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History of C

• Evolved by Ritchie from two previous programming
languages, BCPL and B
• Used to develop UNIX
• Used to write modern operating systems
• Hardware independent (portable)
• By late 1970's C had evolved to "Traditional C"
 Standardization
• Many slight variations of C existed, and were
• Committee formed to create a "unambiguous,
machine-independent" definition
• Standard created in 1989, updated in 1999
 C programs consist of pieces/modules called functions
• A programmer can create his own functions
 Advantage: the programmer knows exactly how it works
 Disadvantage: time consuming

• Programmers will often use the C library functions

 Use these as building blocks
• Avoid re-inventing the wheel
 Ifa premade function exists, generally best to use it rather than
write your own
 Library functions carefully written, efficient, and portable
Characteristics of C

 C's characteristics that define the language and also have

lead to its popularity as a programming language.

• Small size

• Extensive use of function calls

• Loose typing -- unlike Pascal

• Structured language

• Low level (Bitwise) programming readily available

• Pointer implementation - extensive use of pointers for

memory, array, structures and functions.
C Used as Professional language as:

• It has high-level constructs.

• It can handle low-level activities.

• It produces efficient programs.

• It can be compiled on a variety of computers.

• The standard for C programs was originally the features set

by Dennis M. Ritchie and Brian Kernighan.

• In order to make the language more internationally

acceptable, an international standard was developed,

ANSI C (American National Standards Institute).

What is a Program?

The CPU executes instructions one after the other.

Such a sequence of instructions is called a “program”

Without a program, the computer is just useless


Complex programs may contain millions of instructions

Compilers, Linkers, etc.
.c file l executable
o 010
110 i program
p n

i k
header l library e
(stdio.h) (ANSI)
e r

source object
code code
Terms: Syntax vs Semantics
 Syntax: the required form of the program punctuation,
keywords (int, if, return, …), word order, etc.
 The C compiler always catches these “syntax errors” or
“compiler errors”
 Semantics (logic): what the program means
what you want it to do
The C compiler cannot catch these kinds of errors!

They can be extremely difficult to find

They may not show up right away

Basics of a Typical C Program Development
Edito Dis
• Phases of C k
Preproces Dis program
Programs: sor k processes the
Compiler creates
1. Edit Compiler Dis object code and
k stores
it on disk.
2. Preprocess Linke Dis Linker links the
r k object
3. Compile Memory code with the
Loader libraries
Loader puts
4. Link program in
Dis ..
.. memory.
5. Load k ..

Primary Memory
CPU takes each
6. Execute CPU instruction and
executes it,
possibly storing
.. new data values
as the program
The Preprocessor

The Preprocessor accepts source code as

input and is responsible for removing
comments interpreting special preprocessor
directives denoted by #.
 For example
 #include -- includes contents of a named file. Files
usually called header files. e.g
 #include <math.h> -- standard library maths file.
 #include <stdio.h> -- standard library I/O file

 #define -- defines a symbolic name or constant.

Macro substitution.
 #define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 100
Other High Level Lanuages

 Used for scientific and engineering applications
 Used to manipulate large amounts of data
 Pascal
 Intended for academic use
Structure of a C Program
Documentation Section
Link Section
Definition Section
Global Declaration Section
main() Function Section
Declaration Part
Executable Part

Subprogram Section
Function1 (User-defined Functions)
. .

Memory Concepts

• Variables
– Variable names correspond to locations in the
computer's memory
– Every variable has a name, a type, a size and a
– Whenever a new value is placed into a variable
(through scanf, for example), it replaces (and
destroys) the previous value
– Reading variables from memory does not change
C Character Set
Uppercase A..Z
Lowercase a..z
Digits 0..9
Comma ,
Period .
Semicolon ;
Colon :
Question mark ?
Apostrophe ‘
Quotation mark “
Exclaimation mark !
Vertical bar |
Slash /
Backslash \
Tilde ~
Underscore _
Dollar sign $
Percent sign %
Ampersand &
Caret ^
Asterisk *
Minus sign -
Plus sign +
Opening angle bracket <
Closing angle bracket >
Left parenthesis (
Right parenthesis )

