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The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitination and Ubiq

uitin Protein

On 10th to 13th May, 2014, the 7th internati

onal conference on ubiquitination and ubi
quitin protein was held in Shanghai Jiaoto
ng University. This conference was jointly
organized by the university of Texas MD A
nderson Cancer Center and Shanghai Jiao
tong University. Many famous scientists c
ame together to discuss this significant e
merging field on the clinical application.

This conference was mainly focusing on esti

mating the most effective target and the ne
w drugs of targeting molecules. Attendees
would have a deep learn about the research
progress of this technology. These progress
will be connected with the treatment of tum
ors and the most advanced treatment. Wha
ts more, it will contribute a lot to researche
s of cancer treatment and other diseases.

Ubiquitination and uibiquitin protein are playing an important rol

e in protein post-translational modification. They are very signific
ant substances in the cell regulation, cell differentiation, cell sign
aling pathway. According to the research of anemia, ubiquitinatio
n and uibiquitination protein have a close relationship with this d
isease. There was a paper published on CELL magazine, which wa
s mainly focusing on the anemia. This article showed that hypoxi
a-inducible factor (1) will occur SUMO modification under the h
ypoxia condition. This will promote the combination of HIF 1 an
d Hippel-Lindau. And then the ubiquitination degradation will occ
ur. So we can conclude that the formation of red blood cells is re
gulated by the ubiquitination and SUMO, which will pave a new w
ay for the research of clinical treatment.

Ubiquitination is a low component protein. It mean

s that ubiquitination moleculars modify the target p
roteins with the help of enzymes. Some special enzy
mes will classify the proteins in the body to pick up
the target proteins. It is very important in the localiz
ation, metabolism, function, regulation and degrada
tion of proteins. The process of ubiquitination is a li
ttle complicated. The main three enzymes are ubiqu
itin activating enzyme, ubiquitin conjugating enzym
e and ubiquitin ligase. The reaction of the three enz
ymes are the main process of ubiquitination.

We introduce applications of ubiquitinatio

n and ubiquitination proteins in all kinds
of diseases and researches. We can concl
ude that the function of ubiquitination is
attracting more and more attention of sci
entists and doctors. The future of this fiel
d is bright and we all believe that the ubiq
uitination technology will play a very imp
ortant role in our future biotechnology.

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