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A nominal scale variable is

A.Usually the result of counting

B.Has a meaningful zero point
C.May assume negative values
D.Cannot have more than two

The science of statistics includes which

of the following:
A.Organizing data
B.Presenting data
C.Interpreting data
D.All of the above

A discrete variable is
A. An example of a qualitative variable
B. Can assume only whole number
C. Can assume only certain clearly
separated values

D. Cannot be negative

A qualitative variable
A. Always refers to a sample
B. Is not numeric
C. Has only two possible outcomes
D. All of the above are correct

The ordinal scale of measurement

A. Has a meaningful zero point
B. Is based on ranks
C. Cannot assume negative values
D. All of the above

Which of the following are examples of

continuous variables?
A. Birth weight of babies
B. Distance between tollbooths on the New Jersey

C. Age of the CEOs of the Fortune 500


D. All of the above

Which of the following statements is

true regarding a population?
A. It must be a large number of values
B. It must refer to people
C. It is a collection individuals, objects, or

D.None of the

Which of the following statements is

true regarding a sample?
A. It is a part of population
B. It must contain at least five
C. It refers to descriptive statistics
D. All of the above are correct

The ratio scale of measurement

A. Usually involves ranking
B. Cannot assume negative values
C. Has a meaningful zero point
D. Is usually based on counting

In descriptive statistics our main

objective is to
A. Describe the population
B. Describe the data we collected
C. Infer something about the
D. Compute an average

You are conducting a survey of the people of the United Kindom to

find out how popular the racket sports are. You randomly choose
people to call, and make 1,000 phone calls to people scattered
across the country. In this study, what is the statistics term for THE
PEOPLE IN THE U.K., and what is the statistics term for THE PEOPLE
A. Both the people of the U.K. and the people you called are
B. The people of the U.K. are the POPULATION, and the people you
called are the SAMPLE.
C. The people of the U.K. are the SAMPLE, and the people you called
D. Both the people of the U.K. and the people you called are

Age is classified as
A. Nominal data
B. Ordinal data
C. Interval data
D. Ratio data

You are interested in how stress affects

heart rate in humans. Your dependent
variable would be the _____.
A. Interest
B. Heart rate
C. Humans
D. Stress

Gender is categorized as
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Ratio

You are conducting a study to see whether a new experimental

medication will cause bald men to grow hair. You divide your
patients into 2 groups. To one group you give the medication. To the
other group, you give a placebo. In this study, the correct terms for
the taking of the medication and the growth of hair are the
A. Both the medication and the hair growth are dependent
B. Both the medication and the hair growth are independent
C. The medication is the dependent variable, and the hair growth is
the independent variable.
D. The medication is the independent variable, and the hair growth
is the dependent variable.

Which of the following definitions is the

definition of the MODE?
A. The MODE is the value that has the highest frequency.
B. The MODE is the average calculated by adding up all
the values and dividing by the number of entries.
C. The MODE is the largest value.
D. The MODE is the value that half of the entries are
below and half of the entries are above.

Which of the following definitions is the

definition of the MEAN?
A. The MEAN is the largest value.
B. The MEAN is the value that half of the entries
are below and half of the entries are above.
C. The MEAN is the value that has the highest
D. The MEAN is the average calculated by
adding up all the values and dividing by the
number of entries.

Which of the following definitions is the

definition of the MEDIAN?
A. The MEDIAN is the value that half of the
entries are below and half of the entries are
B. The MEDIAN is the value that has the highest
C. The MEDIAN is the largest value.
D. The MEDIAN is the average calculated by
adding up all the values and dividing by the
number of entries.

What is the median of the following set

of numbers?{12,8,13,4,7,6,3,3,15}

What is the mode and the mean for

the following set of numbers?
A.Mean = 7, mode =8
B.Mean = 7, mode =4
C.Mean = 6, mode =8
D.Mean = 8, mode =9

Find the mean in the following

19, 21, 18, 17, 18, 22, 46

What is the median in the

following numbers:
19, 21, 18, 17, 18, 22, 46

Find the range in the following

9, 8, 15, 8, 20

Find the mean in the following

36, 38, 33, 34, 32, 30, 34, 35

A box-and-whisker diagram is the most

appropriate diagram to use when
trying to determine the __________ of a
data set.
A. Mean
B. Spread
C. Mode
D. Mean Absolute Deviation

Erin and Jessica both took the same four

health tests. Their grades are listed below.
Which of the following statements is true?
Erin: 89, 76, 92, 83 Jessica: 95, 69, 78, 87
A. Erin's mean score is lower than Jessica's mean
B. Jessica's mean score is lower than Erin's mean
C. Jessica's median score is higher than Erin's
median score.
D. Jessica and Erin had the same median score.

