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Ratika Jain
Arshdeep Khurana
 It is widely accepted that
India’s education system
has and continues to fail
the vast majority of its
 Despite efforts by the
Central government,
providing quality
education to millions still
remains a challenge.
 In our analysis, we have
tried to provide a practical
approach towards
effectively improving the
infrastructural facilities in
 India faces a backlog of 200000 schools
 35% of our population are still illiterate
 The female literacy rate is only 54.16%
 High teacher student ratio 1:42
 There was a shortage of over 6 lakh class rooms during 2006-07
 Every year 5.5 million students pass out of Class X, of which 3.3
million go to Class XI, leaving 2.2 million out of the education
 Urgent attention needed for this 21 million-target group &
Available formal training capacity of the country - only 2.3 million
 None of our technical colleges come in the top 50 in world ranking
Making education more
practical & interesting

Basic Facilities in
Indian Schools

Student Teacher

Area (In crores)
Provision for scheme "mission in education through ICT" 900
Upgradation of poly techniques under skilled development mission 495
Education Budget
Central university in each uncovered state 827 2009
For IIT'S and NIT'S 2113
Budget for higher education 2000
Punjab university, chandigarh 50
For india council of foreign research and edu 100

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