Machine Design: Course Code: ME-354 Course Instructor:Engr. Ambreen Tajammal

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Course Code: ME-354

Course Instructor:Engr. Ambreen

Course Contents:
Basic criteria of the performance and design of
machine parts, determination of permissible and
actual stresses, design of simple elements, design
of keys, cotters, and couplings. Design of welded,
riveted and bolted joints. Design of translation
screws. Metal fits, tolerances, standards of fits &
tolerances, e.g. ISO standards, surface finish.
Stress concentration. Design of spur, helical, bevel
& worm gears, design of rolling contact bearings,
design of journal bearings, design of mechanical

Recommended Books:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design by J.E. Shigley
2. Mechanical Design, An Integrated Approach by R
L Norton
3. Design of Machine Elements by M.F. Spotts

Machine Design:
Mechanical Design or Machine Design is the branch of
Engineering Design. Machine design or Mechanical Design can
lead to the formation of the entirely new machine or it can
lead to improvement of the existing machine. To understand
what exactly machine design or mechanical design is let us
consider the example of the gear box of the car.
The course in Machine Design help students understand the
fundamentals of designing the most commonly used parts,
elements and units of various machines

The Purpose of Machine Design Course

. Small components of machine on assembling
make a big machine, hence the machine as a whole
as well as its individual components have to be
The knowledge of machine design helps the
designers as follows:
1) To select proper materials and best suited
2) To calculate the dimensions based on the loads
on machines and strength of the material,

Basic Criteria of Machine Designing:

There is no fixed machine design procedure for when the new
machine element of the machine is being designed a number
of options have to be considered. When designing machine
one cannot apply rigid rules to get the best design for the
machine at the lowest possible cost.
Important Steps of Designing Machine
Though the machine design procedure is not standard, there
are some common steps to be followed; these can be followed
as per the requirements wherever and whenever necessary

1)Making the written statement: Make the written

statement of what exactly is the problem for which the
machine design has to be done. This statement is sort
of the list of the aims that are to be achieved from
machine design.
2)Consider the possible mechanisms: While
designing the machine consider all the possible
mechanisms which help desired motion or the group of
motions in proposed machine.
3)Transmitted forces: Machine is made up of various
machine elements on which various forces are applied.
Calculate the forces acting on each of the element and
energy transmitted by them.

5)Find allowable stress: All the machine elements are

subjected to stress whether small or large. Considering
the various forces acting on the machine elements, their
material and other factors that affect the strength of the
machine calculate the allowable or design stress for the
machine elements.
6)Dimensions of the machine elements: Find out the
appropriate dimensions for the machine elements
considering the forces acting on it, its material, and
design stress. The size of the machine elements should be
such that they should not distort or break when loads are
7)Consider the past experience: The past experience
of designing the machine element or the previous records
of the company can help a lot. Consider them and make

8)Make drawings: After designing the machine and

machine elements make the assembly drawings of the
whole machines and detailed drawings of all the elements
of the machine. In the drawings clearly specify the
dimensions of the assembly and the machine elements,
their total number required, their material and method of
their production. The designer should also specify the
accuracy, surface finish and other related parameters for
the machine elements.

Factors to be considered while Designing Machine

. Here are some of the important factors to be considered while doing
machine design:
1)Cost: Cost has always been the major factor of consideration while
designing the machine elements or machine and in this age of competition it
has become more important.
2)High output and efficiency: The trend is of full functional machines
consuming low power and giving high output in terms of the number of the
of products manufactured. Some computer controlled machines can
manufacture the components very fast and are highly efficient.
3)Strength: The machine elements or the machine should be strong
enough to sustain all the forces it is designed for so that it is not damaged
or permanently deformed during its life time
4)Stiffness or rigidity: The machine should be rigid enough so that under
the effect of applied forces for which it is designed there is no deformation
of the machine or machine elements beyond the specified limits.

5)Wear resistance: Wear is the removal of the material from

the metallic surface when two surfaces rub with each other. If
there is more removal of the material, the component will
become weaker and eventually break
6)Lubrication: Lubrication between the two mating surfaces of
the elements of the machine help reducing friction between
them and wearing of the two surfaces, which results in the
increase in life of the components of the machine.
7)Operational safety: For the safety of the operator of the
machine, the hazard producing things from the machine should
be eliminated and the design should confirm to the safety codes.
8)Ease of assembly: The elements of the machine should be
such that the machine can be assembled very easily

9)Ease and simplicity of disassembly: Like assembly,

the disassembly of the machine also should be easy so as
to easily carry out replacement of the parts, and repair and
maintenance of the machine and machine elements.
10)Ease and simplicity of servicing and control: The
machine and its element should be simple enough so that
very little maintenance and servicing is required. The
repair and maintenance of the machine should be easy and
cheap and simple replacements should be available.
11)Light weight and minimum dimensions: The
machine elements and machine should be strong, rigid and
wear resistant with minimum weight and least dimensions.

12)Reliability: The reliability of the machine is a very important if

the machine has to find the huge market in the business.
13)Durability: The longer the life of the machine more it develops
the reputation of being the dependable machine and more will be
its sale. Hence the right at the time of designing reliability and
durability should be given priority.
14)Economy of performance: For the proper economic
performance of the machine correct mechanical, hydraulic,
thermodynamic and other principles should be applied while
designing the elements of the machine and the whole machine.
15)Accessibility: The machine elements and machine the whole
should be easy to handle and access.
16)Processability: The shape and the materials for the elements
of the machine should be such that they can the processing costs
and labor costs are lowest possible.

17)Economy of repairs and maintenance: While

designing the machine elements and machine the
designing should be such that least amount of repairs and
maintenance will be required for the machine.
18)Use of standard parts: There should be maximum
possible standard parts in the design of the machine. This
will help reduce the cost of the machine and ensure easy
availability of the parts. With standard parts the design
can be modified easily.
19)Use of easily available materials: Materials
selected for the machine elements during the design
should be available easily and lowest possible costs.

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