Left bracket [
Right bracket ]
Left brace {
Right brace` }
Number sign #
•White spaces
-blank space
-horizontal tab
-carriage return
-new line
-form feed
C tokens



Numeric Constants Character and string constants


auto double int struct
break else long switch
case enum register typedef
char extern return union
const float short unsigned
continue for signed void
default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while
C Data Types
Data types in C

Data Types

Primitive Data Type Non-Primitive Data Type User-Defined Data Type Empty Data Type

int arrays
m void
floa structur
t es typede
cha unions
Size and range of data types
Type Size(bits) Range
Lower Upper
char or signed 8 -128 127
unsigned char 8 0 255
int or signed int 16 -32768 32767
unsigned int 16 0 65535

short int or 8 -128 127

signed short int
unsigned short int 8 0 255

long int or 32 -2147483648 2147483647

signed long int
unsigned long int 32 0 4294967295

float 32 -3.4E38 3.4E38

double 64 -1.7E308 1.7E308
long double 80 -3.4E4932 1.1E4932

NOTE: There is NO Boolean type in C -- you should use char, int or (better) unsigned char.
Unsigned can be used with all char and int types.
Type of constants

Numeric Non-Numeric
constants Constants

Integer Real constants Single character String

constants (eg. 9.0) constants
(eg 9) (eg “a”)
(eg ‘a’)
ANSI C allows you to declare constants.

When you declare a constant it is a bit like a variable declaration except the
value cannot be changed. The const keyword is to declare a constant, as
shown below:
nt const a = 1;
const int a = 2;

To declare a variable in C, do:

Syntax: var_type list variables;

e.g. int i,j,k; float x,y,z; char ch;


typedef –
typedef is an abbreviation used for “Type Definition”. Its purpose is to
redefine the name of an existing data type. This can be later used to
declare variables. Its general form is:
typedef standard-datatype userdefined-datatype.
Ex: (i) typedef int age;
int x;
age p,q,r,s;

Here, all the variables are holding integer value but age helps us to
understand that these 4 variables will hold age. It helps users debugging
the program.
(ii) struct student
char name [30];
int roll_no;
float percent;
struct student s;
Using typedef:
struct student
char name [30];
int roll_no;
float percent;
typedef struct student STU;
STU s1, s2;
Enumerated data types
The enumerated data type gives us an opportunity to invent our
own data type and define what values the variables of this data
type can take. Its general form is:
enum datatype-name {val1,val2,…..,valn};
enum weekdays {
Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday};
weekdays x, y;
(ii) enum marks
gradeA=1, gradeB=2, gradeC=3
enum marks s1, s2;

The values declared by enum are ordinal nos. Ordinal values

starts from zero.
Input/ Output Functions
 Presentation of results
 scanf and printf
 Streams (input and output)
 gets, puts, getchar, putchar (in <stdio.h>)
Formatting Output with printf

 printf
 Precise output formatting
 Conversion specifications: flags, field widths, precisions, etc.
 Can perform rounding, aligning columns, right/left justification,
inserting literal characters, exponential format, hexadecimal format,
and fixed width and precision
 Format
 printf( format-control-string, other-arguments );
 Format control string: describes output format
 Other-arguments: correspond to each conversion specification in
 Each specification begins with a percent sign(%), ends with conversion
Printing Integers

 Whole number (no decimal point): 25, 0, -9
 Positive, negative, or zero
 Only minus sign prints by default (later we shall change this)
Conversion Specifier Description

d Display a signed decimal integer.

