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Music Video

using Goodwins Theory
Wonderwall - Oasis

By Daniel Brewer

Andrew Goodwins Theory

1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
2) Thought beats. There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals.
3) Narrative and performance. There is a relationship between the music and visuals
4)The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop
motifs which recur across their work. (Star Image)
5) Relation of visuals to song. There is frequently references to notion of looking (screens within screens , mirrors,
stages, etc) and particularly sexualised treatment of females.
6) There are often intertextual references to things such as films, TV programmes and other music videos.
7) Technical aspects hold the music video together, through the use of camera work, movement angle, mise-enscene, editing, sound and special effects.

Wonderwall - OASIS

Aspects of The Genre

The song Wonderwall by Oasis has similar codes and conventions to other Indie Pop Songs.
In accordance with other videos from the Genre, Oasis seems to be a low budget production
due to the video being filmed in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse which allow
greater focus on the performance as opposed to what is happening.
To further align with the Indie Pop genre, Wonderwall is a performance video where you can
see the band play which helps draw the focus towards Oasis and their talents, however this
performance is broken up with small concepts allowing the video to be more memorable
instead of a Narrative in accordance with the genre as a whole. Oasis achieve this through
the band members goofing around the warehouse, shots of clowns, performers and a rack of
swinging saws and a rack of swinging guitars.

Thought Beats Structure

of song

Wonderwall seems to be quite a repetitive song with what seems to be 2 main verses (that
are slightly changed and then repeated) with a simple chorus.
The chorus: Because maybe, youre gonna be the one that saves me and after all youre my
wonderwall has three variations. The choruses are repeated four times throughout the
duration of the song.
Along with the chorus there is two main verses that are changed slightly throughout the
song, these being (as they are first found): Today is gonna be the day, that theyre gonna
throw it back to you, by now you shouldve somehow realised what you gotta do, I dont
believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now the second verse being And all the
roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that lead us there are blinding, there
are many things that I would like to say to you, but I dont know how.These verses and
chorus account for 8/9 of the overall song, thus showing a large amount of repeatability

Thought Beats Voice of

song / Mode of Address
The main singer of Oasis has his own
signature, which is his dark black round
This video is a concept video mixed with
performance elements

The lyrics relate to theme of love and relationships. Which is something

typical of the Indie Pop genre. Oasis are acting as storytellers here and
telling us the story of a broken relationship where the woman has left
the man.

Narrative and Performance

Wonderwall doesnt have a narrative within the music video and
therefore abides to Goodwins theory that the common narrative should
be avoided.
Goodwin suggests that the lip syncing should remain the heart of the
music video, within Wonderwall this is mostly the case.
The music video however does have repeatability as the similar verses
and choruses are repeated similar scenes are repeated on screen - such
as the band sat in a row and the band playing with some distance
between them.

Star Image (s)

Within music videos it is important to have a star image. This
is done with Oasis Wonderwall. Typically the star image is
one main artist however within Wonderwall the band share
their stardom through the use of various close ups.
To achieve the star image through this video Oasis are either
presented as a group sat in a row with a mid shot so all
members can be onscreen at one time, or there are extreme
close ups of each member's head quickly shown after one
In addition to the individual shots given to each group
member, the main singers in this clip have extra close ups to
further push their star image out and show off their talents.

Relation of Visuals to the

Illustration visuals are used within Wonderwall,
this is because the meaning is implied of a
recently terminated relationship, and the band
are wandering around being bored and alone,
sat together as a group in a row or sat with
distance between them.
The visuals are linked with both the lyrics and
the instruments in play. At the lyric Are
blinding the colours invert and are restored
quickly multiple times.
Additionally as the drum speeds up shot
durations become shorter and then return as
the drummer relaxes.

Intertextual References
It appears as though there are no onscreen intertextual relations within
Wonderwall, however Noel Gallagher (lead
guitarist and principal songwriter of Oasis)
has said to have been inspired from
Wonderwall Music. Wonderwall music is an
instrumental album from George Harrison
which was written in 1968 for the Movie

Technical Aspects of The

Music Video
Camera In accordance with star image, most of the
shots containing the band are mid shots so they are
closer to the audience and take a larger proportion of
the screen. However establishing shots are also used
to show the band, and a large amount of distance
between them which helps symbolise the distance
between the couple who have broken up.

Beat The beat of the song is slow and melodic, this is also
shown in the editing of the individual clips as they are long
clips with slow fades between each clip. Occasionally there is
a quick edit of roughly three clips which can show the
confusion between the male and female in the relationship.

Technical Aspects of the

Music Video

Lighting and Colour The lighting within Wonderwall is predominantly white with no colour,
just black and white imagery and occasional colour pops. This black and white colour can
show the depression and sadness within the band for losing the relationship. The colour
pops are blue green and yellow. Each of these colours can have a negative connotation. Blue
for depression from the loss of the relationship, Yellow for the fear of being alone and green,
the colour of envy and wanting the girl.
Mise - en - scene The main setting for Wonderwall seems to be a warehouse or storage
unit. The props being used seem to be like those found in a barber shop along with
instruments and a random rack of saws.
Costuming for Oasis seems to be a simple shirt (plain or checked) with jeans (and some with
a big coat on) which shows the audience that theyre just normal people feeling normal
emotions. The emotions seen within the video are either happiness or sadness and
depression. There are also some scenes of boredom.

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