Find the interquartile range for the

data set below. S = {1220, 1890,
1560, 1670, 1180, 2100, 1440}
A. 670
B. 920
C. 1560

Find the mean absolute deviation for

the data set below. 180, 154, 210, 177,

Justin took 10 math tests. His scores are

listed below. Which of the following is the
correct description of the lower 25% of
Justin's scores? 82, 89, 75, 91, 83, 82, 71,
65, 93, 83
A. 89 93
B. 82.5 - 93
C. 65 - 82.5
D. 65 - 75

Mike is deciding on tile for his bathroom.

He has narrowed it down to 7 tiles. The
price of the 7 tiles are listed below. Find
the mean price of the tiles. $3.29,
$4.15, $2.97, $2.61, $5.00, $2.99, $3.75
A. $24.76
B. $3.54
C. $3.29
D. $3.53

The min, Q1, Q2, Q3 and max of EOCT

scores for 5 different math classes are listed
below. Which class had the smallest middle
50% spread? Class A: 56, 71, 82, 89, 95
Class B: 64, 69, 78, 85, 92 Class C: 59, 67,
73, 80, 89 Class D: 64, 75, 83, 89, 94
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class D

The heights of 12 tomato plants in centimeters are listed

below. In general the average height of a tomato plant is
90 cm and the median height is 86.5 cm. How does this
data set compare? 67, 76, 79, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95,
95, 100
A. The mean for this data set is lower and the median is higher.
B. The mean for this data set is higher and the median is lower.
C. Both the mean and the median for this data set is lower.
D. Both the mean and median for this data set is higher.
E. The mean and median for this set are the same as the mean
and median for the general population of tomato plants.

The sum of deviations taken from

arithmatic mean is?
A. Minimum
B. Zero
C. Maximum
D. None of the rest options given here

2. What is the probability of drawing

an ace from a bunch of playing cards?
A. 1/10
B. 1/13
C. 1/52

3. Which of the following statement is

not correct in respect of the range as a
measure of dispersion?
A. It is difficult to calculate
B. Only two points in the data set
determines it
C. It is affected by extreme values
D. There may be considerable change in it
from one sample to another

Which of the following statements

about statistics is not correct?
A. Statistics is sometimes misused by
B. Statistics has hardly any limitations.
C. Statistics is indispensable in the
management of business enterprises.
D. Statistics is of two types: descriptive and

What will be the range of "r" when we

find that the dependent variable
increases as the independent variable
A. 0 to -0.05
B. 1 to 2
C. 0.1 to 1
D.None of the rest options

The first step in the formation of a

frequency table is?
A. Choosing a suitable size or width of class
B. Establishing the boundaries of each class
C. Deciding an appropriate number of class
D. Classifying the data into the appropriate

If the outcome of one event doesnot

influence another event, then the two
events are:
A. Mutually exclusive
B. Dependent
C. Independent
D.Both a & c

8. When the two regression lines

coincide, then "r" is:
A. 0
B. -1
C. 1

What is the probability of getting an

even number when a die is tossed?
A. 1/3
B. 1/2
C. 1/6

When the correlation coefficient

between x and y is positive, then as
variable x decreases, variable y :
A. Remains the same
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D.Changes linearly

Which of the following correlation

coefficients shows the highest degree
of association?
A. -1
B. 1
C. 0.9
D.Both a & b

12. Which of the curves is more

peaked than the normal curve?
A. Mesokurtic
B. Platykurtic
C. Lapokurtic
D.None of the rest

When the sample size increases ,

which of the following is correct?
A. The standard error remains
B. The standard error increases
C. The standard error declines
D.None of the rest options

Which of the following is the most

accurate method of classifying data?
A. Qualitative Method
B. Quantitative Method
C. Method depending on the nature of
information required for a particular
situation/ problem.
D. A & B

Which of the following is not true in

respect of mean deviation?
A. It is simple to understand.
B. It considers each & every item in a
C. It is capable of further algebric
D.The extreme items have less effect
on its magnitude.

In a symmetrical series:
A. Mode > mean
B. Mean > median
C. Mean < mode

Which of the following statements is

not correct?
A. Extreme value in data affects the
B. Mean is also known as average
C. Some data sets do not have mean
D.At times weighted mean is much
better than the simple mean

Which of the following statements

describes "Statistics" most
A. Statistics is the science of counting.
B. Statistics is the science of averages.
C. Statistics is concerned with the
collection, presentation and analysis of
data leading to valid conclusions.
D.Statistics is the aggregate of facts.

