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Assignment # 01






Segmentation and customer insight in
contemporary services marketing practice:
Why grouping customers is no longer
Christine Bailey, Cisco System Ltd, UK
Paul R. Braines, Cranfield school of management, UK
Hugh Wilson, Cranfield school of management, UK
Moira Clark, Henly Business School, UK

Natural Setting

The researchers conducted the study in a

natural setting,
The data collected from 5 UK-based large
companies to ascertain the role of market
segmentation in the services and products &
The interviews from staff members of the
organizations was conducted at their work

Research Instrument

The study conducted the case based

Research and The researchers developed
case studies through 25 in-depth
interviews with senior personnel
of(Marketing, Customer insight, CRM, Call
center & Sales management) of the
organizations at their work places in a
natural setting.

Types Of
The interviews were recorded and
transcribed and the information was
collected into cases along with supporting
The nature of data is not multiple however
within one source (organizations), but the
data contains multiple dimensions.

Inductive & Deductive Reasoning

The study design was primarily deductive
and researcher wanted to test the existing
theory on market segmentation.
They also tried to blend this deductive with
inductive reasoning in investigation and
exploring how the current practices will
shape the future market strategies and

Participants Multiple Meaning

The researchers tried to report the

perspective of the respondents and
their multiple meanings. However the
subject under research study does not
involve much of the subjective context
so there is little scope of multiple
meaning. (Page 233 last

Context Of Research

The researcher reported the context

in which problem of the study was
investigated (Refer Page 227,

Researcher Work Experience & Interpretation .

The researcher discussed in detail the

opinions drawn from the responses of
the respondents but unable to link it
with researchers judgment of the
topic. (Refer Page 245 and 246)

Complex Picture of Research

it seems hard to find the research

linkages of research findings to final
conclusions or other way researchers
could not manage to shape out the
interpretation of the findings. (Refer
Page 247)

Building Theories from Case
Study Research.

Kathleen M. Eisenhardt

Instrument for Data collection

In Qualitative research the researcher
dont use or rely on instrument developed
by other researchers (Creswell 2009 pp.
The researcher collect the data from
multiple cases by reviewing cases, as found
mostly in qualitative research.
So there must be any criteria or
instrument for collecting data that

Context of Research
Numerous Process among the Building
theories from case study research were found
in previous studies.
In all these studies researcher used several
pieces of process to build theory but there
was a confusion that,
how to combine these process.
when to conduct this type of research.
how to evaluate the findings.

The researcher went to find out new insight

Context of Research continue

In the review one of the strong judgement
was extracted from the studies that case
studies were invalid could not solve the
organizational problems. So this author tried
to suggest another approach that is case
study by keeping context of the problems.
Case study method is used to identify
problems of organizations through different
perspectives such as observations, interviews
history of problems etc. However my stand
the case study research is very important
tools of qualitative research is used in

Researcher Work Experience

The researcher described her work
experience in such field and mentioned some
studies. she identified three important gap
from her work experience.
There are lack of clarity about process of
building cases.
No one has explicitly examined after the
theory building approach is likely to fruitful
and its strengths & weaknesses.
Distinctions among qualitative data,
inductive logic and case study research.

Interpretation Of Finding
1)Roadmap to building theories from case
study research.
2) Explore strengths and weaknesses of
theory building from case studies. The
researcher also interpreted that this research
process (roadmap),
Is especially appropriate in new topic area.
The resultant theory will often novel, testable
and empirically valid.
Frame breaking insights, the tests of good
theory and convincing grounding in the

Complex Picture Of Research

The researcher discussed past studies &
described how their research did not explicitly
examine theory building from case study
research and She concluded after complex
phenomenon of study,
strength after this process, and continual
cycling between theory and data.

Complex Picture .. Continue

Researcher more emphasis on to go through
data collecting method to data analysis and
then formulate theory.
Developing theory from case study
the result may be narrow
the theory would be testable by using the
methods used to gather the original data for
proving the more validity of theory.

Building theories from case study research is

To going through this process we faced
difficulties initially to identify those
characteristics e.g. in article why customers
are no longer enough author has discussed
many aspects in detail but was failed to
create link with the conclusion. Further in
finding out complex reasoning through
deductive and inductive reasoning and also
this step was difficult to identify in critique
article Building theories from case study

To get the remedy to finding out
these characteristics we have
consulted chapter 3 (Creswell) and
to read articles again. For critique,
we have made a draft first by
keeping in view the qualitative
characteristics and compare the
opponent groups draft. After that
analysis we have extract 4
characteristics which we think there
is a need of change in draft of
opponent group.

While doing this assignment, we tried
to communicate our ideas on time and
before this assignment our perception
about analyzing an article was different
because it was a first time we got an
opportunity to work on any qualitative
research and the Creswell book has
support us in making our arguments.
After doing that assignment we got the
clear knowledge about the basic
characteristics of qualitative research
and now we are able to analyze any

Thank you

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