Men of Peace

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Men of peace

Nelson Mandela and Nobel Prize

Prepared by: the student
Saad bouhamla

Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize is one of five Nobel prizes
recommended by Alfred Nobel. Do not know
to this day the reasons for his choice of
peace as one of the threads prizes. For
example, you can interpret the Nobel Prize in
chemistry or physics for being a chemical
engineer. Some suggest that Nobel wanted
to make up for the growing destructive
power Vnobl is the inventor of dynamite,
dynamite, but was not used before his death.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
was born in the eighteenth
of July 1918 of the Transkei
region of South Africa, and
his father was a leader of
the tribe died, Mandela was
still young, Mandela was
educated in all of Fort Hare
University, and the
University of
Witwatersrand, and
graduated in law pregnant

The political climate

South Africa was a living example of racism, including from the ugliness
and oppression of the people of the state
Mandela Kmenahi and resistant to the policy of racial discrimination
joined the National Congress
African in 1944, and in 1952 the party began waging a "campaign
D demonstrations and protests and wrote and toured cities against
racism policy and as a result has been sentenced, but has not been
implemented, and changed the way the resistance to the underground
Mandela opened the first law firm to Dvaaan blacks in 1952, and through
his work as a lawyer Mandela engaged in the problems and injustice
During the year he became president of the National Congress Party, and
Deputy President of South Africa, but because of his defense of the
citizens of blacks has been developed within the list of the accused of
high treason.

The struggle against


Increased opposition by blacks against

the white minority and the consequent
one incidence of heinous crimes
recorded by history against racism
"Harivel massacre" that took place in
1960 in South Africa against African
citizens, and that the police open fire
Oslanhaaly black citizens who came out
in angry demonstrations in the town
"Harivel" against
Racist policies pursued by the white
minority against them, resulting in
numerous deaths and injuries
Alovarqh.akb this incident has been
banned African National Congress, was
the trial of Mandela for treason in the
period between 1956 - 1961 and after
his release, Mandela returned again the
secret of the resistance, and the work
on the establishment of the military
wing of the party, which has many of
the acts of sabotage against
government and economic institutions.

Manila prison on Robben


Mandela was arrested on charges of

plotting to overthrow the regime and
incitement to violence and took
To defend himself, but was sentenced
to five years in prison and sent to
Robben Island prison, subject to the
guarded Bay has become the prison
that Mandela spent part in it
A major tourist site of his life Fit the
visitors after that.
During his years in prison, Mandela
has not given up its objectives and
never rejected many of the bargains
that offered him out of prison in
exchange for giving up his views, and
in spite of the presence of Mandela in

What he said in his

"I do not know in
my mind I would
never get out of
prison one day, and
I knew that
The day will come
when a prisoner
free man under the
sun and the grass
under my feet,
I originally
optimistic person,
and part of this
optimism is that
the man keeps part
From his head in
the direction of the
sun and move his

It came the first multi-racial elections in South Africa in 1994, in which he swept the African
National Congress, headed by Mandela's party and was elected president in May 1994,
becoming the first black president of South Africa, which was applauded by all
Moatunain.tkhaly Mandela for party presidency African National Congress in December
1997, and although his role as a leader fought for the liberation of his people from racial
restrictions and being awarded the respect and appreciation of his people and the world,
but the Mandela lifted on to cling to power and only term in office and one in the period
between 1994 and 1999, and preferred to retire permanently from political life in 2004, and
the time for social work to combat poverty, AIDS and advocacy of peace and stability for
the deployment. Has been known for Mandela Jhodhalambdhulh during the period of his
presidency to South Africa in the late nineties in order to provide availability of AIDS
treatment at a low price, and fight in the corridors of the World Trade Organization in order
to his country of drug production locally at an affordable price, for patients especially that
the disease dreaded diffuse widely in the media poor black population, producing countries
for the drug in selling prices Bahzh.olayzal Mandela a strong role in the challenge of this
deadly disease continues to campaign against "AIDS" and controlled through the Mandela
Foundation headquarters in Johannesburg, as well as lasting for his work with pro-human
rights associations, as Mandela had a role in another host country for the World
Championship of football in 2010 and was chosen Nzeraljhodh United Nations Goodwill
Ambassador, and continues to Mandela a special position in the international arena and
where it has a lot of hospitality and appreciation.

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