Which of the following components is

used for a short-term forecast?
A. Cyclical
B. Trend
C. Seasonal
D.None of the rest options

When calculating median of data set,

the first step is:
A. Calculate the mean of two middle items in the
data set
B. Arrange the data in ascending or descending
C. Determine the relative weights of data values in
terms of importance
D. None of the other given options

There are 10 different cereals at the grocery

store. 5 of the 10 cereals are made by
General Mills. What is the probability of
randomly choosing 3 boxes and having all
three be General MIlls brand?
A. 1/10
B. 1/120
C. 1/12

A jar contains 4 green marbles, 5 red

marbles, and 11 white marbles. If one
marble is chosen at random, what is
the probability that it will NOT be
A. 4/5
B. 1/5
C. 20

Serial numbers for a product are to be made

using three letters (using any letter of the
alphabet) followed by two single-digit numbers.
For example, JGR29 is one such serial number.
How many such serial numbers are possible if
neither letters nor numbers can be repeated?
A. 117,000
B. 15,690
C. 2,000,000,000

There are 10 different cereals at the grocery

store. 5 of the 10 cereals are made by
General Mills. What is the probability of
randomly choosing 3 boxes and having
none of the three boxes be General Mills?
A. 1/10
B. 1/120
C. 1/12

A restaurants fixed-price special dinner

consists of an appetizer, an entre, and dessert.
If the restaurant offers 5 different types of
appetizers, 5 different types of entrees, and 4
different types of desserts, how many different
ways to order a fixed-price special dinner?
A. 60
B. 100
C. 200

A phone number has 10 digits (0, 1,

2, ..., 9). How different phone numbers
are there?
A. 1x10^10
B. 1,000
C. 1x10^100

A menu offers 4 choices for the first course, 5

choices for the second course, and 2 courses
for dessert. How many different meals,
consisting of a first course, a second course,
and a dessert, can one choose from this
A. 60
B. 40
C. 20

How many 4-person committees can

be formed from a club of 12 members?
A. 11,880
B. 495
C. 48

There are 30 students in a statistics

class. How many ways can the
teacher pick out a group of 5 students?
A. 150
B. 17,100,720
C. 142,506
D.None of the answers

Kareem has 4 sweaters, 6 shirts, and 3

pairs of slacks. How many distinct
outfits, each consisting of a sweater, a
shirt, and a pair of slacks, can Kareem
A. 13
B. 36
C. 72

In how many ways can a first prize, a

second prize and four identical third
prizes be awarded to a group of 15
A. 5005
B. 3,603,600
C. 150,150
D.None of the answers

Of the 40 dogs at the animal shelter,

12 are purebred. If 1 of the 40 dogs is
selected at random, what is the
probability that it is purebred?
A. .12
B. .30
C. .40

At the school cafeteria, 4 boys and 3

girls are forming a lunch line. If the
boys must stand in the first two and
last two places in line, how many
different lines can be formed?
A. 24
B. 6
C. 144

If A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}B={4, 5, 6, 7}C={5, 6, 7,

What is

A. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B. {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
C. {5}
D.{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Pizza Hut offers 15 different toppings.

Assuming no topping can be repeated
on a single pizza, how many different 3
topping pizzas be created?
A. 455
B. 2730
C. 45
D.None of the answers

In a new group of 15 employees at a

restaurant, 10 are to be assigned as
servers, 3 are to be assigned as hosts, and
2 are to be assigned as cashiers. In how
many ways can the assignment be made?
A. 60
B. 30,030
C. 3014

A phone number has 10 digits (0, 1,

2, ..., 9). How many phone numbers
consist of 10 digits where none of the
digits repeat?
A. 1,000,000,000
B. 3,628,800
C. 5,000,000

John needs to pick up his clothes for the day.

He can choose from 6 different shirts, 4
different pairs of pants, and 8 different socks.
If an outfit consists of 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants,
and 2 socks, how many different outfits could
he choose?
A. 192
B. 672
C. 6,720

There are 20 people who work in an office

together. Four of these people are selected to
attend four different conferences. The first person
selected will go to a conference in New York, the
second will go to Chicago, the third to San
Franciso, and the fourth to Miami. How many such
selections are possible?
A. 116280
B. 4845
C. 80
D.Not enough information

10 people wait in line for a movie.

