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Systems, Automation
and FMS

Manufacturing Systems

Classification scheme is based on the
(1) types of operations performed,
(2) number of workstations and
system layout,
(3) level of automation, and
(4) part or product variety.

The classification schemes are defined below:

Types of operations: Processing operations
versus assembly operations.
Number of workstations: One station versus
more than one station.
Level of automation: Manual or semi-automated
workstations that require fulltime operator
attention versus fully automated that require
only periodic worker attention

Part or product variety: All work units

identical versus variations in work units

that require differences in processing.
The classification scheme is applicable

to manufacturing systems that perform

either processing or assembly

According to number of stations and the layout

of the stations, the classification scheme has

three levels:
Type I: Single station. This is the simplest case,
consisting of one workstation (n = 1), usually
including a production machine that can be
manually operated, semi-automated, or fully
Type II: Multiple stations with variable routing.
This manufacturing system consists of two or
more stations (n > 1) that are designed and
arranged to accommodate the processing or
assembly of different part or product styles.

Type III Multiple stations with fixed

routing. This system has two or more

workstations (n > 1), which are laid out
as a production line.

Level of Automation
The level of automation is an important

factor that characterizes the

manufacturing system.
The workstations (machines) in a
manufacturing system can be manually
operated, semi-automated, or automated.

Manning Level
Manning Level: Closely correlated with the level

of automation is the proportion of time that

direct labor must be in attendance at each
The manning level of a workstation, symbolized
Mi, is the proportion of time that a worker is in
attendance at the station.
If Mi = 1 for station i, it means that one worker
must be at the station continuously.

If one worker attends four automatic machines,

then Mi = 0.25 for each of the four machines,

assuming each machine requires the same
amount of attention.
On portions of an automobile final assembly
line, there are stations where multiple workers
perform assembly tasks on the car, in which
case Mi = 2 or 3 or more.
In general, high values of Mi (Mi > 1) indicate
manual operations at the workstation, while low
values (Mi< 1) denote some form of automation.

The average manning level of a multi-station

manufacturing system is a useful indicator of the

direct labor content of the system. Let us define it
as follows:

M = average manning level for the system;
wu = number of utility workers assigned to the

wi = number of workers assigned specifically to station i,

for i = 1, 2,..., n; and

w = total number of workers assigned to the system.
Utility workers are those who are not specifically
assigned to individual processing or assembly stations;
they perform functions such as:

(1) relieving workers at stations for personal breaks,

(2) maintenance and repair of the system,
(3) tool changing, and
(4) loading and/or unloading work units to and from the


Classification of Automated Manufacturing

Manufacturing Systems are classified based on automated
as follows:
Type I M: Single-station manned cell. The basic case is
one machine and one worker (n = 1, w = 1).
Type I A: Single station automated cell. This is a fully
automated machine capable of unattended operation (M
< 1) for extended periods of time.
Type II M: Multi-station manual system with variable
routing. This has multiple stations that are manually
operated or semi-automated. The layout and work
transport system allow for various routes to be followed
by the parts or products made by the system.


Type II A

Multi-station automated system with

variable routing. This is the same as the
previous system, except the stations are fully
automated (n > 1, wi = 0. M < 1). Work transport
is also fully automated.
Type II H Multi-station hybrid system with
variable routing. This manufacturing system
contains both manned and automated stations.
Work transport is manual, automated, or a
mixture (hybrid).

Type III M Multi-station manual system with

fixed routing. This manufacturing system

consists of two or more stations (n > 1), with
one or more workers at each station (wi > 1).
Type III A Multi-station automated system with

fixed routing. This system consists of two or

more automated stations (n > 1, wi = 0, M < 1)
arranged as a production line or similar
configuration. Work transport is fully automated.


