and
the easier it is made to buy it, the better
for the business.
The kind of services a hospital is
rendering is very important for
determining the location of the hospital.

Place - Apollo
Heritage Hospitals has around 300 beds
situated on the main Lanka main road, near
Further plan to open Institute of Medical
Science on highway near BHU.

Quality of treatment
Word of mouth
Medical camp

Medical tourism
Corporate & Insurance Tie-ups
Social networking

Heritage promotes itself through the

Heritage Foundation
Medical Awareness Programme
Youth Development Programme
Free surgery programme of cleft lip and palate with Smile Train
Pulse Polio Program
Family planning awareness programme
Women development programme
Sanitation and hygienic awareness programme
Programme on mentally retreated person

Currently engages more than 1,000 doctors, nurses,
paramedics, clinical staff and management professionals
to manage over 300 beds.
Along with this Heritage Hospital has planned an
Institute of Medical Science along with research facilities
to facilitate innovation.

Physical Evidence
Heritage Hospital has been know for its
quality health care services, at much affordable
Provides the services for all the ailments &
diseases, assuring the healthy recovery with
quality care from the staff.

Heritage hospital operation in itself involves
very established procedures and
Heritage hospital is awarded with ISO
9001:2008 for Tertiary Medical Care facilities.


Thank You!

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