i Display a signed decimal integer. ( Note: The i and d specifiers
are different when used with scanf.)
o Display an unsigned octal integer.
u Display an unsigned decimal integer.
x or X Display an unsigned hexadecimal integer. X causes the digits 0-9
and the letters A-F to be displayed and x causes the digits 0-9 and
a-f to be displayed.
h or l (letter l) Place before any integer conversion specifier to indicate that a
short or long integer is displayed respectively. Letters h and l
are more precisely called length modifiers .
2 /* Using the integer conversion specifiers */
3 #include <stdio.h>
5 int main()
6 {
7 printf( "%d\n", 455 ); 1. Print
8 printf( "%i\n", 455 ); /* i same as d in printf */
9 printf( "%d\n", +455 );
10 printf( "%d\n", -455 );
11 printf( "%hd\n", 32000 );
12 printf( "%ld\n", 2000000000 );
13 printf( "%o\n", 455 );
14 printf( "%u\n", 455 );
15 printf( "%u\n", -455 );
16 printf( "%x\n", 455 );
17 printf( "%X\n", 455 );
19 return 0;
20 }
32000 Program Output
Printing Floating-Point Numbers

 Floating Point Numbers

 Have a decimal point (33.5)

 Exponential notation (computer's version of scientific

 150.3 is 1.503 x 10² in scientific
 150.3 is 1.503E+02 in exponential (E stands for exponent)
 use e or E

 f – print floating point with at least one digit to left of decimal

 g (or G) - prints in f or e with no trailing zeros (1.2300
becomes 1.23)
 Use exponential if exponent less than -4, or greater than or equal
to precision (6 digits by default)
1 /* Fig 9.4: fig09_04.c */
2 /* Printing floating-point numbers with
3 floating-point conversion specifiers */
1. Print
5 #include <stdio.h>
7 int main()
8 {
9 printf( "%e\n", 1234567.89 );
10 printf( "%e\n", +1234567.89 );
11 printf( "%e\n", -1234567.89 );
12 printf( "%E\n", 1234567.89 );
13 printf( "%f\n", 1234567.89 );
14 printf( "%g\n", 1234567.89 );
15 printf( "%G\n", 1234567.89 );
17 return 0;
18 }
1.234568e+006 Program Output
Printing Strings and Characters

Prints char argument
 Cannot be used to print the first character of a string

Requires a pointer to char as an argument
 Prints characters until NULL ('\0') encountered
 Cannot print a char argument

 Single quotes for character constants ('z')
 Double quotes for strings "z" (which actually contains two
characters, 'z' and '\0')
1 /* Fig 9.5: fig09_05c */
2 /* Printing strings and characters */
3 #include <stdio.h>
1. Initialize
5 int main()
6 {
7 char character = 'A';
8 char string[] = "This is a string"; 2. Print
9 const char *stringPtr = "This is also a string";
11 printf( "%c\n", character );
12 printf( "%s\n", "This is a string" );
13 printf( "%s\n", string );
14 printf( "%s\n", stringPtr );
16 return 0;
17 }

This is a string
This is a string Program Output
This is also a string
Other Conversion Specifiers

 Displays pointer value (address)
 Stores number of characters already output by current printf
 Takes a pointer to an integer as an argument
 Nothing printed by a %n specification
 Every printf call returns a value
 Number of characters output
 Negative number if error occurs

 Prints a percent sign
 %%
1 /* Fig 9.7: fig09_07.c */
2 /* Using the p, n, and % conversion specifiers */
3 #include <stdio.h>
5 int main() 1. Initialize
6 { variables
7 int *ptr;
8 int x = 12345, y;
9 2. Print
10 ptr = &x;
11 printf( "The value of ptr is %p\n", ptr );
12 printf( "The address of x is %p\n\n", &x );
14 printf( "Total characters printed on this line is:%n",
&y ); printf( " %d\n\n", y );
17 y = printf( "This line has 28 characters\n" );
18 printf( "%d characters were printed\n\n", y );
20 printf( "Printing a %% in a format control string\n" );
22 return 0;
23 }
The value of ptr is 0065FDF0
The address of x is 0065FDF0 Program Output
Total characters printed on this line is: 41

This line has 28 characters

28 characters were printed
Printing with Field Widths and Precisions

Field width
 Size of field in which data is printed
 If width larger than data, default right justified
 If field width too small, increases to fit data
 Minus sign uses one character position in field

