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An Overview of Rajasthan Societies

Registration Act, 1958

Committee for Cooperatives & NPO

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

The Rajasthan Societies

Registration Act, 1958
(Rajasthan Act No.28 of 1958)
Received the assent of the Governor on the

23rd day of June, 1958.

An act to provide for the registration of

literacy,scientific,charitable and certain other

societies in the State of Rajasthan.

Societies that may be Registered

Societies established for Charitable purpose.
Military orphan funds.
Promotion of Khadi & Village Industry.
Science or the fine arts.
Instruction or diffusion of useful knowledge or political education.
Foundation or maintenance or libraries or reading rooms for general use

among the members or open to the public museums and galleries of

paintings and other works of art, collection of natural history, mechanical
and philosophical inventions, instruments or designs.

Procedure for Registration of Societies under Societies

Registration Act (Rajasthan)

The following documents shall be filed with Registrar for



of By-Laws and Main objects of the Society(self Attested).

List of Members of Executive Committee with Name ,Address, Occupation

and Post along with Self Attested Address and ID Proofs of The Office


of Members, willing to registration of the Society with Name, Fathers

name, Occupation and Signature with Full Address.

Affidavits of Office Bearers i.e. President, Secretary, Vice president and

Treasurer with Photo attested by the Notary Public.

Registration Fees as decided by the competent authority.
NOC of Local Member of Municipal Corp. or Local Body or Sarpanch.

2. There shall be Executive committee having at least three executive members.


There shall be minimum seven members for the formation of society.

The bye laws must be witnessed by two witness apart from the notary who
shall not be members.


5. Care shall taken while filing the PAN application because the PAN has
to be applied under status of AOP.
6. The name of Society shall not have the restricted name India, Govt.,
Rajasthan, etc.

By-Laws (Memorandum of Association)

of a Society
Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations-

The main instrument of any society is the







regulations (no stamp paper required), wherein

the aims and objects and mode of management
(of the society) should be enshrined.

The memorandum of association shall contain
the followingThe name of the society.
The objects of the society.
The names, addresses and occupations of the

governors, directors, trustees or members of the

council, committee or other governing body.

The copy of Rules & Regulations of the

society certified to be a correct copy by not

less than three of the governors, directors,
trustees or members of the governing body
shall be filed with the memorandum of

Minimum Members Required for Registration-

A Society needs a minimum of seven

managing committee members associated
for any literary, scientific or charitable
purpose. The Board of Management is in the
form of a governing body or council or a
managing or executive committee. The
members subscribe their names to the
memorandum of associations and file the
same with the Registrar to form the society.

Filing of Annual Documents

The following documents are required to be
filed to the registrar annually: List of names, addresses and occupations
of the governors, directors, trustees or
members of the council, committee or other
management of the affairs of the society to
be filed every year within fourteen days of
annual general meeting. This should be filed
in January, if general meetings are not held.

Statement showing changes during the year

together with the list mentioned in Section

A copy of the rules and regulations of the
society corrected up to date and certified to be
a correct copy by not less than three governors,
directors, trustees or members of the governing

Penalties of non-compliance of section 4

or 4-A

If a person authorized by the rules &

regulations fails to comply with the provisions
of section 4 and 4-A, he shall be punishable
with fine which may extend to Rupees five
hundred and in case of continuing breach with
a further fine not exceeding fifty rupees for
each day during which a default is continued
after the first convection for such offence.

Formalities Regarding Alterations

If a society is required to alter the objects of the society,

or merge with another society, two special general body

meetings must be convened and two-thirds (66%) of the
members have to approve the change(Sec. 12).

The name of the society can be changed with

the consent of at least two thirds of its members

by a resolution passed at special general
meeting (Sec.12-A). Every change in name
should be sent to the registrar within 15 days of
passing the resolution (Sec. 12-B).
A copy of the alteration made in the rules and

regulations of the society should also be sent to

the Registrar within 15 days of making the
alteration (Sec. 4-A).

At least two-thirds of the general body members

have to vote for dissolution of the society at a

special meeting (Sec. 13). Governments
consent is required for dissolving the society, if
it is a member or a contributor or interested in
the society.
The government can neither dissolve a society

on its own, nor can it take over the society.

Disposal of Property Upon Dissolution

A societys property cannot be distributed among its
members. Two-thirds of the members present at the
time of dissolution can decide to give the property (left
after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities) to another
society or to the State Government (Sec. 14 & 14-A).


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