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Compendium Review

Major Topic One: Reproductive

Part Three

• Fertilization

• Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development

• Fetal Development, Pregnancy and Birth

• Development after Birth

• Fertilization
• Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
• Fetal Development, Pregnancy and Birth
• Development after Birth

Pic from Sperm cell fusing with ovum

Fertilization is the process of an egg and a sperm joining to form a zygote which is the
first cell of a new human being. Fertilization occurs in six steps:
1. Sperm breaks through the corona radiata (layer of follicular cells)
2. The head of the sperm, known as acrosome, digests part of the eggs plasma membrane
known as the zona pellucida
3. Sperm fuses with eggs membrane
4. Sperm nucleus enters eggs cytoplasm
5. Vesicles called cortical granules release enzymes which prevent other sperm from binding
to the plasma membrane by releasing enzymes that make the membrane impassable
6. The eggs pronuclei and sperms pronuclei are surrounded by a nuclear envelope

Pic from
• Fertilization
• Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
• Fetal Development, Pregnancy and Birth
• Development after Birth

A human embryo at five to six weeks of development

Pic from
Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
The process of human development from a zygote includes: cleavage (mitotic,
each new cell receives complete set of genes and chromosomes), growth of
daughter cell size, morphogenesis (shaping of the embryo), and differentiation
(cells assume different functions and structures).

Outside of an embryo is
the extraembryonic
membranes which is
responsible for gas
exchange, collecting
waste, and providing
nourishment. This
includes the chorion
(contributes to placenta
formation), allantois
(extends from embryo,
contributes to umbilical
cord formation), Yolk sac
(contains blood vessels,
blood cell formation),
and the amnion (fluid
that protects growing
fetus). Pic from Human Biology pg 355
Development occurs
in three stages, pre- Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
embryonic (first
week), embryonic
(second week to
end of second
month), and fetal
development. The
zygote undergoes
cleavage as it
makes its way down
the oviduct to the
uterus. This sac of
embryonic cells is
known as a morula,
which in turn
becomes the
blastocyst. The
early blastocyst has
an inner cell mass
which is surrounded
by an outer layer of
cells. The outer
layer of cells will
become the chorion
and the inner cells
will become the
embryo. Pic from Human Biology pg 356
Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
During the second week the embryo implants itself in
the uterus wall, secretes HCG to maintain the corpus
luteum and prevent menstruation, and secretes
enzymes to eat the tissue and blood vessels of the
endometrium. The yolk sac (blood cell formation) and
the amniotic cavity (surround fetus) form and are
separated by the embryonic disk which was the inner
cell mass. This act of forming the embryonic disk is
known as gastrulation, where the cells move to become
a layer of tissue known as the primary germ layer. The
allantois and yolk sac become the umbilical cord which
will transport blood between the placenta and embryo.

Pic’s from Human Biology pg 357

Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development

Pic’s from
Human Biology
pg 38-597

By the third week the nervous system is

evident. Development of the heart and neural
fold become apparent.
In the fourth week the embryo
is connected to the chorion by
the body stalk (pre-umbilical
cord). The head and the tail
are forming , and the umbilical
cord becomes fully formed.
During the fifth week limb buds
star to appear and the head
Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
In week six through week eight the
embryo takes a human appearance, with
it’s limbs, hands and feet starting to take
form, the head and neck become more
defined while the eyelids start to develop,
kidneys begin to produce urine, and the
skeleton begins ossification. The fetus is
about 1.5 inches long

Pic’s from The Visible Embryo
• Fertilization
• Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
• Fetal Development, Pregnancy and Birth
• Development after Birth

“This embryo is also from an ectopic

pregnancy, this one in the cornu (the
part of the uterus to which the Fallopian
tube is attached). The features are
consistent with a developmental age of
seven weeks (reckoned as the ninth
week of pregnancy).”

Pic and verbiage from

During pregnancy, progesterone and
Fetal Development, Pregnancy & Birth estrogen prevent new follicles from
forming, preventing menstruation.
Nutrients and oxygen are moving
from the mothers side to the fetal
side, while waste and carbon dioxide
is moving to the maternal side.