 Integer width inserted between % and conversion specifier

 %4d – field width of 4
Printing with Field Widths and Precisions

 Precision
 Meaning varies depending on data type
 Integers (default 1)
 Minimum number of digits to print
 If data too small, prefixed with zeros
 Floating point
 Number of digits to appear after decimal (e and f)
 For g – maximum number of significant digits

 Strings
 Maximum number of characters to be written from string
 Format
 Use a dot (.) then precision number after %
Printing with Field Widths and Precisions

 Field width and precision

 Can both be specified
 %width.precision
 Negative field width – left justified
 Positive field width – right justified
 Precision must be positive
 Can use integer expressions to determine field width and precision
 Place
an asterisk (*) in place of the field width or precision
 Matched to an int argument in argument list
 Example:

printf( "%*.*f", 7, 2, 98.736 );

1 /* Fig 9.9: fig09_09.c */
2 /* Using precision while printing integers,
3 floating-point numbers, and strings */
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 1. Initialize
6 int main() variables
7 {
8 int i = 873;
9 double f = 123.94536;
2. Print
10 char s[] = "Happy Birthday";
12 printf( "Using precision for integers\n" );
13 printf( "\t%.4d\n\t%.9d\n\n", i, i );
14 printf( "Using precision for floating-point
15 printf(
); "\t%.3f\n\t%.3e\n\t%.3g\n\n", f, f, f );
16 printf( "Using precision for strings\n" );
17 printf( "\t%.11s\n", s );
19 return 0;
20 }

Using precision for integers

000000873 Program Output

Using precision for floating-point numbers


Using precision for strings

Happy Birth
Using Flags in the printf Format-Control

 Flags
 Supplement formatting capabilities
 Place flag immediately to the right of percent sign
 Several flags may be combined
Flag Desc ription
- (minus sign) Left-justify the output within the specified field.
+ (plus sign) Display a plus sign preceding positive values and a minus sign preceding negative
space Print a space before a positive value not printed with the+ flag.
# Prefix 0 to the output value when used with the octal conversion specifier

Prefix 0x or 0X to the output value when used with the hexadecimal conver
specifiers x or X.

Force a decimal point for a floating-point number printed withe, E, f, g or G that

does not contain a fractional part. (Normally the decimal point is only printed if a
digit follows it.) Forg and G specifiers, trailing zeros are not eliminated.
0 (zero) Pad a field with leading zeros.
1 /* Fig 9.11: fig09_11.c */
2 /* Right justifying and left justifying values */
3 #include <stdio.h>
4 1. Print
5 int main()
6 {
7 printf( "%10s%10d%10c%10f\n\n", "hello", 7, 'a', 1.23 );
8 printf( "%-10s%-10d%-10c%-10f\n", "hello", 7, 'a',
9 );
return 0;
10 }

hello 7 a 1.230000
Program Output
hello 7 a 1.230000
1 /* Fig 9.14: fig09_14.c */
2 /* Using the # flag with conversion specifiers
3 o, x, X and any floating-point specifier */
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 1. Initialize
6 int main() variables
7 {
8 int c = 1427;
2. Print
9 double p = 1427.0;
11 printf( "%#o\n", c );
12 printf( "%#x\n", c );
13 printf( "%#X\n", c );
14 printf( "\n%g\n", p );
15 printf( "%#g\n", p );
17 return 0;
18 }

0x593 Program Output

Printing Literals and Escape Sequences

Printing Literals
 Most characters can be printed
 Certain "problem" characters, such as the quotation mark "
 Must be represented by escape sequences
 Represented by a backslash \ followed by an escape character
Printing Literals and Escape Sequences

