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Adult Bible Study Guide

Oct Nov Dec 2015

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz


Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide

An Appeal

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This PowerPoint Show is freely shared
to all who may find it beneficial. While
intended primarily for personal use,
some find it useful for teaching the
lesson in church.
There are those, however, who add
illustrations, change background,
change fonts, etc. While their intention
may be good, this is not right. Slide #1
says designed by claro ruiz vicente.


Bimre Tokics, Principal Contributor

Our Goal

To read the book of

Jeremiah, is to take a journey,

a spiritual journey that goes
back and forth from the
lowest depths of human
depravity to the heights and
grandeur and majesty of the
the Lord who, from those


The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah

The Crisis Within and Without
The Last Five Kings of Judah
Rebuke and Retribution
More Woes for the Prophet
Symbolic Acts
The Crisis Continues
Josiahs Reform
Jeremiahs Yoke
The Destruction of Jerusalem
The Covenant
Back to Egypt
Lessons From Jeremiah

Lesson 2,
2, October
October 10

The Crisis
(Within and Without)

The Crisis (Within and Without)

Key Text

Jeremiah 2:3 NKJV

Israel was holiness to

the Lord, the firstfruits of His
increase. All that devour him
will offend; disaster will come
upon them, says the Lord.

The Crisis (Within and Without)

Quick Look

1. Two Kingdoms
(Jeremiah 3:8)
2. Two Evils
(Jeremiah 2:13)
3. Two Deceptions
(Jeremiah 27:12, 14)

The Crisis (Within and Without)

Initial Words

Gods people faced many

challenges, both from within

and from without and in many
ways the greatest crisis came
from within. A corrupt
leadership and corrupt
people whose hearts had been
so hardened by sin and

The Crisis (Within and Without)

1. Two Kingdoms

Jeremiah 3:8 NKJV

Then I saw that for all the

causes for which backsliding
Israel had committed
adultery, I had put her away
and given her a certificate of
divorce; yet her treacherous
sister Judah did not fear,
but went and played the

1. Two Kingdoms
A Quick History

After the era of the judges,

the nation entered a time of

relative peace and prosperity
under the United Monarchy,
of Saul, David,
and Solomon, which lasted
one hundred years.
After the death of Solomon the

1. Two Kingdoms
Israel and Judah

The apostasy introduced

during Jeroboams reign
became more and more
marked, until finally it resulted
in the utter ruin of the kingdom
of Israel.Prophets and Kings
Assyria put an end to the
country and deported its

1. Two Kingdoms
Israel and Judah

The Southern Kingdom, werent

great either, and, as with the
Northern Kingdom, the Lord
sought to spare these people
from the calamity that the
Northern Kingdom faced, only
now from the threat of the
Unfortunately, Judah had a

The Crisis (Within and Without)

2. Two Evils

Jeremiah 2:13 NKJV

For my people have

committed two evils: They
have forsaken Me, the
fountain of living waters,
and hewn themselves
broken cisterns that can

2. Two Evils
Became Worthless

Even though the nation had

experienced some spiritual

reform under the leadership
of Hezekiah
and Josiah, the people
reverted to their old ways and
fell into
worse apostasy.
As he did all through his

2. Two Evils
Became Worthless

The people had committed

two evils:
they forsook the Lord, the
of living waters, and as a
hewed out for themselves
broken cisterns that, of
course, could not hold any

The Crisis (Within and Without)

3. Two Deceptions

Jeremiah 27:12, 14 NKJV

I also spoke to Zedekiah

king of Judah according to all
these words, saying Bring
your necks under the yoke of
the king of Babylon, and
serve him...and live.
Therefore do not listen to the
words of the prophets...

3. Two Deceptions
Believing What They Wanted to

Jehoiakim, king of Judah,

could stabilize the country only

by swearing allegiance to the
Babylonian king.
Many wanted to free
themselves from the
Babylonians, even though that
wasnt what the Lord intended
for them to do. God was using

3. Two Deceptions
Swearing Falsely

The Lord tells the people to run

through the streets and see if
you can find a man, one who
does justice and seeks truth,
that I may pardon her
[Jerusalem]. This brings to the
story of God telling Abraham,
that if He could find 50
righteous men (soon reduced

3. Two Deceptions
Swearing Falsely

No matter how deeply fallen

nation had become, many of
the people believed that they
were still faithfully following the
They went on in their lives and
religious practices as if

3. Two Deceptions
Swearing Falsely

With all the wonderful

truth we have been given
as Seventh-day
Adventists, how can we
make sure we dont fall
into a similar deception of
believing our unique
calling itself is enough to

The Crisis (Within and Without)

Final Words

Two worldviews. In one,

people do whatever they

think is right in their own
eyes; in another, people are
to do what is right in the
eyes of the Lord thy God.
So often, what is right in
someones own eyes is often
wrong in Gods. Thats why

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