Type III H Multi-station hybrid system with fixed

routing. This system includes both manned and

automated stations (n > 1, wi >1 for some
stations, wi = 0 for other stations, M > 0). Work
transport is manual, automated, or a mixture


M (Manual)

H (Hybrid)

A (Automated)

Type I
Type II
with variable
routing )
Type III
(multi-station with
serial operations )

FMS: Introduction
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
is a highly automated GT machine cell,
consisting of a group of processing
workstations (usually CNC machine
tools), interconnected by

an automated material handling and

storage system, and
controlled by a distributed computer

Introduction (Contd.)
The reason the FMS is called flexible is

that it is capable of processing a variety

of different part styles simultaneously at
the various workstations, and
the mix of part styles and quantities of
production can be adjusted in response
to changing demand patterns.
The FMS is most suited for the midvariety, mid-volume production range.

Introduction (Contd.)
Its flexibility allows it to operate as a

mixed model system.

An FMS integrates into one highly
automated manufacturing system.
The concept for FMS originated in Britain
in the early 1960s.
The first FMS installations in the United
States were made starting around 1967.
for machining operations.

Where to apply FMS?

FMS technology can be applied in

situations similar to group technology

and cellular manufacturing; in which:
The plant either (1) produces parts in
batches or (2) uses manned GT cells
and management wants to automate.
It must be possible to group a portion
of the parts made in the plant into part

The appropriate production volume

range is 5000-75,000 parts/yr.

If annual production is below this range,
an FMS is likely to be an expensive
If production volume is above this range,
then a more specialized production
system should probably be considered.

The benefits that can be expected from

an FMS include:
increased machine utilization
fewer machines required
reduction in factory floor space
greater responsiveness to change
reduced inventory requirements

lower manufacturing lead times
reduced direct labor requirements and
higher labor productivity
opportunity for unattended production


What Makes It Flexible?

Three capabilities that a manufacturing

system must possess to be flexible:

(1) the ability to identify and distinguish

among the different part or product
styles processed by the system,
(2) quick changeover of operating
instructions, and
(3) quick changeover of physical setup.

Examples of FMS
An automated manufacturing system is shown

in Figure 16.1.
This is a machine cell consisting of two CNC
machine tools that are loaded and unloaded by
an industrial robot from a parts carousel.
The cell operates unattended for extended
periods of time.
Periodically, a worker must unload completed
parts from the carousel and replace them with
new workparts.

Figure 16.1 Automated manufacturing

cell with two machine tools and robot.

Parts carousel


By any definition, this is an automated

manufacturing cell, but is it a flexible

manufacturing cell?
The answer is No!
Because, the cell only operates in a
batch mode, in which the same part style
is produced by both machines in lots of
several dozen (or several hundred) units.

Tests of flexibility in FMS

To qualify as being flexible, a

manufacturing system should satisfy

several criteria.
The following are four reasonable tests
of flexibility in an automated
manufacturing system:
1. Part variety test. Can the system process
different part styles in a non-batch mode?

Flexibility criteria in FMS

2. Schedule change test. Can the system
readily accept changes in production
schedule, and changes in either part mix or
production quantities?
3. Error recovery test. Can the system
recover gracefully from equipment
malfunctions and breakdowns, so that
production is not completely disrupted?
4. New part test. Can new part designs be
introduced into the existing product mix
with relative ease?

Flexibility criteria in FMS

If the answer to all of these questions is

"yes" for a given manufacturing system,

then the system can be considered
The most important criteria are (1) and
Criteria (3) and (4) are softer and can be
implemented at various levels.
If the automated system does not meet
at least the first three tests, it should not
be classified as an FMS.

Flexibility criteria in FMS

The robotic work would cell satisfies the criteria if
(1) could machine different part configurations
in a mix rather than in batches;
(2) would permit changes in production
schedule and part mix;
(3) would be capable of continuing to operate
even though one machine experiences a
breakdown and
(4) Would allow NC part programs to be written
off-line and then downloaded to the system
for execution.

Flexibility in manufacturing
Flexibility in manufacturing has multiple
there are various types of flexibility.
They are:
Machine flexibility
Production flexibility
Mix flexibility
Product flexibility

Flexibility in manufacturing
Routing flexibility
Volume flexibility
Expansion flexibility


The 4 flexibility criteria can be implemented provided

some of the essential types of the above 7 types of

flexibility are available, such as:
Part variety test criterion will be fulfilled if machine
flexibility and production flexibility are available.
Schedule change test criterion will be fulfilled if mix
flexibility, volume flexibility and expansion flexibility are
Error recovery test criterion will be fulfilled if routing
flexibility is available and lastly,
New part test criterion will be fulfilled if product flexibility
is available.