Table of all escape sequences

Escape sequenc e Desc ription

\' Output the single quote (') character.
\" Output the double quote (") character.
\? Output the question mark (?) character.
\\ Output the backslash (\) character.
\a Cause an audible (bell) or visual alert.
\b Move the cursor back one position on the current line.
\f Move the cursor to the start of the next logical page.
\n Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
\r Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
\t Move the cursor to the next horizontal tab position.
\v Move the cursor to the next vertical tab position.
Formatting Input with Scanf

 scanf
 Input formatting
 Capabilities
 Input all types of data
 Input specific characters
 Skip specific characters

 scanf(format-control-string, other-arguments);
 Format-control-string
 Describes formats of inputs
 Other-arguments
 Pointers to variables where input will be stored
 Can include field widths to read a specific number of characters from
the stream
Formatting Input with Scanf
C onversion specifier Description
d Read an optionally signed decimal integer. The corresponding
argument is a pointer to integer.
i Read an optionally signed decimal, octal, or hexadecimal inte ger.
The corresponding argument is a pointer to integer.
o Read an octal integer. The corresponding argument is a pointer to
unsigned integer.
u Read an unsigned decimal integer. The corresponding argument is
a pointer to unsigned integer.
x or X Read a hexadecimal integer. The corresponding argument is a
pointer to unsigned integer.
h or l Place before any of the integer conversion specifiers to indicate
that a short or long integer is to be input.
Floating-point numbers
e, E, f, g or G Read a floating-point value. The corresponding argument is a
pointer to a floating-point variable.
l or L Place before any of the floating-point conversion specifiers to
indicate that a double or long double value is to be input.
Formatting Input with Scanf

Table continued from previous slide

Conversion Specifier Description
Characters and strings
c Read a character. The corresponding argument is a pointer to
char , no null ( '\0') is added.
s Read a string. The corresponding argument is a pointer to an ar ray
of type char that is large enoug h to hold the string and a
terminating null ( '\0') character —which is automatically added.
Scan set
[scan characters Scan a string for a set of characters that are stored in an array.
p Read an address of the same form produced when an address is
output with %p in a printf statement.
n Store the number of characters input so far in this scanf . The
corresponding argument is a pointer to integer
% Skip a percent sign ( %) in the input.
Formatting Input with Scanf

 Scan sets
 Set of characters enclosed in square brackets []
 Preceded by % sign
 Scans input stream, looking only for characters in scan set
 Whenever a match occurs, stores character in specified array
 Stops scanning once a character not in the scan set is found
 Inverted scan sets
 Usea caret ^: [^aeiou]
 Causes characters not in the scan set to be stored

Skipping characters
 Include character to skip in format control
 Or, use * (assignment suppression character)
 Skips any type of character without storing it
1 /* Fig 9.20: fig09_20.c */
2 /* Reading characters and strings */
3 #include <stdio.h>
5 int main() 1. Initialize
6 { variables
7 char x, y[ 9 ];
9 printf( "Enter a string: " ); 2. Input
10 scanf( "%c%s", &x, y );
3. Print
12 printf( "The input was:\n" );
13 printf( "the character \"%c\" ", x );
14 printf( "and the string \"%s\"\n", y );
16 return 0;
17 }

Enter a string: Sunday

The input was:
the character "S" and the string "unday" Program Output
1 /* Fig 9.22: fig09_22.c */
2 /* Using an inverted scan set */
3 #include <stdio.h>
5 int main() 1. Initialize
6 { variable
7 char z[ 9 ] = { '\0' };
2. Input
9 printf( "Enter a string: " );
10 scanf( "%[^aeiou]", z );
11 printf( "The input was \"%s\"\n", z ); 3. Print
13 return 0;
14 }

Enter a string: String

The input was "Str"
Program Output
2 /* Reading and discarding characters from the input stream
*/ #include <stdio.h>
5 int main() 1. Initialize
6 { variables
7 int month1, day1, year1, month2, day2, year2;
9 printf( "Enter a date in the form mm-dd-yyyy: " );
10 scanf( "%d%*c%d%*c%d", &month1, &day1, &year1 );
11 printf( "month = %d day = %d year = %d\n\n", 2. Input
12 month1, day1, year1 );
13 printf( "Enter a date in the form mm/dd/yyyy: " );
14 scanf( "%d%*c%d%*c%d", &month2, &day2, &year2 ); 3. Print
15 printf( "month = %d day = %d year = %d\n",
16 month2, day2, year2 );
18 return 0;
19 }
Enter a date in the form mm-dd-yyyy: 11-18-2000
month = 11 day = 18 year = 2000