How many different ways can the line
be arranged?
A. 3,628,800
B. 1
C. 100

If, A={1, 2, 3, 4}
B={4, 5, 6, 7}
what is
A. {4}
B. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
C. {5, 6, 7}
D.{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

There are 10 different cereals at the

grocery store. How many different
ways can you choose 3 boxes of cereal
(you cannot pick two of the same
A. 30
B. 120
C. 720

B={2, 3, 4}
C={10, 12}
What is ?
A. {1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12}
B. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
C. Empty set
D.{10, 12}

A certain bank issues 4-digit

identification codes to its customers
using numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 9. How many
different codes are possible?
A. 40
B. 100
C. 1000

A 7-card hand is chosen from a

standard 52-card deck. How many of
these will have four spades and three
hearts (remember that there are 13
cards of each suit in a deck)?
A. 29,446,560
B. 1001
C. 204,490
D.Not enough information

A jar contains 4 green marbles, 5 red

marbles, and 11 white marbles. If one
marble is chosen at random, what is
the probability that it will be green?
A. 1/5
B. 1/4
C. 20


A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B={4, 5, 6, 7}
C={5, 6, 7, 8}
A. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
B. {4, 5}
C. {5}
D.Empty set

There are 20 people who work in an

office together. Four of these people
are selected to go to the same
conference together. How many such
selections are possible?
A. 116280
B. 4845
C. 80
D.Not enough information

A certain bank issues 3-letter

identification codes to its customers. If
each letter can be used only once per
code, how many different codes are
A. 26
B. 78
C. 15,600

What is the probability when you will

flip a coin 3 times and get tails all 3
A. 1/2
B. 3/2
C. 1/8

A 6-sided dice is rolled 3 times. What

is the probability that a 5 or more is
rolled all 3 times?
A. 2/6
B. 1/3
C. 8/216

What is the probability that the last 4

numbers of your phone number
A. 10/6561
B. 1/1000
C. 10/1000

Bag A contains 4 chips numbered 1, 3,

5 and 7 while bag B contains 3 chips
numbered 2, 4 and 6. A chip is drawn
from each bag. Find the probability
that the sum of the two chips drawn is

A letter is selected at random from

each of the words SURE and WIN.
Find the probability of getting two

The probabilities that a robber will hide

in places A and B are 0.29 and 0.17
respectively. Find the probability that
the robber will hide in place A or place

In a 100-metre race, the probabilities

that Alex and James will break the
national record are 0.1 and 0.16
respectively. Find the probability that
the record will be broken by both.

A box of 12 bulbs contains 3 faulty

ones. Two bulbs are taken out at
random. Find the probability that one
bulb is good and the other is faulty.

A bag contains 7 cards numbered 1 to

7. Two cards are drawn at random. Find
the probability that the product of the
two numbers is odd.

What is meant by p0.05?

A. That participants had an average score of
B. The probability of results occuring by
chance is equal to or less that 0.05
C. There is a 0.05 chance that the results are

What is meant by a Type 1 error?

A. Rejecting a null hypothesis that is
B. Retaining a null hypothesis that is
C. Inputting your data inaccurately in a
statistical test

Which type of inferential statistical test

is suitable for correlational data?
A. Mann Whiteney
B. Spearmans Rho
C. Chi-Squared

A psychology student has conducted a Mann

Whitney test on his data. The results show
that the observed value is less than the
critical value. What should this student do?
A. Accept the null hypothesis and reject the
experimental hypothesis
B. Reject the null hypothesis and accept the
experimental hypothesis
C. Re-write the hypothesis

Which of the following is a null hypothesis?

A. There will be a difference between the length
of time taken to complete a test online and
the time taken to complete a test on paper.
B. Tests completed online will be completed
faster than tests completed on paper.
C. There will be no difference between the
length of time taken to complete tests online
and tests completed on paper, and if there is it
is due to chance.

In a class of 30 students, there are 17 girls

and 13 boys. Five are A students, and three
of these students are girls. If a student is
chosen at random, what is the probability
of choosing a girl or an A student?
A. 19/30
B. 11/15
C. 17/180
D.None of the above

The duration of a heart operation is a

normally distributed random variable with
mean 170 minutes and standard deviation
14 minutes. What percentage of
operations last between 142-198 minutes?
A. 68%
B. 95%
C. 99%

Experimental probability:
A. Compares favorable outcomes to
unfavorable outcomes.
B. Demonstrates the number of times
that an event actually occurred.
C. Becomes less accurate the more
that the experiment is repeated

What are the odds that you choose the

letter m from the word mathematics?
A. 2:11
B. 1:2
C. 2:9

Theoretical probability:
A. Is based on mathematical rules or
B. Is the result of an experiment.
C. Is less accurate than than "odds"

Theoretical probability:
A. Is based on mathematical rules or
B. Is the result of an experiment.
C. Is less accurate than than "odds"

"Odds" are defined as:

A. Favorable outcomes to unfavorable
B. Favorable outcomes to total
C. Total outcomes to favorable
D.Unfavorable outcomes to favorable

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