Malaysian Literature in English Dr. Ida Baizura Bahar

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Malaysian Literature in English


Historical development of Malaysian Literature

in English
Major Trends/issues in MLIE
Translated works in English
Malaysian poetry in English: The Issue of
Identity: Race, Gender, Class
Malaysian Short Stories in English: The Issue of
Identity: Race, Gender, Class
Malaysian Drama in English: Malayness in MLIE
Malaysian novels in english: Malayness in MLIE

Course synopsis (see attached handout)

In this course, we will explore the creative works of
Malaysian writers written in English. The course traces
the development of Malaysian Literature in English
relation to its status/relation to national literature,
contribution to national identity and nation building. The
discussion on selected works for the class is approached
from their thematic angle, literary style and narrative
technique. The handout attached has a list of the
required readings for the course. These works will not be
covered in the course according to genre, but as we
address particular issues or topics within Malaysian
Literature in English. You are encouraged to explore
further other works within MLIE that you find can also be
used in discussing the topics delineated in the course.


Introducing Malaysian Literature in English
What is MLIE? New Literature in English?
Commonwealth Literature in English?
How does Holden define MLIE? (see attached
The status and role of the English language in
Malaysia, MLIE as sectional literature
How does MLIE fit into the bigger Malaysian
Can translated works be accepted within MLIE?

MLIE achievements
Who are the older generation of writers?
Who are the younger generation of writers?
MLIEs challenges
What are the challengers faced by MLIE?
MLIEs prospects and future
What are the prospects and future of MLIE?

Colonial vs Postcolonial Condition: Resisting or

(reading: Ngugi wa Thiongos A View of Our Own:
Ethnocentric Perspectives in Literature)
How would you define the post-colonial world, or
the post-colonial condition?
What does the author mean by decolonising the
means of imagination?
What should be the most democratic art form?
What is meant by linguistic hegemony?
How has the African mind been imprisoned?
the collective peasant has become a foreigner in
his own country. Discuss this statement, in relation
to our own Malaysian context.

The Politics of Language in Malaysian

Literature Read Shirley Lims Tongue and
Root: Language in Exile (attached)
What did the National Language Act of 1967
What did the Constitutional Amendment Act
of 1971 do?
What happened to English with passing of
this Amendment Act?

Multiculturalism through MLIE

What does it mean to be Malaysian?
How is Malaysianness captured in MLIE?
Should the use of Malaysian English be part
of what is defined as MLIE?
How does the cultural landscape of a story
help make it Malaysian?

MLIE and Nation-building

Imagining Bangsa Malaysia
1 Malaysia
History of Malaysia in relation to colonial
The state of the nation in terms of ethnicity,
race, gender & class
Polarities of Malaysian literature

Translated Works
Should we include our translated works in
Read Muhammad Haji Sallehs From the
Cave of Denial and Discontent, Darkly:
Response to Wong Phui Nams Review of An
Anthology of Contemporary Malaysian
Literature (attached)

Identity, Race, Gender and Class

Racial identification, integration
Womens positions and
Cultural stereotypes
Economic status and ethnicity

Malay as a race/ethnicity
Malays position
Stereotypes of Malays
Politics of the nation

Critical Works
What has been the focal points/views in the
analysis of MLIE
Who are the major critics of MLIE?

See attached handout for assignment

Deadline for assignment is stated in the
course outline
For description about the test and final
examination, please read the course outline

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