Enter a date in the form mm/dd/yyyy: 11/18/2000 Program Output

month = 11 day = 18 year = 2000
Character handling functions

getchar() – This function is used to read a single character. It is an
unformatted input function. Its is found in the header file <stdio.h>
Syntax :
variable = getchar();
char ch;
ch = getchar();
 getche() – This function is also used to read a single character. It is also
an uformatted input function. It is found in the header file <conio.h>
variable = getche();
char ch;
ch = getche();
 Note: getche() function is used to read single character, press the
character only, it does not need Enter key, but in getchar it needs to press
the character which you want to input and then Enter key.
 getch() – This function is used to read an unformatted input funtion. Its prototype
is found in the header file <conio.h>
variable = getch();
char ch;
ch = getch();
 Note: It does not display the input character.

 putch() & putchar() – This function is used to print a single character. It is an

unformatted output function. Its prototype is available in the header file <stdio.h>
putchar(variable); putch(variable);
char c;
c= getchar();
Gets() and puts() functions
 gets() is used to read a string i.e. group of characters; from the keyboard.
gets() is needed because scanf() discards the remaining string after a blank
space where as gets() is useful for inputting multiple lines statements.
char array-variable;
char str[20];

 puts() is used to print the whole string including blank spaces.

Syntax: puts(array-variable);
More Character Handling Functions
Below mentioned functions are defined in the header file <ctype.h> :-

 toupper() – It is used to convert small case alphabet to uppercase.

Syntax: toupper (variable);
Ex: char ch = ‘a’;

 tolower() – It is used to convert an uppercase alphabet to lowercase.

Syntax: tolower (variable);
Ex: char ch = ‘A’;
printf (“%c”,tolower(ch));

 toascii() – It converts any character to its ASCII code equivalent.

Syntax: toascii(variable);
Ex: char ch = ‘A’;
int n;
n = toacsii(ch);
printf(“%d”,n); Or, printf(“%d”,ch);
Operators in C
Type of Operators

Arithmetic Relational Logical Assignment

Operators Operators Operators Operator
(+,-,*,/,%) (<,<=,>,>=,==,!=) (&&,||,!) (=)

Increment & Decrement

Operators (++,--)

Conditional Bitwise Special

Operator (? : ) Operators Operators
(&,|,^,<<,>>,~) (*,&,comma, . Or ->,
sizeof(), typecast, [ ])
Arithmetic Operators
Operator Meaning

+ Addition or Unary Plus

- Subtraction or Unary Minus

* Multiplication

/ Division

% Modulo Division
Relational Operators
Operator Meaning

< Is less than

<= Is less than or equal to

> Is greater than

>= Is greater than or equal to

== Is equal to

!= Is not equal to
Logical Operators
Operator Meaning

&& Logical AND

|| Logical OR

! Logical NOT
Increment & Decrement Operator
Operator Meaning
++ Increment
-- Decrement

Conditional Operator
Assignment Operator
Operator Meaning

= Assign or Initialize a value

Bitwise Operator
Operator Meaning

~ One’s Complement

>> Right Shift

<< Left Shift

& Bitwise AND

| Bitwise OR

^ Bitwise EX-OR
 All data represented internally as sequences of bits
 Each bit can be either 0 or 1
 Sequence of 8 bits forms a byte

Operator Name Description

& bitwise AND The bits in the result are set to 1 if the corresponding
bits in the two operands are both 1.
| bitwise OR The bits in the result are set to 1 if at least one of the
corresponding bits in the two operands is 1.
^ bitwise exclusive The bits in the result are set to 1 if exactly one of the
OR corresponding bits in the two operands is 1.
<< left shift Shifts the bits of the first operand left by the number
of bits specified by the second operand; fill from right
with 0 bits.
>> right shift Shifts the bits of the first operand right by the number
of bits specified by the second operand; the method
of filling from the left is machine dependent.

