Geo702 Larry

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Due Wed. Nov. 18

6 8 pages not counting cover page,
bibliography, diagrams and so on
Hard Copy no electronic submissions
Must use Turnitin See Assessment Link on D2L
12 font
Times New Roman
Double or 1.5 spacing

There are varying environmental crimes (these

include such as poaching, illegal harvesting,
illegal disposal of waste, etc.). Explain the
choices of environmental criminals and explore
societys possible solutions such as restorative
worth or
to US shaming.
$213 billion a year, is helping
finance criminal, militia and terrorist groups,
and sustainable
threatening the security
development of many nations.
the pace, level of sophistication, and globalized
nature of the illegal trade in wildlife is currently
beyond the capacity of many countries and
individual organizations to address.

Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual

persons or individual countries. In other words it is an international problem
and as such it should be approached from the standpoint of international
treaties. Do you agree or disagree. Provide arguments for both viewpoints .

the pace, level of sophistication, and globalized nature

of the illegal trade in wildlife is currently beyond the
capacity of many countries and individual organizations
to address.
Do individual countries have such unique problems
(example type of wildlife) that they alone will
understand the problem(s).

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide

improvements in the standard of living. Discuss .

Halting environmental pollution may undermine

economic growthand competitiveness of developing
countries whose economies depends on natural
resources. Developed countries have achieved
substantial economic growth and development and
canafford to focus on environmental goals because
basic living necessities have been achieved.

Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The

benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the
disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons
for your answer.
Basic pro and Con argument

What effect does transportation have on local and global environmental

problems? Rank your approaches in order of importance with justification for
your ranking.

transportation conveys substantial socioeconomic

benefits, but at the same time transportation is
impacting environmental systems. From one side,
transportation activities support increasing mobility
demands for passengers and freight, while on the other,
transport activities are associated with growing levels
ofenvironmental externalities. This has reached a
point where transportation is a dominant source of
emission of most pollutants and their multipleimpacts
on the environment.

Explore the life cycle/carbon footprint of a product of

your choice (for example plastic water bottles or plastic
bags). Expand on the possible areas of impact reduction.
the carbon footprints of products - the amount of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases that get coughed into the air when goods
are made, shipped and stored, and then used by consumers.
many products' global-warming impact depends less on how they're
made than on how they're used. That means the easiest way to cut
carbon emissions may be to buy less of a product or use it in a way
that's less convenient.
a six-pack of beers carbon footprint is about seven pounds. The real
surprise is where the bulk of that number comes from: the
refrigeration of the beer at stores.

Since the rise of environmental awareness, business and industry have always considered
environmentalism a waste of time, only getting in the way of profits and production. From the
perspective of business, environmentalists push for regulations and restrictions on business
costs more money and frequently restricts some practices. What business and the economy
doesn't know is that they can actually save money by being environmentally responsible,
while protecting the very resources on which they depend. Explore this viewpoint.

Companies such as Tesco and WalMart, are not committing

to environmental goals out of the goodness of their hearts,
and neither should they. The reason for their actions is a
simple yet powerful realisation that the environmental and
economic footprints are most often aligned.
In 2007, DuPont was saving $2.2bn a year through energy
efficiency, the same as its total declared profits that year.

The text presents a logic of oil depletion and increased

pricing (Hubbert Curve and Limits to Growth). Does the
recent drop in oil prices and the glut of oil supply negate
these approaches? Outline the rationale for your

Discuss the concepts linked to the viewpoint that we are

dumping our major difficulties and costs on future generations.

Would investments in new oil sands developments be

viable should estimates of the social cost of carbon
emissions be forced by governments onto oil companies
cost structures?

As critics have pointed out during recent pipeline review processes,

regulators like the National Energy Board do not consider the climate impacts
of pipelines and oilsands projects. Its considered out of bounds. Each
project is presented as an ultimatum: approve the project or lose an
economic opportunity
From a policy perspective Leach, who spent a year working on policy
initiatives with Environment Canada, believes the best thing we can do it is
force the industry to internalize the social costs of extracting oil from
The social cost of a carbon future, reclamation expenses, water and air
pollution - those need to be internal to company decisions, and that can be
done in any number of ways, he said, adding that this is a standard view
among economist, despite how popular media portrays the issue.

Scientific data, traditional knowledge and surrogate

analysis are not necessarily mutually exclusive
techniques. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
each approach (with examples) and probe the possibility
of combining the approaches.
The hydrologist had carefully studied the scientific data and knew
for a fact that water would be present if he drilled. So sure was he
that he ignored a Hawaiian elders warning against drilling for water
in that spot. The scientist did indeed hit waterbut it was red,
brackish and undrinkable.
He had drilled on a hill that had been named, millennia ago, Red
Water. Nearby was another site that had carried the name Water for
Man for thousands of years. That is where the drinkable water could
be found, but it did not take a hydrologist with fancy instruments.


The regulation of Forestry and of Ocean Fisheries has not

been particularly successful in our recent past. Select
one of these areas and explore why nations cannot make
and/or enforce effective regulations. Your exploration
should include a discussion of power in the system
(public, lobby groups, businesses, and governments).

Just hang on and, as has happened

in the past, something
(technological change) will come

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