The Effort of English Teachers in Improving English Education Quality at Mts Madani Alauddin Paopao

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The Effort of English Teachers in

Improving English Education

Quality at MTs Madani Alauddin
Andi Muliana
20 400 111 014
Consultant I : Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I., M.Ed.
Consultant II : Indah FadhilahRahman, S.Pd.I., M.Hum.

A. Background
Quality is a structured process to fix the output that is produced (Jerome, S. A,
1995: 75).
The unemployment in Indonesia is increasing as many as 300.000 inhabitants.
The quality of education will improve if administrator, teacher, staff, and the
member of school board are evolving new attitude that focused on leadership,
team work, cooperative, accountable, and acknowledgment (Jerome, S.A, 1995:
There are eight standards of national education, among those;
1. Standard of graduate competence
2. Standard of content
3. Standard of process
4. Standard of educator/teacher
5. Standard of facilities
6. Standard of management
7. Standard of financing
8. Standard of educational assessment
UU. No. 19 Year 2005 in Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan


B. Problem Statement
What are the efforts of English teacher in pedagogic
aspect to improve English Education quality at MTs
Madani Alauddin Paopao?
How the education results that have been achieved
from the efforts of English teachers in improving
English education quality at MTs Madani Alauddin
What is the supporting and obstacle factor in effort
to improve English education quality at MTs Madani
Alauddin Paopao?

C. Research Objective
To find out the efforts of English teachers in
pedagogic aspect to improve English Education
quality at MTs Madani Alauddin Paopao.
To find out the result of the effort of English
teachers in improving English education quality at
MTs Madani Alauddin Paopao.
To find out the supporting and obstacle factors in
improving English education quality at MTs
Madani Alauddin Paopao.

D. Research Significance
1. Theoretical Significance:
As the contribution of knowledge for the development of science in
Indonesia, for educational institutions in general, and especially for
English education at MTs Madani Alauddin Paopao.
As the contribution of scientific data in education field and other
disciplines for Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar.
2. Practical Significance
As the consideration material for the school and the teachers of
other subjects who want to participate in effort of improving English
education quality in learning-teaching process.
Increasing the insight and knowledge of researcher in
preparation to prepare as an educator candidate

E. Research Scope

The scope of the research is restricted on the

efforts of English teacher in pedagogic aspect to
improve English education quality at MTs Madani
Alauddin Paopao.

F. The Operational
Definition of Term

G. Theoretical Framework
8 standards of
Standard of





H. Research Method
1. Research Design
The research design is descriptive method.
2. Research Variable

the effort of English

Improving English
education quality

I. Research Subject

J. Research Instrument

K. Data Collection Procedure

The procedure of collecting data covered several
steps, as follows:
The researcher observes the condition of
MTs Madani ALauddin Paopao.
After knowing the condition of MTs Madani,
the researcher will continue to give the
questionnaire to the students and give
explanation about how to do it.
When the questionnaire has been collected,
then the researcher will interview the English
teacher of MTs Madani Alauddin Paopao.
The researcher also uses documentation in
collecting the data.

L. Data Analysis Technique

The data collected through questionnaire is analyzed

in percentage by using this formula:
P =

f x 100%

In which:
P = Percentage
F = the frequency of item
N = Total sample
(Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 92)


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