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Introduction To Principles and

Models of Community Radio

AHM . Bazlur Rahman-S21BR

Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and
Communication (BNNRC)
Role of Community
Radio :
K n o w le d g e S o c ie t ie s
K n o w le d g e K n o w le d g e K n o w le d g e K n o w le d g e
C r e a tio n P r e s e r v a tio n D is s e m in a tio n U t i li z a t io n

P lu r a lis m
H u m a n N e e d s a n d R ig h ts
Good Political Governance
 To enhance participation of rural people and civil
society members for accelerating the work of local
government system

 To create awareness in rural community regarding

local government’s budget and Local level planning.

 To monitor the budget of local government and

provide information regarding things to be done by
the members of civil society

 To arrange question- answer program among

Member of Parliament & other LEB and local
people through Community Radio.

 To identify service rendering department of GOB

and broadcast regularly regarding all information of
services (what services, for whom the services are,
price of service etc.)

Good Political Governance
To broadcast program on citizen
education to involve themselves in
role of state, market and society

 To provide information regarding the

procedures of legislature, executive
and judiciary;

 To broadcast program how the

community people can get good result
in achieving access of family and
village court.

To bring the local administration aside

from colonial gesture and attitude
and broadcast awareness raising
program for keeping the community
people in the role of ownership. 4
Good Social Governance
 To broadcast program relating to building
strong civil society at rural level.

 To broadcast regular program on the

situation of human rights in the locality.

 To broadcast issue based program for the

community people to participate in
development process.

 To encourage the business community for

spending a portion of their profit in social

 To do active participatory program

planning, making and broadcast regarding
different problems, potential and remedy
of minor community and disabled people.
Good Economic Governance

 To broadcast program at community level about

budget increase in social development sector.

 To broadcast development related program by

means of interaction of both the local
government and community people so that the
rural people can pay tax regularly and the local
government can carry out its program

 To broadcast analytical program so that the poor

people can avail themselves of Credit facility and
they may not fall into trap in getting Credit ; to
collect best practices from home and abroad for
making the micro credit pro- people .

To broadcast informative programs so that the

poor people can establish rights in their land as
per government policy.
Difference between Community Radio and
other Radios:

Basis of Comparison:
1. Approach 2. Ownership 3. Audience 4. Responsibility
5. Style 6. Goal
Government own Radio:
1. Bureaucratic 2. Government 3. Passive 4. Towards Government
5. Formal 6. Propaganda
Community Radio:
1. Participatory 2. Collective 3. Active/Participant 4. Towards
Society 5. Natural/informal 6. Collective Welfare
Commercial Radio:
1. Market Driven 2. Private 3. Carefree 4. Towards Owners 5.
Artificial 6. Profit

Ref: Radio Pledge, Mr. Raghu Mainali

Major Challenge
 Quick start of the process by issuing

 The two-year pilot phase of the

community radio is the test case for

 Get local government elected officials

support without too much interference
and control. 8

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