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The Market Facilitation Initiative

- Improved Communication Model 2010 -

By Lucho Osorio - MaFI Facilitator

A proposal to deliver
a fulfilling experience of
knowledge sharing and
to MaFI members
Main Inputs for Model Design

• MaFI members since its beginnings

• SEEP members during SEEP Annual
Conference, Nov 2009
• MaFI members’ responses to short
survey, Nov 2009
Principles for Model Design
• Proactive: Reach members where they
already spend most of their time
• Diverse: Use different channels to reach
different segments of members
• Adaptable: Give options for members to
share and network
• Predictable: Help members plan their
time and know what is coming
• Simple: both in operation and looks
Communication Model for MaFI

LEVEL 3: Facebook Page


LEVEL 2: LinkedIn Group


LEVEL 1: SEEP’s SharePoint

Twitter D-Groups

SEEP Library, MaFI-licious and Slideshare Local Learning Groups (LLGs)

Channel Main audience Main function
Level 1: Leaders of learning •Strategic vision and planning
SEEP’s Sharepoint teams and other “hard •Co-produce MaFI knowledge
core” (highly committed) products
members •Co-ordinate learning teams
(The Backbone)
Level 2: All members •Planned and spontaneous
LinkedIn Group discussions
•Peer support, problem solving
and networking
(Forum and
Meeting Point) •Jobs and events information
Level 3: Potential new members •General information
Facebook Page who want to be informed •Updates about new
about facilitation and knowledge products, events
pro-poor market and learning discussions
(Dashboard and development
Loudspeaker) •Spread the voice (“fans”)
Support Platforms
Platform Main audience Main functions
Local MaFI members who live in •Face-to-face interactions
Learning the same area •Contextualised learning,
Groups support and networking
(LLGs) •Local initiatives and mobilisation
D-Groups Members who only want or •News updates (mainly via
need to use email periodic newsletters)
•Works as a listserve
Twitter Members and development Selected “twitterers” can send
professionals short updates to all members
MaFI-licious Members and development Live repository of web-based
professionals resources about facilitation and
pro-poor market development
Slideshare Members and development •Sharing slides and other docs
professionals •Webinars and discussions
Main features (I)
• Multiple communication channels
– Sharepoint, LinkedIn, Facebook and listserve
• Viral communication and promotion
– Through members’ networks in LinkedIn & Facebook
– Through the integration of MaFI-licious and Twitter
updates, Slideshare uploads, reading lists and blogs
• Face-to-face and virtual interactions
– Local Learning Groups
– Short online discussions (1-3 days)
– Webinars and Skype calls (small groups)
Main features (II)
• Contextualised by topic and regions
• Membership based on expertise & engagement
– Only members who contribute to discussions and
problem-solving can be in levels 1 and 2
– “Listeners” will stay informed via Facebook & listserve
• Expert Review Panel for special products
– To increase legitimacy and influence
– Constituted by reputable professionals
• Regular updates and newsletters
– From very quick and short (via Twitter) to periodic and
more elaborated newsletters
Main features (III)
• Easy navigation and operation
– Using platforms that are constantly innovating and
most members are already using or plan to use
– Members can choose which discussions to follow
• Powerful networking (through LinkedIn)
– Members can access one another’s networks
• Calendar of main learning topics and events
• Measurable activity
– Number of members & visits to documents, quality of
discussions & knowledge products, satisfaction levels
• Guest “stars” to spur debates
Africa Agribusiness: LinkedIn Group
LinkedIn: main features
• The biggest online professional network in the world
• More than 30% of MaFI members already use it regularly
• Members have strong incentives to keep their CVs updated
• Members can recommend the work of others
• Activity of members is visible to their networks: attracts new members
• Members can access new contacts via other members’ networks
• Parallel discussions and subgroups are possible
• Members can choose which discussion to follow
• Minimalist and friendly design
• Continuous innovation due to competitive pressures
• Free sign up and use but pre-approval is possible
• Members can share reading lists, blogs, events and travel plans
DFID on Facebook
Facebook Pages: main features

• One of the most popular online communities in the world

• More than 50% of MaFI members use it regularly
• Powerful viral communication
• Anyone can be a “fan” and spread the voice about MaFI
• It can integrate twitter updates
• Friendly and fun design
• Continuous innovation due to external competition
• Free sign up and use
Gates Foundation on Twitter
MaFI-licious: MaFI’s web-based resources
Implementation Plan (Q1)
• Selection of Level-2 members
• Transfer of Level-2 members to LinkedIn
• Tutorials for members who are not familiar
with LinkedIn and Facebook
• Test of LinkedIn with focus group
• Launch of featured events on subsidies
Implementation Plan (Q1-2)

• Set up and test MaFI Facebook page

• Test of LLGs in Dakha, London & Lima

• Test of D-Groups listserve

• Test of wiki in Sharepoint for subsidies

document (only Level-1 members)

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