Toyotasteamculture 140301104743 Phpapp02

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Bushra Akhtar-1021009
Pranati Dash-1021019
Pratikshya Patnaik-1021020
Priyanka Mohanty-1021021
Sonal Priyadarshini-1021027
Tania Chakraborty-1021028


cooperative effort on the part of a group of
persons acting together as a team or in the
interests of a common cause.
the ability to work efficiently as a team


Teamwork is used across many different industries to increase :
Problem Solving
When one person works on a specific company problem, that person only
has her personal experience and knowledge from which to pull for
solutions. Using teamwork, team members pool their collective ideas
together to generate unique ideas for dealing with problems.
When employees work as individuals or independently on projects, they
may not readily share knowledge or new information. Teamwork
promotes conversation between employees regarding the task at hand,
possibly preventing employees from working in opposite directions

Cohesive employees are less likely to be confrontational toward one
another and more accepting of each others' decisions
When employees work together as a team within a company, every
employee learns from one another. This knowledge is not limited to
the personal experiences of coworkers; employees from different
departments may learn information from each other regarding the
limitations and possibilities of those departments


Toyota first summed up its philosophy, values
and manufacturing ideals in 2001, calling it "The
Toyota Way 2001
Toyota's success stems from vision and
dedication to a set of common principles - the
Toyota Way.
All Toyota team members, at every level, are
expected to apply these values in their daily work
and relations with others.

Its five core values express the beliefs and values shared by Toyota
Genchi Genbutsu
Going to the source to find the facts to make correct decisions,
build consensus and achieve goals.
Continuous improvement. As no process can ever be declared
perfect, there is always room for improvement.
To maintain a long-term vision and meet all challenges with the
courage and creativity needed to realize that vision.
Toyota stimulates personal and professional growth, shares
opportunities for development and maximizes individual and
team performance.
Toyota respects others, makes every effort to understand others,
accepts responsibility and does its best to build mutual trust.

Q1. Doyou think

itsteam-orientedculture, or doyou
think it would have succeeded without
Yes, we do believe that Toyota has succeeded because of its
oriented-team culture.

As we can see TOYOTA has established team-work as the core of

the organization.
It has tried to implement this element at each and every level of its

When you find a CEO that is willing to step back and not take glory
for the companys accomplishments that speaks for itself how much
importance is given to team-culture.
It might have succeeded otherwise but it can be said that TOYOTA
would not have achieved a success that it is enjoying now if it would
not have emphasized on the efforts of the employees as a TEAM.

Individually, we all believe that we would be comfortable working in
Toyotas culture.
Conscientious people are good as team members as they are good at
backing up other team members.
Open team members communicate better with one another and
throw out more ideas, that brings out creativity and innovative
Team players can also be created.

Since we already have been working as teams in making group

presentations and analyze case-studies not only have we improved
the inherent qualities but also developed some of the above Traits.
So, we believe we all are good TEAM-PLAYERS.

Q3.In response to therecession and firms first-ever quarterly

loss,Toyotas managers accepted a 10 percent pay cut in 2009 to avoid
employ layoffs. Do you think such a response is a good means of
promoting camaraderie? Why or why not??

We think this is a good measure to promoting camaraderie in this

special period.
The reason is that managers pay cut shows that managers willing
to take charge of this loss and shows their determination and faith
to deal with this problem with its team together.

And this measure gives employees confidence and decrease the loss
of human resources.
However, I am sure that the management is well paid and their
giving up a raise did not harm their lifestyles that much, if it would
have interfered with their families well-being I am sure for the
management it would have been as easy to give it up.

What are the risks to such a plan?

It can be said that giving up a portion of your income might cause
some sort of irritation towards work and also towards those for
whom you had to sacrifice.
It is also probable that the managers would now keep greater
expectations which if not met by the employees can lead to
Also if the families dont support this decision it would lead to
constant rifts in mind.

The employees might feel inferiority complex and be burdened with

The employees might feel that in future also if such a crisis arrives
the managers would repeat the same act of sacrifice which is not a
healthy thing as they would totally rely on this and may not work
hard enough to retain their jobs.

Q4.Recently, DCH Group, a company comprised of 33

auto dealerships, decided to adapt Toyotas culture to
its own, particularly it emphasis on teamwork. DCHs
CEO, Susan Scarola, said, Trying to bring it downto
day-to-day operations is tough. Itwas not something
that everybody immediately embraced, even at the
senior level. Do you think the culture will work in what
is typically the dog-eat-dog world of autodealerships?
We don't
feel that
Americans in their culture believe in adapting to one
or why
another to incorporate team-culture into a company.

Only 32 percent of U.S employees say their organization has a high level of
team work.
So it can be understood the thought into this idea but implementing it into
play is a whole other idea.

Teams are not always the answer!Team work never fails

but individual fails the teamwork.!!
A dog-eat-dog world of auto-dealerships has an environment where
you have to compete with each other for a livelihood so teamwork
stops feeling amicable.
Also in such a world, individual goals are given higher priority than
achieving the common purpose hence implementing team-culture
will lead to irresolvable conflicts so it will not fare well.


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