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What is context clue?

Context clue
- Are hints found within a sentence,
paragraph, or passage that a reader can
use understand the meanings of new or
unfamiliar words .
-Learning the meaning of a word through
its use in sentence or paragraph is the
most practical way to build vocabulary,
since a dictionary is not always available
when a reader encounters an unknown

- A reader must be aware that many

word is used the reader decide upon
an appropriate definition to fit the
- a reader should rely on context
clues when an obvious clue to
meaning is provided, or when only a
general sense of the meaning is
needed for the readers purposes.

- Context Clues should not be relied

upon when a precise meaning is
required, when clues suggest several
possible definitions, when nearby
words are unfamiliar, & when the
unknown word is a common one that
will be needed again; in these cases,
a dictionary should be consulted.

Definition/Description Clue
The new term may be formally defined,
or sufficient explanation may be given
within the sentence or in the following
sentence . Clues to definition that is,
commas, dashes,& parentheses.

Example :
- A. His emaciation, that is, skeleton-like
appearance, was frightening to see.
- * skeleton-like appearance is the
definition of emaciation.
- B. Fluoroscopy, examination with a
fluoroscope, has become a common
- - * the commas before & after
examination with a fluoroscope point
out the definition of fluoroscopy

C. The dudeen- a short-stemmed clay

pipe- is found in Irish folk tales.
* The dashes setting off a shortstemmed clay pipe point out the
definition of dudeen

Example Context Clues

Sometimes when a reader find a

new word, an example might be
found nearby that helps to explain its
meaning . Words like including , such
as , and for example, point out
example clues.

A. Piscatorial creatures, such as flounder,
salmon, and trout, live in the coldest parts
of the ocean.
* Piscatorial obviously refers to fish.
B. Celestial bodies, including the sun,
moon, & stars, have fascinated man
through the centuries
* Celestial objects are those in the
sky or heavens .

Antonyms as Context Clues

Emma had a lot of anxiety about the exam
but I had no worries about it.
Marty is gregarious, not like his brother
who is quiet & shy.
she is a famous singing star in her country
but unknown to the rest of the world.
I am willing to hike in the mountains, but
he is reluctant because it gets so cold
walking up & down the trails.

Definitions as Context Clues

there is great prosperity in the
country but many citizens are living
in poverty.
the manager wanted a weekly
inspection, which is a methodical
examination of all equipment.
some celestial bodies, such as the
planets & stars, can be seen with the
naked eye.

Explanation as Context
The term was elated when they won
the trophy.
During the demonstration, a
skirmish broke out and the police
were called to restore order.
The cat has a kind disposition would
never bite or claw anyone

Comparisons as Context
- Diane was lethargic and didnt have
the energy to get out bed.
- The greatest trip I ever took was my
expedition to Africa.
- eating nutritious food is just as
important as regular exercise.

Contrasts as Context Clues

- The picture of the landscape is
picturesque but the one of the old
house is ugly.
- The feral cat would not let us pet
him, unlike our tame cat.
- Cold weather soon replaced the
sweltering heat of summer.

Whether you are someone learning English

as a second language or a reader who is
trying to build their VOCABULARY, by
knowing the different types of context clues,
you may be better able to recognize &
understand new words when you are reading

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