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By Kabindra Shrestha

Main Text and References

Main Text Book:
Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin, Joel P. Stinson
and Everette S. Gardner, Jr., Quantitative
Approaches to Management, 8th Edition,
McGraw-Hill International Editions.
HBR Journals and other articles, texts, etc.


Need of Study of

Why do we need to study QT?

Course Syllabus
Main Objective

The objective of the course is to provide the participants with the

concepts and skills to apply the quantitative tools and techniques in

Learning Unit
Learning Unit One
Net Contact Hours
5 Hrs.

Management Science/Operations Research: The quantitative
approach to management decision making, relationship between the
MS/OR practitioner and the manager, applications of management
science/operations research, opportunities and shortcomings of the
quantitative approach, introduction to simulation.
Learning Unit Two
2. Forecasting
Net Contact Hours Introduction, Judgmental Forecasting, Time-series patterns, Evaluating
8 Hrs.
forecasting accuracy, Moving averages, Simple exponential
smoothing, Time-series regression, Smoothing linear trends,
Smoothing non-linear trends, Decomposition of seasonal data.
Learning Unit Three
3. Decision Making
Net Contact Hours Introduction to decision making, Steps in decision making, Different
8 Hrs.
environments in which decisions are made, Criteria for decision
making under uncertainty, Decision making under conditions of risk:
Discrete random variables, using the expected value criterion with
continuously distributed random variables, Decision trees: Graphic
displays of the decision-making process, Decision making with an
active opponent.

Course Syllabus
Learning Unit Four
4. Linear Programming
Net Contact Hours Introduction and Applications of linear programming, Graphical method
11 Hrs.
to solve linear programs, Simplex method, Solution of maximization
and Minimization model, Slack, Surplus and Unrestricted variables,
Degeneracy, Alternative optima, Unboundness, infeasible solution.
Learning Unit Five
5. Specially Structured Linear Programs: Transportation and
Net Contact Hours
Assignment Problems
8 Hrs.
Transportation problem (demand equals supply), Transportation
problems (demand does not equal supply), Degeneracy, Initial
solutions by the Greedy method and by Vogels method, The
assignment problem, Solving maximization problems with
Transportation and Assignment methods.
Learning Unit Six
6. Networks
Net Contact Hours Applications of Network-Models, PERT (Program Evaluation and Review
8 Hrs.
Technique), CPM (Critical Path Method), Pert/Cost, Network
scheduling with Resource limitations, Maximal-flow problem,
Minimal-spanning-Tree problem, Shortest-route problem.
Total Contact Hours

48 hrs (excluding assessment and final examination)

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