Types of FMS
Flexible manufacturing systems can be

distinguished according to the kinds of

operations they perform:
(1) processing operations or
(2) assembly operations
An FMS is usually designed to perform
one or the other but rarely both.


Types of FMS
A difference that is applicable to

machining systems is whether the

system will process rotational parts or
nonrotational parts
Two other ways to classify FMSs are by:
(1) number of machines and
(2) level of flexibility.


Types of FMS
Number of Machines.

manufacturing systems can be
distinguished according to the number of
machines in the system.
The following are typical categories:

single machine cell

flexible manufacturing cell
flexible manufacturing system

A single machine cell (SMC)

A single machine cell (SMC) consists of

one CNC machining center combined

with a parts storage system for
unattended operation, as in Figure 16.2.
Completed parts are periodically
unloaded from the parts storage unit,
and raw workparts are loaded into it.


Figure 16.2 Single machine cell consisting of one

CNC machining center and parts storage unit.


The cell can be designed to operate in

either a batch mode or
a flexible mode or
in combinations of the two.


When operated in a flexible mode, the system

satisfies three of the four flexibility tests. It is

capable of:
(1) processing different part styles,
(2) responding to changes in production
schedule, and
(4) allowing new part introductions.
Criterion (3), error recovery, cannot be satisfied
because if the single machine breaks down,
production stops.

Figure 16.3: A flexible

manufacturing cell (FMC)
A flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) consists of:
Two or three processing workstations (typically
CNC machining centers or turning centers) plus
a part handling system.
The part handling system is connected to a
load/unload station.
In addition, the handling system usually
includes a limited parts storage capacity.
A flexible manufacturing cell satisfies the four
flexibility tests discussed previously.

Figure 16.3 A flexible manufacturing cell consisting

of three identical processing stations, a
load/unload station, and a part handling system.


Flexible manufacturing
system (FMS)
A flexible manufacturing system

(FMS) has four or more processing

workstations connected mechanically by
a common part handling system and
electronically by a distributed computer
Some of the distinguishing
characteristics of the three categories of
flexible manufacturing cells and systems
are summarized in Figure 16.4.

Figure 16.4 Features of the three

categories of flexible cells and systems.


Level of Flexibility
Level of Flexibility:
Another classification of FMS is according to the

level of flexibility designed into the system.

Two categories are distinguished:
A dedicated FMS is designed to produce a
limited variety of part styles, and the complete
universe of parts to be made on the system is
known in advance.
The term special manufacturing system has
also been used in reference to this FMS type.

A random-order FMS
A random-order FMS

is more appropriate when the part family is

there are substantial variations in part
there will be new part designs introduced
into the system and
engineering changes in parts currently
produced are likely, and
the production schedule is subject to
change from day-to-day.

To accommodate these variations, the random-

order FMS must be more flexible than the

dedicated FMS.
It is equipped with general-purpose machines to
deal with the variations in product and is
capable of processing parts in various
sequences (random-order).
A more sophisticated computer control system
is required for this FMS type.


Figure 16.5. A comparison of the features

of these two FMS types


FMS Layout Configurations

The material handling system establishes the

FMS layout.
Most layout configurations found in today's FMS
can be divided into five categories:
(1) in-line layout,
(2) loop layout,
(3) ladder layout,
(4) open field layout, and
(5) robot-centered cell.

In-line layout
In the in-line layout, the machines and

handling system are arranged in a

straight line, as illustrated in Figures 16.6
and 16.7.
In its simplest form, the parts progress
from one workstation to the next in a
well-defined sequence, with work always
moving in one direction and no back
flow, as in Figure 16.7(a).