Arteries and
veins in the
umbilical cord
are responsible
for transporting
rich/poor blood
to and away
from the
Pic’s from Human Biology pg 361 developing
Table from
Human Biology
pg 360
Fetal Development, Pregnancy & Birth
The third month through the ninth month is known as fetal development. In the third to
fourth months the fetus will grow in length while the gender of the baby becomes
recognizable. Also, finger nails, hair on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and nipples form. The
fetus is about 6 inches long by the end of the fourth month. Movement of the fetus is felt
Table from Human Biology pg 364
in the fifth to seventh month.
A very fine hair called lanugo
grows on the fetus, which is
covered by a waxy white
substance called vernix
caseosa to protect the skin
from the amniotic fluid. At
the end of the seventh month
the fetus us about 12 inches
long and
Around 3 pounds.
the seventh week
gonads start to develop. If
the SRY (sex determining
region of the Y) gene is
present, testes develop.
Testosterone stimulates the
Wolffian ducts to produce
male genital ducts, whereas
if the SRY gene is not
present then ovaries will
develop causing the Wolffian
ducts to regress and the
Mullerian ducts to develop
into the oviducts and uterus.
Fetal Development, Pregnancy & Birth

The XY gene denotes a male and the XX gene denotes a female. However,
abnormalities will develop in XY female syndrome and XX male syndrome. A
piece of the Y chromosome is missing in people with XY female syndrome and
that piece is added to people who have XX male syndrome. The SRY gene is
what cause testes to form. The testes secrete testosterone which stimulate
the development of the male reproductive organs. Anti-Mullerian hormones
discourage a females reproductive structure from developing, and
dihydrotestosterone aids in the development of the penis, scrotum, prostate
glands, and urethra. In the absence of any of these hormones during fetal
development, the sex determination of the individual can be ambiguous.
Fetal Development, Pregnancy & Birth
Due to placental hormones, many changes occur in the mothers body during
pregnancy. Most woman experience fluctuations in their energy levels due to nausea
and weight gain. The progesterone relaxes smooth muscle of the uterus and arteries.
Low blood pressure, water retention, and heartburn become prevalent. The pulmonary
values change while the uterus occupies a large amount of the abdominal cavity. Also,
pregnancy-induced diabetes, varicose veins, stress on the bladder, and stretch marks
are common too.

Table from Human

Biology pg 368
Fetal Development, Pregnancy & Birth
1. During the first stage of labor, the lower portion
of the uterus is pulled upwards by the baby’s
head. The head then promotes cervical dilation.
The amniotic membrane will have ruptured by or
during this stage, and the cervix will be
completely dilated by the end of this stage.

2. During the second stage of

labor the contractions are very
frequent and lasting about a
minute. The mother will have a
3. The third stage is known as the afterbirth, when desire to push as the baby is
the placenta dislodges and is pushed down to the exiting through the birth canal.
vagina. Table from Human Biology pg 369
• Fertilization
• Pre-embryonic and Embryonic Development
• Fetal Development, Pregnancy and Birth
• Development after Birth

“Newborn infant, just

seconds after

Picture & verbiage from

Development after Birth
The study of aging is known as
gerontology. As we grow older our skin
starts to thin, the subcutaneous layer
looses adipose tissue causing sagginess
and wrinkling, hair thins due to less
follicles, skin cracks due to less oil glands,
less melanocytes brings on pale skin and
gray hairs, decline in cardiac muscle
strength, arteries become more stiff, liver
and kidney functions decline, difficulty
with bladder control and urination,
reaction time slows down, loss of skeleton
muscle, senses dull, arthritis, and a loss of
bone density. While females will undergo
menopause, men will undergo

Pic from

Some reasons as to why we age could be genetics, a weakening in the

hormonal system, tissue changes that affect all organs, and/or poor diet
and lack of exercise.
Works Cited
"fertilization." Online . Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 24 Apr. 2008
"Gerontology." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 27 Apr 2008, 17:38 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 27
Apr 2008 <>.
Mader, Sylvia S. Human Biology. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2008. Pages 353-374.
"Infant." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 1 Apr 2008, 16:57 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 24 Apr 2008
"Ovum." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 8 Apr 2008, 06:09 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 24 Apr 2008
"Prenatal development." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 19 Apr 2008, 03:36 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation,
Inc. 24 Apr 2008
<>. Embryo and embryonic development. Accessed 24 Apr 2008.
The Visible Embryo. Accessed 24 Apr 2008.

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