~ One’s complement All 0 bits are set to 1 and all 1 bits are set to 0.
Special Operator
Operator Meaning

* Pointer Operator

& Address Operator

, Comma Operator

. or -> Member Selection Operator

sizeof () Size of Operator

typecast Type Cast Operator

[] Subscript Operator
 ‘*’ operator is also called “value at address operator”. It gives the value
stored data particular address. This operator is also called “indirection

 ‘&’ operator can be remembered as address of. It is used to determine the

address of any variable.

 ‘,’ operator is used to link the related expressions together.

 ‘.’ or ‘->’ operator is used to access the values of members of a structure

or union.
=> sizeof() operator is a unary operator that gives the no. of bytes
occupied by the variable or the data type.
Ex: sizeof(x) => 2 -> int
1 –> char
4 -> float
8 -> double
Or sizeof(int).


=> Typecasting means forcing the compiler to explicitly convert the value
of an expression to a particular datatype.
float a;
int x=6, y=4;
a = (float) x/y;
o/p : 1.5000
Precedence & Associativity of
Operator Precedence

 From high priority to low priority the order for all C operators (we have not met all
of them yet) is:
Operator Description Associativity Rank
( ) Function call Left to right 1
[] Array element reference
+ Unary plus Right to left 2
- Unary minus
++ Increment
-- Decrement
! Logical negation
~ 1’s complement
* Pointer reference(indirection)
& Address
sizeof size of an object
(type) Type cast(conversion)
Operator Description Associativity Rank

* Multiplication Left to right 3

/ Division
% Modulus
+ Addition Left to right 4
- Subtraction

<< Left shift Left to right 5

>> Right shift
Operator Description Associativity Rank

?: Conditional expression Right to left 13

= *= /= %= += Assignment operators Right to left 14

-= &= ^= |= <<= >>=

, Comma operator Left toright 15







Function n
Developing Simple Program
A Simple C Program printing a line of text

2 A first program in C */
3 #include <stdio.h>
5 int main()
6 {
7 printf( "Welcome to C!\n" );
9 return 0;
10 }

Text surrounded by /* and */ is ignored by computer
Used to describe program
#include <stdio.h>
Preprocessor directive
Tells computer to load contents of a certain file
<stdio.h> allows standard input/output operations
A Simple C Program printing a line of text

• int main()
– C programs contain one or more functions,
exactly one of which must be main
– Parenthesis used to indicate a function
– int means that main "returns" an integer value
– Braces ({ and }) indicate a block
• The bodies of all functions must be contained in
A Simple C Program printing a line of text

• printf( "Welcome to C!\n" );

– Instructs computer to perform an action
• Specifically, prints the string of characters within quotes (“ ”)
– Entire line called a statement
• All statements must end with a semicolon (;)
– Escape character (\)
• Indicates that printf should do something out of the ordinary
• \n is the newline character
A Simple C Program printing a line of text

• return 0;
– A way to exit a function
– return 0, in this case, means that the program terminated

• Right brace }
– Indicates end of main has been reached

• Linker
– When a function is called, linker locates it in the library

– Inserts it into object program

– If function name is misspelled, the linker will produce an error

because it will not be able to find function in the library
2 Addition program */
3 #include <stdio.h> Initialize variables
5 int main()
6 {
7 int integer1, integer2, sum; /* declaration */
8 Sum
9 printf( "Enter first integer\n" ); /* prompt */
10 scanf( "%d", &integer1 ); /* read an integer */
11 printf( "Enter second integer\n" ); /* prompt */
12 scanf( "%d", &integer2 ); /* read an integer */
13 sum = integer1 + integer2; /* assignment of sum */
14 printf( "Sum is %d\n", sum ); /* print sum */
16 return 0; /* indicate that program ended successfully */
17 }

Enter first integer

Enter second integer
72 Program Output
Sum is 117
Another Simple C Program: Adding Two Integers

 As before
 Comments, #include <stdio.h> and main
 int integer1, integer2, sum;
 Declaration of variables

 Variables: locations in memory where a value can be stored

 int means the variables can hold integers (-1, 3, 0, 47)