Figure 16.6 FMS that incorporates an automated storage

and retrieval system for handling and storing parts. AS/RS =
automated storage/retrieval system, S/R = storage/retrieval


Figure 16.7: In-line FMS layouts:

(a) one direction flow similar to a transfer line and
(b) linear transfer system with secondary part handling system
at each station to facilitate flow in two directions.




Rectangular layout
An alternative form of loop layout is the

rectangular layout.
As shown in Figure 16.8(b), this arrangement
might be used to return pallets to the starting
position in a straight line machine arrangement.


Figure 16.8 (a) FMS loop layout with secondary part handling
system at each station to allow unobstructed flow on loop and
(b) rectangular layout for recirculation of pallets to the first
workstation in the sequence.


Figure 16.9 FMS ladder layout. Key: Load = parts loading station,
UnLd = parts unloading station, Mach = machining station, Man =
manual station, Aut = automated station.



Figure 16.10 Open field FMS layout. Key: Load = parts loading,
UnLd = parts unloading, Mach = machining, Clng = cleaning, Insp =
inspection, Man = manual, Aut = automated, AGV = automated
guided vehicle, Rechg = battery recharging station for AGVs.


FMS Applications
Historically, most of the applications of flexible machining

systems have been in milling and drilling type operations

(non-rotational parts), using NC and subsequently CNC
machining centers.
FMS applications for turning (rotational parts) were much
less common until recently, and the systems that are
installed tend to consist of fewer machines.
By contrast with rotational parts, non-rotational parts are
often too heavy for a human operator to easily and
quickly load into the machine tool.
For these reasons, the technology for FMS milling and
drilling applications is more mature today than for FMS
turning applications.

EXAMPLE 16.1 FMS at IngersollRand in Roanoke, Virginia

It was one of the first FMS installations in

The system consists of

two five-axis machining centers,

two four-axis machining centers, and
two four-axis drilling machines.
The machines are each equipped with 60tool storage drums and automatic tool
changers and pallet changers.

FMS at Ingersoll-Rand in

A powered roller conveyor system is used for the

primary and secondary workpart handling systems
Three operators plus one foreman run the system
three shifts.
Up to 140 part numbers are machined on the
Production quantities for the various part numbers
range from 12 per year to 20,000 per year.
The layout of the system is presented in Figure


Figure 16.12 Layout of Ingersoll-Rand FMS in

Roanoke, Virginia


EXAMPLE 16.2 FMS at AvcoLycoming

An FMS was designed and installed by

Kearney & Trecker Corporation at the

Avco-Lycoming plant in Williamsport,
Pennsylvania, to manufacture:
crankcase halves for aircraft engines.
The layout is an open field type and is il
lustrated in Figure 16.13. The handling
of workparts between machines is per
formed by an in-floor towline cart system
with a total of 28 pallet carts.

FMS at Avco-Lycoming
The system contains 14 machine tools:
one duplex multi-spindle head indexer,
two simplex multi-spindle head indexers, and
11 machining centers.
In a multi-spindle head indexer, machining

heads are attached to an indexing mechanism

that indexes (rotates in specified angular
amounts) to bring the correct machining head
into position to address the work.
A simplex unit processes the work on one side
only, while a duplex has two indexers on
opposite sides of the work.

Figure 16.13 FMS layout at Avco-Lycoming in Williamsport,



EXAMPLE 16.3 Vought Aerospace

An FMS installed at Vought Aerospace in

Dallas,Texas, by Cincinnati Milacron is shown in

Figure 16.14.
The system is used to machine approximately
600 different aircraft components.
The FMS consists of eight CNC horizontal
machining centers plus inspection modules.
Part handling is accomplished by an automated
guided vehicle system using four vehicles.

Figure 16.14 FMS at Vought Aircraft (line drawing

courtesy of Cincinnati Milacron).


Vought Aerospace FMS

Loading and unloading of the system is done at

two stations.
These load/unload stations consist of storage
carousels that permit parts to be stored on
pallets for subsequent transfer to the machining
stations by the AGVS.
The system is capable of processing a
sequence of single, one-of-a-kind parts in a
continuous mode, permitting a complete set of
components for one aircraft to be made
efficiently without hatching.

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