Strategic Analysis of Universiti Malaysia Pahang: Human Resource

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Strategic Analysis Of

Universiti Malaysia
Pahang : Human

Company Background
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) is a
technical university established in 2002.
UMP offers a variety of technical programs Engineering and Technology.
UMP operates campuses located in
Gambang, Kuantan and has a permanent
campus in Kuala Pahang, Pekan

The campus in Gambang is located in a

strategic location close to the East Coast
Highway - the industrial zone of chemical,
petrochemical, manufacturing, automotive
and biotechnology for the state of Pahang.
UMP has several other departments Office of the Vice-Chancellor, the
Registrar's Office and Treasurer's Office.

Registrar's Office
Roles Registrar's Office :
Planning and management of office
eg through the budget process;
advertising; recruitment;
placement; and promotion
The design and operation of annual
staff training program; assessing
the effectiveness; monitor
competence; and implement

Management of staff training

Strengthening staff competence
through the implementation of
general and specific induction
Management services and welfare
staff through performance
appraisals (records management

UMP has brought in additional
contract staff to fulfill its manpower
UMP currently has 200 contract staff
- placed in various department.

What is Contract
Staff ?
Application for a permanent
position must be made through the
Department of Public Service.
Department of Public Service the final approval of the quantity of
staff required for a statutory/
governmental agency, taking into
account various aspects. This
process is time-consuming.

UMP chooses to pay contract staff

as this process by-passes the
Department of Public Service.
Contract Staff gets the same
benefits as Permanent Staff Medical, Dental and Annual Bonus
(if any).

The Differences for

Contract Staff :
No annual increment.
Do not qualify for Excellent Service
Required to apply for Service
Contract Renewal annually.
No guarantee of Service Contract
Year of Service is not recognized.

Issues for Contract Staff

disciplinary issues - show disinterest in
work, leading to attendance problems.
relationship with co-workers
psychological issues
low performance level
chronic health issues such as heart
problem, diabetes and cancer.

The question is, why

would they behave so?

After some analysis and survey, it was found

that the said staff had been under contract
for so long, some for as long as 5 years.
Changing jobs is not as easy as we think.
Some of them are married and have
We believe that their position does not
match up to their qualification level. For
those with degrees or diplomas, working at
counters is not exactly what they wanted.



Employment policy of UMP is well

developed and comprehensive.

HR staff is experienced and

understand the scope of their

Good perception among community.

UMP as a career option for job



Constraints for permanent

recruitment (budget approval) and
must be approved in advance by
Public Service Department.

Negative perceptions of contract

staff and are often considered not

Selection is based on certain criteria

(eg, active in sports).

Working in contract position more

than 3 years.


Promotion opportunities
faster if compared with
the federal government
(especially for academic
Most of the schemes in
the public service offered
in a university (for
example, Scheme U for
Medical, scheme S for


High staff turnover due to

unsecured feeling

Contract staff has to

compete with candidates
from outside to grab a
permanent position.

This case analysis was undertaken

based on strategic decisions which
refers to Human resources that
represent the most valuable input to
the production process and deserve
the special attention of all levels of
management because of their unique
role in the total system.

Head of department might employ
rewards for desirable behavior by
staff to help steers employees
towards intended performance
Offer employees as permanent
position is the best positive
Gave the award to them for their
appreciation (monetary reward
such as allowances).

Implementation of clock-in/clockout system.

Attendance is compulsory for
departments activity and will be
included in the annual assessment
Clearly state the mistake that
employee has been done (memo).
"Non-awards." It recognizes the
employees who performed the
worst. The employee is awarded a
trophy that must be displayed.

If the employees are late too many
times - pay cuts, an unpaid day
off, or even discontinuing
Warning letter to the employee.
Signing unpleasant task. For
example, frequent outstation.
Refusing to allow them for taking
vacation time.

Summary and Conclusion

The reinforcement theory has been used in the workplace to help
interpret an individuals needs based on their behavior.

Skinner stated that if an employee performed poorly at work, either the

employee did not find the work personally gratifying or the individual was
not being appropriately rewarded for their work.
Reinforcement can be positive or negative however, positive
reinforcement promotes a positive behavior change better than the other
methods of negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction.
UMP could still use the example of rewarding staff for not being tardy as
discussed under positive reinforcement.
Along with this reward UMP would continually encourage people for
coming in on time so that the associates understand that he recognizes
their change in behavior.

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