 Variable names (identifiers)

 integer1, integer2, sum

 Identifiers: consist of letters, digits (cannot begin with a digit) and
underscores( _ )
 Case sensitive

 Declarations appear before executable statements

 If an executable statement references and undeclared variable it will

produce a syntax (compiler) error
Another Simple Program: Adding two integers

• scanf( "%d", &integer1 );

– Obtains a value from the user
• scanf uses standard input (usually keyboard)
– This scanf statement has two arguments
• %d - indicates data should be a decimal integer
• &integer1 - location in memory to store variable
• & is confusing in beginning – for now, just remember to include
it with the variable name in scanf statements
– When executing the program the user responds to the scanf
statement by typing in a number, then pressing the enter (return)
Another Simple Program: Adding two integers

• = (assignment operator)
– Assigns a value to a variable

– Is a binary operator (has two operands)

 sum = variable1 + variable2;

 sum gets variable1 + variable2;
– Variable receiving value on left

• printf( "Sum is %d\n", sum );

– Similar to scanf

• %d means decimal integer will be printed

• sum specifies what integer will be printed

– Calculations can be performed inside printf statements

 printf( "Sum is %d\n", integer1 + integer2 );

1 /*
2 Using if statements, relational
3 operators, and equality operators */
4 #include <stdio.h>
6 int main()
7 {
8 int num1, num2;
10 printf( "Enter two integers, and I will tell you\n" );
11 printf( "the relationships they satisfy: " );
12 scanf( "%d%d", &num1, &num2 ); /* read two integers */
14 if ( num1 == num2 )
15 printf( "%d is equal to %d\n", num1, num2 );
17 if ( num1 != num2 )
18 printf( "%d is not equal to %d\n", num1, num2 );
20 if ( num1 < num2 )
21 printf( "%d is less than %d\n", num1, num2 );
23 if ( num1 > num2 )
24 printf( "%d is greater than %d\n", num1, num2 );
26 if ( num1 <= num2 )
27 printf( "%d is less than or equal to %d\n",
28 num1, num2 );
30 if ( num1 >= num2 )
31 printf( "%d is greater than or equal to %d\n",

32 num1, num2 );


34 return 0; /* indicate program ended successfully */

35 }

Enter two integers, and I will tell you

the relationships they satisfy: 3 7
3 is not equal to 7
3 is less than 7
3 is less than or equal to 7

Enter two integers, and I will tell you

the relationships they satisfy: 22 12
22 is not equal to 12
22 is greater than 12
22 is greater than or equal to 12
Compiling a C program
Separate Compilation

 Short C programs are completely contained within one source

 Sometimes C allows a program to be spread across two or more
 Each file can be compiled separately.
 The advantage of separate compilation is that:
 Changing the code of one file, do not need to recompile the
entire program.
 saves a substantial amount of time.
 Allows multiple programmers to more easily work together on a
single project
Compilation Process

Creating an executable form of your C program

consists of these three steps:
 Creating your program.
 Compiling your program.
 Linking your program with whatever functions are needed
from the library.
Relevance of C Language
C has been around for 30 years, and there is a ton of source
code available. Many of the issues with the language have
been clearly elucidated and lot of tutorials are available.
 C has become something of the lingua franca of
programming. C is a great language for expressing common
ideas in programming in a way that most people are
comfortable with.
C is reasonably close to the machine. When working with
pointers, bytes, and individual bits, things like
optimization techniques start to make a lot more sense.
Speed of the resulting application. C source code can be optimized
much more than higher-level languages because the language set is
relatively small and very efficient (other reasons too, discussed
later). It is about as close as you can get to programming in
assembly language, without programming in assembly language.
Its application in Firmware programming (hardware). That is due
to its ability to use/work with assembly and communicate directly
with controllers, processors and other devices.

C is a building bock for many other currently known
C is a compiled language versus an interpreted
language. Means that the code is compacted into
executable instruction (in the case of windows
anyway) rather than being "translated" on the fly at
run time. This feature also lends heavily to the speed
of C programs.

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