Six Sigma. Steps of Six Sigma

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Fahad Sattar



Six Sigma
is a comprehensive and flexible system for
achieving, sustaining and maximizing business
success by minimizing defects and variability in
It relies on TQM.


A philosophy that stress on three principles for high

performance and quality of process.
Customer satisfaction
Employee involvement
Continues improvement in performance.

Six Sigma
having less than 3.4 defects per million
opportunities or a success rate of 99.9997% where sigma
is a term used to represent the variation about the process
average .

Why is it called as six sigma?

It is called six sigma because of the basic idea
that if we have standard deviations between the process
mean and specific limit then every item will meet the
standard of that product.

Steps in Six Sigma

Understanding the customers needs
Disciplined use of facts, data and statistical analysis

Diligent attention to managing, improving and

reinventing business process.

Process average Ok:

Too much variation

* *

Process variability Ok:

Process off target
** *





Process on
target with
low variability




Six sigma approach focuses on reducing speed

and centering the process.

Importance of Six Sigma

Focuses on reducing variation in process
Centering the process on their target measures of
Flaw-too much variation or an off-target process,
degrades the performance of the process.
Example of six sigma is mortgage department of
a bank.

A five steps procedure that leads to improvements in process

The model can be applied to
Projects involving incremental improvements to processes
Projects requiring major changes
redesign of an existing process
development of a new process

Six Sigma Improvement model


1 Define:
Determine the characteristics of the processs output
that are critical to customer satisfaction
Identify the gaps between the characteristics and the
process capabilities
Get a picture of the current process by documenting
it using flowcharts and process charts.

2 Measure:
Quantify the work process does that affects
the gap.
Select what to measure, identify data sources
and prepare a data collection plan.

3 Analyze:
Use the data on measures to perform process analysis
Apply tools such scatter diagrams, cause-and-effect
diagrams and the statistical control tools
Determine where improvements are necessary.
Establish procedures to make the desired outcome

4 Improve:
Modify or redesign the existing modes to meet the
new performance objectives
Implement the changes.

5 Control:
Monitor the process to make sure that high
performance levels are maintained.
Once again use data analysis tools to control the

Successful firms using six sigma develop a cadre of internal
teachers who than are responsible for teaching and assisting teams
involved in a process improvement project, these teachers are
called BELTS.

Types Of Belts:
1) Green Belts
2) Black Belts
3) Master Black Belts

Types Of Belts:

1 Green Belts:
Are the employees who achieved the first level
of training in a six sigma program, spend a part of
his/her time teaching and helping teams with their
projects and rest of the time they do their assigned

Types Of Belts:
2 Black Belts:
Are the employees who have reached the highest
level of training in six sigma program and spend all of
their time teaching and leading teams involved in six
sigma program.

3 Master Black Belts:

Are full time teachers who review and mentors

black belts.

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